

单词 frozen

US   UK  
frozen adj: (not liquid) (变固体的)
SC 冻住的,凝固的 dòng zhù de ,níng gù de
Jared waited until the ice cream was frozen.

frozen adj: (preserved in freezer)
SC 冷冻储存的
Jared added some frozen spinach to the stew.

frozen adj: figurative (very cold) (比喻)
SC 极冷的,冰冻一般的 jí lěng de ,bīng dòng yì bān de
Kate wandered over the frozen landscape.

frozen adj: figurative (not changing) (比喻)
SC 僵住的,呆住的,动弹不得的 jiāng zhù de ,dāi zhù de ,dòng tán bù dé de
Mark had a frozen smile on his face.

frozen adj: figurative (assets) (财产等)
SC 冻结的 dòng jié de
TC 凍結的
All of the politician's assets were frozen when he was arrested for human rights abuses.

frozen adj: (not moving) (指因恐惧等)
SC 因...而呆住的,因...而僵住的
The child was frozen with terror in the dark.

frozen in [sth] expr: (not moving due to fear, shock) (因害怕、震惊)
SC 因...呆住了
The boy's face was frozen in fear.

freeze [sth] vtr: (turn [sth] solid)
SC 使凝固 shǐ níng gù
SC 使冻住 shǐ níng gù,shǐ dòng zhù
The scientist froze methane for an experiment.

freeze vi: (turn to ice) (冷却成冰)
SC 结冰,冻结 jié bīng,dòng jié
TC 凍結
The water froze in the ice cube tray.

freeze vi: (feel very cold)
SC 觉得很冷 jué de hěn lěng
TC 覺得很冷
SC 觉得要冻僵
Why is the air conditioning so strong? I'm freezing!

freeze, freeze to death vi: figurative (person: get very cold)
SC 冻得慌 dòng de huāng
TC 凍得慌
SC 觉得很冷 dòng de huāng,jué de hěn lěng
TC 覺得很冷
Kate's friend was taking ages to open the door. "Hurry up," Kate shouted. "Let me in before I freeze!"

freeze [sth] vtr: (preserve)
SC 冷冻储存
TC 冷凍儲存
SC 冷藏 lěng cáng
Susan froze the extra vegetables from her garden.

freeze [sth] vtr: figurative (prevent change)
SC 冻结 dòng jié
TC 凍結
SC 使不变
The government froze interest rates to prevent a market collapse.

Freeze! interj: figurative (halt, stop)
SC 停止 tíng zhǐ
TC 停止
SC 停滞 tíng zhǐ,tíng zhì
TC 停滯
SC 止住 tíng zhǐ,zhǐ zhù
The policeman pulled out his gun and shouted, "Freeze!"

freeze n: figurative (spending, hiring) (花费、招聘等)
SC 停止 tíng zhǐ
TC 停止
The company laid off a hundred workers and put a hiring freeze in place.

freeze vi: (computer) (计算机)
SC 死机 sǐ jī
SC 当机 sǐ jī,dàng jī(电脑(计算机),台湾)
Tom's computer froze while he was trying to finish his homework.

freeze vi: (turn solid) (变固体)
SC 凝固,冻结 níng gù,dòng jié
TC 凝固,凍結
The carbon dioxide froze into dry ice.

freeze vi: figurative (halt, stop moving)
SC 固定不动
SC 定住
The cops yelled at the fleeing bank robbers to freeze.

freeze [sth] vtr: (fix, keep [sth] in place)
SC 使…不动
TC 使...不動
SC 使…定住

freeze [sb] out, freeze out [sb] vtr phrasal sep: (poker: eliminate players) (一种扑克赛制)
SC Freezeout赛制

freeze [sb] out, freeze out [sb] vtr phrasal sep: figurative (exclude)
SC 排斥,排挤 pái chì,pái jǐ
TC 排斥,排擠
She wanted to be a member of that popular group, but they froze her out.

freeze over vi phrasal: (be frozen on the surface)
SC 封冻 fēng dòng
SC 冻结 fēng dòng,dòng jié
TC 凍結
SC 结冰 fēng dòng,jié bīng

freeze up vi phrasal: figurative (computer, engine: stop functioning) (电脑)
SC 停止运行, 死机
In the middle of the job, the computer froze up and I had to reboot; fortunately I had a back-up of my work.

freeze up vi phrasal: figurative (actor: have stage-fright) (人)
SC 因为害怕恐惧等而僵住, 因为怯场而呆住
When he first walked onto the stage, he froze up and couldn't say a word.

froyo n: mainly US (frozen yogurt)
SC 冻酸奶
TC 凍酸奶
SC 冰冻酸奶

frozen custard n: (dessert similar to ice cream)
SC 奶油冻 nǎi yóu dòng
TC 慕斯,冰奶油甜點
SC 软质奶油冰淇淋 nǎi yóu dòng,ruǎn zhì nǎi yóu bīng qí lín

frozen dessert n: (ice cream, sorbet, etc.) (冰淇淋等)
SC 冷冻甜点 lěng dòng tián diǎn
TC 冷凍甜點

frozen food n: usually plural (food product stored in a freezer)
SC 冷冻食品 lěng dòng shí pǐn
TC 冷凍食品
Frozen foods don't last forever; they should be used within a certain period of time.

frozen food section n: (freezer aisle in supermarket) (超市里的)
SC 冷冻食品区 lěng dòng shí pǐn qū
If you can't find fresh turnips in the produce section, try the frozen food section.

frozen over, frozen-over adj: (covered with ice)
SC 完全上冻的
SC 完全冻住的
In the winter, we go skating on the lake when it's froven over.

frozen shoulder n: (joint stiffness at top of arm)
SC 肩关节的疼痛硬化,肩凝症

frozen solid adj: (completely frozen)
SC 懂得结结实实的 dǒng dé jiē jiē shí shí de
The lake was frozen solid, so it was safe to go skating.

frozen stiff adj: figurative, informal (feeling very cold)
SC 觉得快冻僵的, 觉得非常寒冷的
I don't know about you but I'm frozen stiff!

frozen stiff adj: (rigid because frozen)
SC 冻僵的, 冻得僵硬的
The moose is frozen stiff: it must have been dead for days.

frozen yogurt, also UK: frozen yoghurt n: (dessert)
SC 冻酸奶
TC 凍酸奶
SC 酸奶冰淇淋




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