单词 | fight |
释义 | fight US ![]() ![]() fight [sb] vtr: ([sb]: fend off) SC 与…搏斗 yǔ … bó dòu TC 與…搏鬥 SC 与…格斗 yǔ … bó dòu ,yǔ … gé dòu SC 与…打架 yǔ … bó dòu ,yǔ … dǎ jià He had to fight the attacker with a stick. 他不得不用一根棍子和袭击者搏斗。 fight [sb/sth] vtr: (try to defeat) SC 与…斗争 yǔ … dòu zhēng TC 與…鬥爭 SC 与...战斗 She fought the government and won. 她与政府斗争并取得了胜利。 fight vi: (military: engage in battle) SC 战斗 zhàn dòu TC 戰鬥 SC 打仗 zhàn dòu ,dǎ zhàng TC 打仗 They started fighting at dawn and the battle lasted all day. 黎明的时候双方便开始打仗,战斗持续了一整天。 fight with [sb] vi + prep: figurative, informal (argue, quarrel) SC 与…争论 yǔ … zhēng lùn TC 與…爭論 SC 与…争吵 yǔ … zhēng lùn ,yǔ … zhēng chǎo TC 與…爭吵 She's always fighting with her neighbour about noise. 她总是因为噪音问题与邻居争论。 fight vi: (engage in physical combat) SC 搏斗 bó dòu TC 搏鬥 SC 打斗 bó dòu ,dǎ dòu SC 格斗 bó dòu ,gé dòu The two fought with knives for ten minutes. 那两个人拿着刀搏斗了十分钟。 fight n: (physical combat) SC 打架 dǎ jià TC 打架 SC 打斗 dǎ jià,dǎ dòu SC 搏斗 dǎ jià,bó dòu TC 搏鬥 He got into a fight and has a black eye. 他加入了打斗,一只眼睛被打青了。 fight n: (military: combat) (军事) SC 战争,战斗 zhàn zhēng ,zhàn dòu TC 戰爭,戰鬥 A fight broke out along the border. 一场战争在边境线上爆发了。 fight n: (struggle) SC 斗争 dòu zhēng TC 鬥爭 SC 奋斗 dòu zhēng ,fèn dòu TC 奮鬥 Women's fight for equality is still ongoing. 女性还在为平等而奋斗。 fight n: (dispute) SC 纷争 fēn zhēng SC 争执 fēn zhēng,zhēng zhí TC 爭執 The fight over the land was resolved by the judge. 法官裁决了这场关于土地的纷争。 fight n: figurative, informal (argument, quarrel) SC 争论 zhēng lùn TC 爭論 SC 争吵 zhēng lùn ,zhēng chǎo Their parents have fights all the time. 他们父母老是吵架。 fight n: informal (boxing match) (非正式用语) SC 拳击赛 quán jī sài TC 拳擊賽 Ali and Frazier fought the fight of the century in 1971. 1971年,阿里和弗雷泽进行了世纪拳击赛。 fight n: informal (strength, spirit) SC 斗志 dòu zhì TC 鬥志 He had no fight left in him. 他斗志全无。 fight vi: informal (sport: box) (非正式用语) SC 参加拳击赛 cān jiā quán jī sài They're going to fight for the heavyweight championship. 他们将为获得重量级冠军而战。 fight vi: informal (sport: wrestle) (非正式用语) SC 当职业摔跤选手 dāng zhí yè shuāi jiāo xuǎn shǒu He fought in the ring for twelve years before becoming an actor. 他在成为演员前,曾当过12年职业摔跤手。 fight vi: (strive vigorously) SC 奋力抵抗 fèn lì dǐ kàng TC 奮力抵抗 SC 斗争 fèn lì dǐ kàng,dòu zhēng TC 鬥爭 They fought to prevent the school from being closed. 他们奋力阻止学校被关闭。 fight vi: (struggle, defend oneself) SC 扭打 niǔ dǎ SC 挣扎 niǔ dǎ ,zhēng zhá TC 掙扎 Mark was fighting to try and escape from his captors. 马克扭打着试图从绑架他的人手中脱身。 fight for [sth] vi + prep: (struggle, defend oneself) SC 为...奋斗 SC 为...抗争 SC 为...斗争 You have to fight for your rights. 你必须为自己的权利斗争。 fight against [sth] vi + prep: (contend) SC 与...斗争 TC 與…鬥爭 He fought against the new regulations. 他与新的规定作斗争。 fight [sb] vtr: (military: to battle against [sb]) (军事) SC 与…战斗, 与…作战 They fought the enemy bravely. fight [sb] vtr: informal (boxing: oppose) (拳击非正式用语) SC 迎战 SC 同…进行拳击 tóng jìn xíng quán jī Lewis is going to fight Holyfield tonight. fight [sb] vtr: informal (wrestle: oppose) (摔跤非正式用语) SC 同…摔跤 tóng shuāi jiāo He fights his opponents with great style. fight [sth] vtr: figurative (combat, resist) (比喻) SC 同…抗争, 同…斗争 He fought cancer for seven years before succumbing. fight [sth] vtr: (wage, engage in) SC 打(仗) SC 参加(战争) The soldiers fought a battle. 士兵们打了一仗。 fight back vi phrasal: (retaliate) SC 抵抗 dǐ kàng TC 抵抗 SC 反击 dǐ kàng,fǎn jī TC 反擊 SC 还击 dǐ kàng,huán jī TC 還擊 If you attack minorities, you must expect them to fight back. 如果你攻击少数族裔,他们定会反击。 fight back against [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep: (try to combat) SC 抵抗 dǐ kàng TC 抵抗 SC 反击 dǐ kàng,fǎn jī TC 反擊 fight back against [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep: figurative (try to combat) SC 反抗 fǎn kàng TC 反抗 SC 回击 fǎn kàng,huí jī TC 回擊 fight for [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (war: defend) SC 为…而战斗 My grandfather fought for his country in World War II. fight for [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (struggle to attain) SC 为…而奋斗 wèi … ér fèn dòu SC 为…而抗争 Black Americans had to fight for the right to vote. fight [sb/sth] off, fight off [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep: (defend yourself from) SC 击退 jī tuì SC 打败(对手) jī tuì,dǎ bài ( duì shǒu ) The 26-year-old woman bravely fought off her attackers with several kicks and punches. 