

单词 states

state n: esp US (territory, province) (联邦制国家)
SC 州 zhōu
There are fifty states in the union.

state n: (country)
SC 国家 guó jiā
TC 國家
SC 国 guó jiā ,guó
In 1948, a Jewish state was founded.

state n: (condition)
SC 局势 jú shì
TC 局勢
SC 现状 jú shì,xiàn zhuàng
TC 現狀
I can only imagine the state the house is in after being abandoned for so many years.

state n: (science: solid, liquid, gas) (物理)
SC 状态, 形态
Ice is water in its solid state.

state n as adj: esp US (of political sub-division) (联邦制国家)
SC 州的,州立的 zhōu de ,zhōu lì de
State law prohibits speeding.

state [sth]/that vtr: (declare)
SC 表白 biǎo bái
SC 宣布 biǎo bái,xuān bù
TC 宣布 / 宣佈
The groom stated his love for the bride.

state [sth] vtr: (set forth formally)
SC 正式声明 zhèng shì shēng míng
TC 正式聲明
SC 正式宣布 zhèng shì shēng míng,zhèng shì xuān bù
TC 正式宣佈
The president stated the policy in clear terms.

the States npl: informal (United States of America)
SC 美国 měi guó
TC 美國
I plan to visit Chicago on my upcoming trip to the States.

state n: (stage)
SC 阶段 jiē duàn
TC 階段
SC 时期 jiē duàn,shí qī
TC 時期
The butterfly is in its larval state.

state n: (emotions)
SC 心情 xīn qíng
TC 心情
SC 心境 xīn qíng,xīn jìng
SC 心态 xīn qíng,xīn tài
She was in a state of sadness after her boyfriend left her.

state n: (extreme nervous mood)
SC 极度紧张的情绪 jí dù jǐn zhāng de qíng xù
SC 非常紧张的状态 jí dù jǐn zhāng de qíng xù,fēi cháng jǐn zhāng de zhuàng tài
Polly was in such a state after the accident!

state n: (political authority)
SC 政府 zhèng fǔ
TC 政府
SC 当局 zhèng fǔ,dāng jú
TC 當局
The state has outlawed destructive behaviour.

state n: (civil government)
SC 政府 zhèng fǔ
TC 政府
In some countries, there is separation between church and state.

state n: US, informal (Department of State) (非正式用语)
SC 国务院 guó wù yuàn
TC 國務院
The boys over at State are a smart bunch.

state n as adj: (of civil government)
SC 国家的 guó jiā de
TC 國家的
SC 政府的 guó jiā de ,zhèng fǔ de
This is a state matter.

state n as adj: (of formal ceremony)
SC 正式仪式的 zhèng shì yí shì de
SC 典礼的 zhèng shì yí shì de,diǎn lǐ de
The judge was sworn in during a state ceremony.

buffer state: (country)
SC 缓冲国

chief of state: (country head)
SC 国家元首 guó jiā yuán shǒu
TC 國家元首

city-state n: (autonomous city)
SC 城邦 chéng bāng
Vatican City is a present-day example of a city-state.

commonwealth, Commonwealth, Commonwealth State n: US (some US states) (美国)
SC 州 zhōu

council of state: (policy committee)
SC 国务委员会
SC 国务会议

deep state n: (politics: conspiracy theory)
SC 暗深势力集团
SC 深暗势力

dream state n: (mental state when you dream)
SC 睡梦状态 shuì mèng zhuàng tài
TC 睡夢狀態
Gary was wandering around, his eyes glazed over as if in a dream state.

Empire State n: (nickname of New York State) (纽约州的别称)
SC 帝国州

Empire State Building n: (New York City skyscraper) (纽约市的摩天大厦)
SC 帝国大厦
TC 帝國大廈
For a long time, the Empire State Building was the world's tallest skyscraper.

flow state n: (extreme focus)
SC 心流状态

free state n: US, historical (US state prohibiting slavery) (历史用语,指禁止奴隶制度的州)
SC 自由州 zì yóu zhōu
Not all of the Union states were free states; four were slave states.

gaseous state n: (gas, vapour)
SC 气态 qì tài
TC 氣態
Nitrogen is in a gaseous state at room temperature.

head of state, Head of State n: (national leader)
SC 国家元首 guó jiā yuán shǒu
TC 國家元首
In a kingdom, the head of state is a king rather than a president.

