

单词 electric charge
electric charge

charge [sb] vtr: (ask for money)
SC 向…收费 xiàng shōu fèi
TC 向…收費
SC 向…索价 xiàng shōu fèi,xiàng suǒ jià
I think the waiter forgot to charge me.

charge [sb] for [sth] vtr + prep: (ask for money)
SC 因为…向…收费
SC 问…要…的钱
The barman didn't charge me for my drink.

charge [sb] [sth] vtr: (ask for money)
SC 向某人收钱
SC 收某人钱
The taxi driver charged me £15.

charge [sth] vtr: (ask as a fee)
SC 收费,要价 shōu fèi,yào jià
The lawyer charges a hundred pounds an hour.

charge [sth] vtr: (power: battery, etc.)
SC 给…充电 gěi chōng diàn
TC 給…充電
I need to charge my mobile phone.

charge n: often plural (fee)
SC 收费 shōu fèi
The video rental shop has a late fee charge.

charge n: often plural (debit)
SC 记入借方的款项,借项,应付款项,应付费用,收费 jì rù jiè fāng de kuǎn xiàng,jiè xiàng,yīng fù kuǎn xiàng,shōu fèi
There are extra charges on my account.

charge n: often plural (official accusation)
SC 控告 kòng gào
TC 控告
SC 指控 kòng gào ,zhǐ kòng
John was innocent of the charges against him.

charge n: (load)
SC 载重 zài zhòng
TC 載重
SC 负荷 zài zhòng,fù hè
TC 負荷
This is heavy charge for such a small car.

charge n: (order)
SC 命令 mìng lìng
TC 命令
The soldier was unimpressed by his charge to clean the whole barracks.

charge n: formal (duty)
SC 责任 zé rèn
TC 責任
SC 任务 zé rèn ,rèn wù
TC 任務
Will you promise to help my family? Will you take this charge?

charge n: (military attack)
SC 军事进攻 jūn shì jìn gōng
TC 軍事進攻
SC 突袭 jūn shì jìn gōng,tū xí
SC 突袭 jūn shì jìn gōng,tū xí
Pickett's charge was an important event in the American Civil War.

charge n: (control)
SC 掌管 zhǎng guǎn
TC 掌管
SC 负责 zhǎng guǎn,fù zé
TC 負責
The manager has charge of two shops.

charge n: (battery power)
SC 电量 diàn liàng
TC 電量
SC 电力 diàn liàng,diàn lì
TC 電力
The charge on my phone has run down.

charge, electrical charge, electric charge n: (electrical force)
SC 电荷
TC 電荷
Instead of bullets, a taser shoots a 50,000-volt charge of electricity. When Steve touched the electrical outlet, the sudden charge made him jump.
泰瑟枪射出的不是子弹,而是5万伏的电荷。 史蒂夫碰到电源插座,忽然释放出的电荷让他跳了起来。

charge, explosive charge n: (explosive power)
SC 炸药 zhà yào
TC 炸藥
Police believe that the bomber detonated a charge he was carrying.

charge n: (person in [sb] else's care)
SC 被看管的人
SC 受照顾的人
The tutor's charges were all very well-behaved children.

charge [sb] to do [sth] v expr: (order)
SC 命令 mìng lìng
TC 命令
I charge you to look after the house properly while I am away.

charge vi: (rush forward)
SC 猛冲 měng chōng
TC 猛衝
The bull charged again and again.

charge up [sth] vi + prep: (hills, stairs: run up) (小山、楼梯等)
SC 跑上去,冲上去 pǎo shàng qù,chōng shàng qù
The infantry charged up the hill to meet the attack.

charge in vi + prep: (rush into the room)
SC 冲进来 chōng jìn lái
TC 衝進來
The boss charged in and demanded to know why I hadn't yet handed him my report.

charge into [sth] vi + prep: (rush into: a room, etc.) (处所)
SC 冲进
The robber charged into the bank and shouted "Hands in the air!"

charge [sth] vtr: (debit an amount)
SC 把…记在账上 bǎ … jì zài zhàng shàng
SC 收取
TC 收取
The bank charges a fee if your balance falls below a specified amount of money.

