

单词 vested

US   UK  
vested adj: (interest: protected by law) (利益等)
SC 既得的,既定的 jì dé de ,jì dìng de
Retirees have vested benefits from the pension fund.

vested in [sb/sth] adj + prep: (power: invested, placed in) (权力等)
SC 被赋予给…,被授予给…,归于…
Power to make such decisions is vested solely in the budget committee.

vest n: UK (sleeveless undershirt)
SC 背心 bèi xīn
It was cold, so Roger put on a vest under his shirt.

vest n: UK (tank top: sleeveless T-shirt)
SC 无袖T恤
TC 無袖T恤
SC 背心 bèi xīn
A vest is cooler on a summer's day than a long-sleeved top.

vest n: US, AU (waistcoat) (美国)
SC 男士西装马甲 nán shì xī zhuāng mǎ jiǎ
The man was smartly dressed in a suit with a vest.

vest [sth] in [sb] vtr + prep: usually passive (endow [sb] with authority) (以权威)
SC 赋予某人某物
SC 将某物赐予某人
The US Constitution vests power in the President to command the armed forces.

vest [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep: usually passive (endow [sb] with authority)
SC 赋予某人
SC 授予某人
The judge is vested with the authority to decide on the punishment that a guilty party should receive.

vest yourself vtr + refl: formal (put on ecclesiastical clothes) (专指基督教士的衣服)
SC 穿上衣服 chuān shàng yī fú
The priest vested himself to say mass.

have a vested interest v expr: (personal advantage)
SC 拥有既得利益

have a vested interest in [sth] v expr: (personal advantage)
SC 有利害关系
SC 关乎切身利益
I have a vested interest in that company because my son's a director.

vested interest n: (personal stake in an arrangement)
SC 既得利益 jì dé lì yì

vested interests npl: (people or groups who benefit)
SC 既得受益者




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