

单词 slave

US   UK  
slave n: (owned person)
SC 奴隶 nú lì
TC 奴隸
Plantation owners used to rely on slaves to pick their cotton.

slave vi: figurative (work very hard) (像奴隶般)
SC 苦干 kǔ gàn
TC 苦幹
Janet slaved over her homework and she got an A.

slave n: figurative (person dominated by [sth]) (比喻)
SC 奴隶 nú lì
TC 奴隸
SC 受制于…的人
Simon is a slave to his work.

slave away vi phrasal: informal (toil, work hard)
SC 辛苦工作
SC 当牛做马
She had to slave away in the kitchen without any help.

slave away at [sth] vi phrasal + prep: informal (work hard at)
SC 苦干, 拼命干
He slaved away at his paper all week, but he got it done on time.

freed slave n: (former slave)
SC 解放的奴隶 jiě fàng de nú lì
After the American Civil War, schools were established for the freed slaves.

slave driver, slave-driver n: literal, archaic ([sb] in charge of slaves)
SC 监管奴隶的监工 jiān guǎn nú lì de jiān gōng
Not all slave drivers were monsters and tyrants.

slave driver, slave-driver n: figurative ([sb] who demands hard work)
SC 苛刻的上司, 苛刻的老板
SC 奴隶主, 赵老爷(比喻严苛的老板)
My boss is a real slave driver: he always wants me to work through my lunch break.

slave labor (US), slave labour (UK) n: (slavery, enforced work) (总称)
SC 奴隶,苦力 nú lì,kǔ lì
TC 奴隸
SC 奴隶劳动,苦役 nú lì láo dòng,kǔ yì
Many of the greatest monuments were built by slave labor.

slave labor (US), slave labour (UK) n: figurative (low-paid work)
SC 繁重而报酬微薄的工作 fán zhòng ér bào chóu wēi bó de gōng zuò
For many, working in a fast food restaurant is slave labor.
It may be slave labor, but at least it's a job.

slave market n: (auction for slaves)
SC 奴隶市场 nú lì shì chǎng
TC 奴隸市場
His grandfather was sold at a slave market for $100.

slave master n: ([sb] who keeps captive worker)
SC 奴隶主 nú lì zhǔ
TC 奴隸主
The slave master owned nearly two hundred slaves.

slave owner, slaveowner, slave-owner n: (person: keeps captive worker)
SC 奴隶主 nú lì zhǔ
TC 奴隸主

slave ship n: (vessel carrying people to slavery)
SC 贩卖奴隶的船 fàn mài nú lì de chuán
SC 运奴船 fàn mài nú lì de chuán,yùn nú chuán
The slave ship sank in the storm and was never found.

slave trade n: (trafficking in people)
SC 贩卖奴隶 fàn mài nú lì
TC 販賣奴隸

slave-trade n as adj: (relating to people-trafficking)
SC 贩奴的
TC 販奴的
SC 贩卖奴隶的
The number of slave-trade convictions has risen in recent years.

slave trader, slave-trader n: ([sb] who traffics in people)
SC 奴隶贩子 nú lì fàn zi
TC 奴隸販子
SC 贩卖奴隶的人 nú lì fàn zi,fàn mài nú lì de rén
He made a lot of money working as a slave trader.

slave trading n: (trafficking in people)
SC 奴隶交易 nú lì jiāo yì
TC 奴隸交易
SC 奴隶贸易 nú lì jiāo yì,nú lì mào yì
It's unfortunately true that slave trading is still practised today in some parts of the world.




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