charge [sb] vtr: (accuse)
SC 指责 zhǐ zé
TC 指責
SC 指控 zhǐ zé ,zhǐ kòng
The police charged Murphy because they thought he had broken the law.

charge [sb/sth] vtr: (rush towards)
SC 朝…冲过去 cháo chōng guò qù
The other team charged the quarterback.

charge [sth] vtr: (load)
SC 给…装弹药
The soldiers charged the cannon and it fired again.

charge [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep: (load)
SC 装载 zhuāng zài
TC 裝載
SC 装满 zhuāng zài ,zhuāng mǎn
The lorry was fully charged with electrical goods and could hold no more.

charge [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep: (entrust)
SC 赋予…任务
The sergeant charged the corporal with command of the squad.

charge [sth] to [sth] vtr + prep: (debit an amount)
SC 把…记在…账上
Just charge the bill to my account.

charge [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep: (accuse)
SC 指控 zhǐ kòng
SC 控告 zhǐ kòng,kòng gào
TC 控告
The police charged the man with a crime.

charge [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep: (order)
SC 使…负责
TC 使…負責
SC 使…承担
The prison guard charged him with the cleaning of the latrines.

charge off vi phrasal: (hurry away)
SC 冲走 chōng zǒu
SC 急匆匆地离开 chōng zǒu,jí cōng cōng de lí kāi

charge up [sth], charge [sth] up vtr phrasal sep: (renew battery power of)
SC 给…充电 gěi chōng diàn
TC 給…充電
It is so annoying that I have to charge up my cordless drill every twenty minutes if I want it to work well.

bank charges npl: (fees charged by a bank)
SC 银行费用,银行收费,银行手续费
Unexpected bank charges can cause your account to go overdrawn.

charge account (US), credit account (UK) n: (for deferred payment)
SC 赊欠账 shē qiàn zhàng
TC 賒帳
SC 赊购 shē qiàn zhàng,shē gòu

charge card n: (ID: charged purchases)
SC 记账卡

charge card n: colloquial (credit card)
SC 信用卡 xìn yòng kǎ

chargé d'affaires n: Gallicism (diplomatic official)
SC 代办
SC 代理大使职务的外交代表

charge for [sth] vi + prep: (require payment)
SC 索价 suǒ jià
SC 要价 suǒ jià ,yào jià
SC 收费 suǒ jià ,shōu fèi
Airlines charge for everything these days; you even have to pay for peanuts!

charge nurse n: UK (nurse in charge of a ward)
SC 护士长 hù shì zhǎng
TC 護士長
SC 主管护士

charge-off, chargeoff n: (banking: write-off) (银行业)
SC 注销,冲销 zhù xiāo,chōng xiāo

cover, cover charge n: US (entrance fee)
SC 入场费 rù chǎng fèi
TC 入場費
SC 门票 rù chǎng fèi,mén piào
There is a cover of ten dollars to enter the club.

cover charge n: (restaurant: added fee) (酒吧、饭店等)
SC 附加费,服务费 fù jiā fèi,fú wù fèi
TC 附加費,服務費
In European restaurants you often find a cover charge for bread and butter.

demurrage n: (transport: fee for delay)
SC 滞留费 zhì liú fèi
TC 滯留費
The shipper pays demurrage only to the destination port.

extra charge n: (additional fee)
SC 额外费用 é wài fèi yòng
TC 額外費用

finance charge n: (interest on a loan) (贷款利息)
SC 信贷费

free of charge adj: (having no cost)
SC 免费的 miǎn fèi de
TC 免費的
The film was rubbish but it's okay because the seats were free of charge.

free of charge adv: (at no cost)
SC 免费地 miǎn fèi de
TC 免費地
Breakfast is provided free of charge.