in a state expr: informal (distraught)
SC 心烦意乱 xīn fán yì luàn
TC 心煩意亂
SC 紧张不安 xīn fán yì luàn,jǐn zhāng bù ān

in a state of [sth] expr: (in a specified condition)
SC 处于...状态中
The election results were inconclusive, and left the country in a state of confusion.

in a state of inebriation adj: formal (drunk)
SC 喝醉了的 hē zuì le de
After the party, several people were staggering around in a state of inebriation.

lie in state v expr: (corpse: displayed)
SC 展示遗体
SC 殡殓后供人凭吊

member country, member state n: (country participating in a group)
SC 成员国
The European Parliament represents people living in the member countries of the European Union.

member state n: (country belonging to a union)
SC 成员国
The European Union consists of 28 member states.

mental state n: (psychological condition)
SC 心理状态 xīn lǐ zhuàng tài
TC 心理狀態

nation-state n: (self-governing state)
SC 单一民族国家

natural state n: (normal condition)
SC 自然状态 zì rán zhuàng tài
TC 自然狀態

natural state n: (unaffected by humans)
SC 天然状态 tiān rán zhuàng tài
TC 天然狀態
In its natural state, the lake was much clearer than it is now.

police state n: (country where police maintain oppressive control)
SC 警察国家 jǐng chá guó jiā
TC 警察國家
Germany became a police state under Hitler's rule.

Rabbit Proof Fence, State Barrier Fence of Western Australia n: (long fence in Australia)
SC 长围栏
SC 防兔栏

Registered Nurse, State registered nurse n: UK, abbreviation (State Registered Nurse) (英国)
SC 国家注册护士

secretary of state n: (high-ranking government minister)
SC 国务卿 guó wù qīng
TC 國務卿

solid-state adj: (electronic device)
SC 固态的 gù tài de

SRN n: UK, initialism (State Registered Nurse)
SC 国家注册护士

state aid n: (financial support by government)
SC 政府的经济援助,国家援助,联邦政府援助 zhèng fǔ de jīng jì yuán zhù,guó jiā yuán zhù,lián bāng zhèng fǔ yuán zhù
SC 州政府援助 zhōu zhèng fǔ yuán zhù
She didn't work when she went to school: she received state aid.

state attorney, state's attorney n: US (law)
SC 州检察官

state benefit n: (government welfare allowance)
SC 国家福利

state control n: (government ownership)
SC 国家控制 guó jiā kòng zhì
TC 國家控制
SC 国家监控 guó jiā kòng zhì,guó jiā jiān kòng

state forest n: (protected woodland area)
SC 国有森林 guó yǒu sēn lín
TC 國有森林

state funded, state-funded adj: (financed by state)
SC 国家出资的,政府投资的
SC 州政府出资的,州政府投资的

state highway n: US (motorway)
SC 州际高速公路 zhōu jì gāo sù gōng lù

state hospital n: (government-owned medical facility)
SC 公立医院 gōng lì yī yuàn
TC 公立醫院

state law n: US (legal system of a US state)
SC 州法律 zhōu fǎ lǜ
State law prohibits the making of alcohol at home.

state legislature n: (laws of a country)
SC 国家立法机构 guó jiā lì fǎ jī gòu

state legislature n: (legislative power of state)
SC 州立法机关

state of affairs n: (situation)
SC 事态 shì tài
SC 情况 shì tài,qíng kuàng
TC 情況
SC 情况 shì tài,qíng kuàng
TC 情況
When she saw another store close its doors, she realized it was a sorry state of affairs.

state of emergency n: (disaster situation)
SC 紧急状态

state of flux n: (fluctuation, change)
SC 变化中
SC 不断变化的状态

state of mind n: (mental condition, mood)
SC 思想状态,精神状态 sī xiǎng zhuàng tài
TC 思想狀態
SC 心理状况 xīn lǐ zhuàng kuàng
His current state of mind seems confused.