通过几次拳打脚踢,那名26岁的女性勇敢地击退了几个袭击者。 fight [sb/sth] off, fight off [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep: figurative (competition) (竞赛中) SC 击退,打败(对手) jī tuì,dǎ bài ( duì shǒu ) Dannii fought off the competition to win the prize. 达尼在竞赛中打败对手,赢得大奖。 fight [sth] off, fight off [sth] vtr phrasal sep: figurative (infection) SC 抵抗(感染) Doctors are realizing that to successfully fight off sinus infection, medication alone isn't enough. 医生们意识到要想成功抵抗鼻窦感染,光凭药物是不够的。 fight over [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (have a physical struggle for) SC 争夺 zhēng duó TC 爭奪 SC 争抢 zhēng duó,zhēng qiǎng The players fought over the loose ball. fight over [sth] vtr phrasal insep: informal, figurative (argue, quarrel) SC 为…争吵 wèi … zhēng chǎo TC 為…爭吵 SC 为…争执 Let's not fight over who does the dishes tonight! fight a losing battle v expr: figurative (have little chance of success) SC 打一场无望取胜的仗 SC 死马当活马医 The union is fighting a losing battle; management is going to outsource their jobs. fight fire with fire v expr: figurative (use same tactics as opponent) SC 以其人之道还治其人之身 fight for your country v expr: (soldier: go to war) SC 为祖国而战 fight it out v expr: figurative, informal (resolve [sth]) SC 一决胜负, 一决雌雄, 以斗争方式解决, 辩论出结果 Just fight it about between you – I don't care any more! 就你们俩争吧,我已不在乎! fight like cats and dogs v expr: figurative (disagree ferociously) SC 打成一团 TC 打成一團 SC 打得不可开交 Those three boys are always fighting like cats and dogs. fight or flight n: (instinctive response) SC 战或逃 fight tooth and nail v expr: idiom (fight fiercely) SC 全力以赴地斗争, 拼命斗争, 坚决斗争 I'll fight tooth and nail to make a name for myself as an actor. 我会竭尽全力让自己成为一个有名的演员。 fight with [sb] vi + prep: (physically: with [sb]) SC 与…搏斗 yǔ … bó dòu TC 與…搏鬥 SC 与…打架 yǔ … bó dòu ,yǔ … dǎ jià SC 与…打斗 The boxers fought with each other to win a prize. fight with [sb] vi + prep: informal, figurative (argue) SC 与…争吵 yǔ … zhēng chǎo TC 與…爭吵 My sister is always fighting with her boyfriend over the phone. fight with [sth/sb] vi + prep: figurative (struggle against) SC 与…抗争 TC 與…抗爭 Irene has fought with her addiction to alcohol for many years. fight your way to the top v expr: figurative, informal (struggle to succeed) SC 奋力爬上顶端 SC 登上巅峰 She fought her way to the top of the company. fight-or-flight n as adj: (denoting instinctive response) SC 战斗或者逃跑的本能反应,本能反应的 běn néng fǎn yìng de fistfight, fist-fight, fist fight n: (fight without weapons) SC 赤手空拳的打斗 chì shǒu kōng quán de dǎ dòu SC 互殴 chì shǒu kōng quán de dǎ dòu,hù ōu Mark got into a fistfight after school. have a fight with [sb] v expr: (physically: with [sb]) SC 与…搏斗 yǔ … bó dòu TC 與…搏鬥 SC 与…打架 yǔ … bó dòu ,yǔ … dǎ jià Jack had a fight with another boy, and now he has a black eye. have a fight with [sb] v expr: figurative, informal (argue) SC 与…争吵 yǔ … zhēng chǎo TC 與…爭吵 He's in a bad mood because he had a fight with his wife. one hell of a fight n: slang (immense struggle or resistance) SC 艰苦的战斗 pillow fight n: (play fight using pillows) SC 枕头大战 prizefight, prize fight, prize-fight n: (boxing championship) SC 职业拳击赛 n SC 有奖金的拳击赛 put up a fight v expr: (struggle) SC 进行斗争 jìn xíng dòu zhēng TC 進行鬥爭 SC 顽强抵抗 jìn xíng dòu zhēng,wán qiáng dǐ kàng SC 奋起战斗 jìn xíng dòu zhēng,fèn qǐ zhàn dòu My daughter was so tired that she didn't even put up a fight when it was time for her nap. He put up a good fight but the other man was stronger. snowball fight n: (game: throwing balls of snow) SC 打雪仗 sword fight n: (duel with long-bladed weapons) SC 持剑对决,剑斗 |
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