handling charge n: (amount charged to ship [sth])
SC 手续费,处理费 shǒu xù fèi
TC 手續費

handling fee, handling charge n: (amount charged to process [sth])
SC 手续费 shǒu xù fèi
TC 手續費
SC 操作费 shǒu xù fèi,cāo zuò fèi
SC 处置费 shǒu xù fèi,chǔ zhì fèi
The bank charged a handling fee of £30 to convert the cheque from euros to pounds.

in charge adj: (having control)
SC 负责的 fù zé de
TC 負責的
SC 主管的 fù zé de,zhǔ guǎn de
I'm trying to find out who's in charge here.

in charge of [sth] expr: (having control of [sth])
SC 控制 kòng zhì
TC 控制
SC 掌控 kòng zhì,zhǎng kòng
Wendy is going out tonight, so her husband is in charge of the children's dinner.

in charge of doing [sth] expr: (responsible for a task)
SC 负责 fù zé
TC 負責
As secretary, Jess is in charge of taking down the minutes of the meeting.

in charge adj: (being manager)
SC 是主管
SC 是负责人
Who's in charge in this department?

in charge of [sth/sb] adj + prep: (managing [sb], [sth])
SC 负责 fù zé
TC 負責
SC 主管 fù zé ,zhǔ guǎn
TC 主管
SC 是…的主管
The editor is in charge of a large team of journalists.

in the charge of [sb], in [sb]'s charge expr: (in [sb]'s care)
SC 由...照顾
TC 由…照顧
SC 由...负责
TC 由…負責
The orphan was placed in his uncle's charge until he reached 18.

late charge: (penalty charge)
SC 罚款 fá kuǎn
TC 罰款
SC 违约款

n/c, NC n: written, initialism (no charge)
SC 免费 miǎn fèi

no charge expr: ([sth] is provided free)
SC 不收费 bù shōu fèi
TC 不收費
SC 免费 bù shōu fèi,miǎn fèi
There is no charge for fresh towels; they come with the hotel room.
The manufacturer will send you product samples at no charge.

nominal charge n: (minimal fee)
SC 象征性收费 xiàng zhēng xìng shōu fèi
SC 极少的费用 xiàng zhēng xìng shōu fèi,jí shǎo de fèi yòng
If you buy the vacuum you can also get a set of accessories for it for a nominal charge.

out of charge adj: (having lost battery power)
SC 没电的 méi diàn de
TC 沒電的
SC 用完电的

person in charge n: (manager)
SC 主管人 zhǔ guǎn rén
TC 主管的人
SC 负责人 zhǔ guǎn rén,fù zé rén
TC 負責人
The store clerk was rude to me, so I complained to the person in charge.

person in charge of [sth] n: (manager of [sth])
SC 负责…的人
To get access, you'll have to speak with the person in charge of security.

reasonable charge n: (fair price)
SC 合理的费用 hé lǐ de fèi yòng
SC 公平的价格 hé lǐ de fèi yòng,gōng píng de jià gé
Twenty dollars seemed a quite reasonable charge for mowing such a large lawn.

run out of charge v expr: (lose battery power)
SC 电量耗尽
SC 没电

service charge n: (tip paid to serving staff)
SC 服务小费 fú wù xiǎo fèi
TC 服務小費
There is a 10% service charge added to the restaurant bill.

shipping charge n: (overseas delivery fee)
SC 海外运费,国际运费

shipping charge n: US (cost to customer of transporting goods)
SC 运费,配送费用 yùn fèi
TC 運費

take charge vtr + n: (take command, control)
SC 负责 fù zé
TC 負責
SC 主持 fù zé ,zhǔ chí
TC 主持
SC 看管 fù zé ,kān guǎn
When the captain was injured, the second officer had to take charge.

take charge of [sth] v expr: (take command or control of [sth])
SC 控制 kòng zhì
TC 控制
SC 掌管 kòng zhì,zhǎng guǎn
TC 掌管
SC 负责 kòng zhì,fù zé
TC 負責
Mara employed an accountant to take charge of her finances.

take-charge adj: informal (person: capable, authoritative)
SC 决断的,主控型的

toll charge n: (traffic fee payable on a road)
SC 过路费,通行费 guò lù fèi,tōng xíng fèi
TC 通行費




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