state of nature n: (society without government)
SC 无政府状态 wú zhèng fǔ zhuàng tài
TC 無政府狀態

state of nature n: (primitive state)
SC 自然状态 zì rán zhuàng tài
TC 自然狀態
SC 天然状况 zì rán zhuàng tài,tiān rán zhuàng kuàng
SC 原始状态 zì rán zhuàng tài,yuán shǐ zhuàng tài
TC 原始狀態

state of play n: (current situation)
SC 进展情况 jìn zhǎn qíng kuàng

state of tension n: (social, political unrest) (社会、政治等)
SC 动荡不安的状态,形势紧张 dòng dàng bù ān de zhuàng tài,xíng shì jǐn zhāng

state of tension n: (anxiety, uncertainty) (精神等)
SC 焦虑状态,紧张状态 jiāo lǜ zhuàng tài,jǐn zhāng zhuàng tài
TC 緊張狀態

state of the art n: (technology: current level) (技术: 当前的水平)
SC 现状 xiàn zhuàng
TC 現狀
In tech, it can be hard to keep up with the state of the art.

state of the art, state-of-the-art adj: (technology: advanced) (技术)
SC 先进的 xiān jìn de
SC 高新尖的
SC 尖端的 xiān jìn de ,jiān duān de
Our new TV uses state-of-the-art technology to provide the best picture and sound.

state of uncertainty n: (precarious or doubtful situation)
SC 不确定状态 bú què dìng zhuàng tài
SC 困惑状态 bú què dìng zhuàng tài,kùn huò zhuàng tài
When times are tough we live in a constant state of uncertainty.

state of undress n: (full or partial nakedness)
SC 裸体 luǒ tǐ
SC 光身
He was shocked by the woman's state of undress.

state of war n: (hostilities between nations)
SC 战争状态 zhàn zhēng zhuàng tài
TC 戰爭狀態
They have been in a near-constant state of war for years.

state ownership n: (government property)
SC 国有制 guó yǒu zhì
TC 國有制
SC 全民所有制 guó yǒu zhì,quán mín suǒ yǒu zhì
TC 全民所有制

state park n: (protected green space)
SC 州立公园

state police n: US (law force of a US state)
SC 州警 zhōu jǐng
Most interstate and state highways are patrolled by state police, not local police.

state property n: (areas owned by government)
SC 国有资产 guó yǒu zī chǎn
TC 國有資產
SC 国家财产 guó yǒu zī chǎn,guó jiā cái chǎn

state school n: UK (government-funded school)
SC 公立学校 gōng lì xué xiào
TC 公立學校

state services npl: US (government amenities and assistance)
SC 公共服务 gōng gòng fú wù
TC 公共服務

state the obvious v expr: (point out [sth] already evident)
SC 陈述明显事实 chén shù míng xiǎn shì shí
SC 把明显的事情说出来 chén shù míng xiǎn shì shí,bǎ míng xiǎn de shì qíng shuō chū lái

state trooper: US (state police officer) (美国)
SC 州警 zhōu jǐng

state visit n: (head of state's international trip)
SC 国事访问

state your case v expr: (give your opinion)
SC 陈述案情 chén shù àn qíng
TC 陳述案情
The new rules allow you to state your case for the person you're voting for.

state-owned adj: (of the government)
SC 国有的 guó yǒu de
TC 國有的
SC 国营的

state-owned company n: (business: run by government)
SC 国有企业 guó yǒu qǐ yè
TC 國有企業
SC 国营公司 guó yǒu qǐ yè,guó yíng gōng sī
Amtrak is a good example of a state-owned company.

state-wide adj: US (across an entire state)
SC 全州的 quán zhōu de

Statehouse, State House n: US (state capitol building) (美国)
SC 州议会大楼 zhōu yì huì dà lóu

stateroom, state-room n: (transport: private cabin)
SC 私人客舱 sī rén kè cāng
TC 私人客艙
SC 特等舱 sī rén kè cāng,tè děng cāng

statewide, also UK: state-wide adj: (across a state)
SC 全州的 quán zhōu de
SC 全州范围的 quán zhōu de,quán zhōu fàn wéi de

statewide, also UK: state-wide adv: (across a state)
SC 全州地
The measure was popular locally, but not statewide.

steady state n: (physics: condition which does not change over time)
SC 恒态 héng tài

swing state n: US (election: close race) (美国大选)
SC 摇摆州

transient state n: (subject to change, changeable)
SC 暂态 zàn tài
SC 瞬态 zàn tài,shùn tài
SC 瞬态 zàn tài,shùn tài

welfare state n: (nation with social welfare programme)
SC 福利国家 fú lì guó jiā
TC 福利國家
Britain's welfare state was created in the wake of the Second World War.




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