

单词 hacks

hack [sth], hack [sb] vtr: (cut with an axe)
SC 砍 kǎn
SC 猛劈 kǎn,měng pī
The butcher hacked the meat in the back while his wife managed the store in the front.

hack [sth] vtr: (access without authorization) (计算机)
SC (私自)存取数据等,非法侵入(他人计算机系统) sī zì cún qǔ shù jù děng,fēi fǎ qīn rù ( tā rén jì suàn jī xì tǒng )
Someone hacked our servers last night.

hack into [sth] vi + prep: (access illegally) (计算机)
SC 非法侵入 fēi fǎ qīn rù
He was tried and convicted of hacking into the CIA central database.
Anyone who tries to hack into a government site is in big trouble.
他曾因入侵中央情报局的数据库而被审判定罪。 // 任何试图非法侵入政府网站的人都会有大麻烦。

hack n: (computing: alteration) (计算机)
SC 编码修改 biān mǎ xiū gǎi
TC 編碼修改
Kyle developed an awesome hack for this program.

hack n: pejorative (inferior journalist) (贬义)
SC (水平低下的)职业文人
Tom's writing is terrible; he's a hack.

hack n: pejorative ([sb] amateurish)
SC 业余者 yè yú zhě
TC 業餘者
SC 业余人士 yè yú zhě,yè yú rén shì
TC 業餘人士
This salesman tried to sell a car to a homeless guy, what a hack.

hack n: (worn out horse)
SC 老马 lǎo mǎ
SC 疲惫的马

hack n: UK (horse for hire)
SC 出租马
TC 出租馬

hack n: UK (horse ride)
SC 骑马 qí mǎ
TC 騎馬

hack n: pejorative ([sb] lacking integrity)
SC 政治仆从
TC 政治僕從
SC 谋私的政客
That guy is a political hack, just in it for the money and the power; he'd do anything to get votes.

hack n: (curling: foothold) (冰壶运动)
SC 冰槽

hack n: informal (easy way to do [sth])
SC 窍门 qiào mén
This video demonstrates a hack for folding a shirt in three seconds.

hack n: (cut, gash)
SC 劈开 pī kāi
SC 砍 pī kāi,kǎn

hack vi: (cough)
SC 咳嗽 ké sòu
TC 咳嗽
SC 干咳
Grandma was hacking so much that she was having trouble breathing.

hack through vi + prep: (cut through jungle)
SC 在...开出一条路来
SC 一路劈砍穿过
We hacked through the jungle for hours.

hack [sth] vtr: informal, figurative (produce hastily, roughly)
SC 粗制滥造 cū zhì làn zào
TC 粗製濫造
SC 胡乱拼凑
TC 胡亂拼湊
The deadline was approaching fast, so Kelly just hacked something out and handed it in.

hack [sth] vtr: (cope, tolerate)
SC 应付 yìng fu
TC 應付
SC 处理 yìng fu,chǔ lǐ
TC 處理
SC 应对 yìng fu,yìng duì
TC 應對
Dan couldn't hack the workload at his new job, so he got fired.

hack away at [sth] vi phrasal + prep: (keep chopping at [sth])
SC 劈 pī
SC 砍 pī,kǎn
The loggers hacked away at the conifers.

hack away vi phrasal: figurative (keep working)
SC 不停地干
TC 不停地幹
We hacked away all night to get all the information we needed.

hack away at [sth] vi phrasal: figurative (decrease [sth] over time)
SC 不断减少
TC 不斷減少

hack in vi phrasal: (computing: breach security) (计算机:突破安全系统)
SC 入侵 rù qīn
TC 入侵
She hacked in and changed the information on his website.

hack [sth] off vtr phrasal sep: (sever)
SC 砍掉 kǎn diào
SC 切断 kǎn diào,qiē duàn
TC 切斷
SC 砍下 kǎn diào,kǎn xià
The polar explorer hacked off his gangrenous finger with a penknife.

hack [sb] off vtr phrasal sep: slang (irritate, anger)
SC 激怒, 使…生气
The way he talks down to me really hacks me off!

hack [sth] up vtr phrasal sep: (cut up, chop)
SC 劈 pī
The cook hacked up the meat into several pieces.

hack [sth] up vtr phrasal sep: slang (bring up by coughing)
SC 把…咳出来
I'm so glad I've never smoked after seeing what he's just hacked up.

hack [sth] up vtr phrasal sep: (computing: modify quickly) (计算机)
SC 快速建立,快速修改

hack [sth] away vtr + adv: (remove [sth] by chopping)
SC 劈下
SC 砍下 kǎn xià
Bob hacked away the ivy that was covering the wall.

hack it v expr: informal (succeed at [sth] difficult)
SC 设法取得成功

hack it v expr: informal (endure [sth], tolerate [sth])
SC 容忍,忍受 róng rěn,rěn shòu
TC 容忍,忍受

hacksaw, hack-saw, hack saw n: (fine-toothed saw)
SC 钢锯 gāng jù
Rodney used a hacksaw to cut the wood.

life hack n: (helpful tip)
SC 生活小窍门
SC 生活小智慧
This site is full of handy life hacks, such as how to fold a shirt in under three seconds.

lifehack, life hack n: informal (practical tip)
SC 生活妙招




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