

单词 sprays

spray n: (jet of water droplets)
SC 喷射的水珠
Matt gives himself a quick spray of anti-perspirant before he plays tennis.

spray n: (fine mist from a can)
SC 喷雾 pēn wù
TC 噴霧
The spray hit the table and Patrick rubbed it in with a cloth.

spray n: (aerosol product)
SC 喷剂
When it comes to deodorants, Marsha prefers sprays to roll-ons.

spray n: (ocean mist)
SC 泡沫 pào mò
TC 泡沫
SC 浪花 pào mò,làng huā
SC 浪花 pào mò,làng huā
The waves hit the rocks, sending a jet of spray into the air.

spray n: (floral arrangement) (花)
SC 一束 yí shù
We chose a spray of white lilies and pink roses for our mother's casket.

spray [sth] vtr: (apply as a fine mist)
SC 喷涂 pēn tú
SC 喷 pēn tú,pēn
Liam sprayed deodorant under his arms.

spray [sth/sb] with [sth] vtr: (apply a fine mist to)
SC 给…喷涂上…
Patrick sprayed the table with polish.

spray [sth] on [sth/sb], spray [sth] onto [sth/sb] vtr: (apply a fine mist to)
SC 将…喷洒在…上
Helen sprayed the cleaning product on the windows.

spray vi: (emit a fine mist)
SC 喷 pēn
SC 溅撒
Gareth pressed the button and the hair product sprayed everywhere.

spray vi: (animal: mark [sth] with urine) (雄性动物用于占有领地)
SC 撒尿 sā niào
Tomcats often spray to attract a mate.

spray [sth] vtr: (paint using an aerosol)
SC 给…喷漆
TC 給…噴漆
Amy took out the can of paint and sprayed the wall.

spray [sth] vtr: (solid objects: scatter) (固体)
SC 使…分散,使…散落
The machine gun sprayed bullets all around.

spray [sth] vtr: (bombard with bullets)
SC 向…扫射
TC 向…掃射
The gangsters sprayed the car with bullets.

spray [sth] vtr: (animal: mark with urine) (雄性动物)
SC 在…上撒尿
My cat keeps spraying the same spot in the kitchen.

spray [sth] vtr: (sports: hit, throw wildly) (体育运动)
SC 把…打到各个位置,乱扔,乱打

bug spray, bugspray n: (liquid that kills insects)
SC 杀虫喷雾
TC 殺蟲噴霧
SC 杀虫剂 shā chóng jì
TC 殺蟲劑

cooking spray n: (oil dispersed finely from a can)
SC 喷雾食用油
Cooking spray keeps eggs from sticking to the pan.

hair spray n: (hairstyling lacquer)
SC 喷雾发胶 pēn wù fà jiāo
TC 噴霧發膠
SC 定型喷发剂 pēn wù fà jiāo,dìng xíng pēn fà jì
If you wear too much hair spray your hair will feel hard and crunchy.

nasal spray n: (medication inhaled as spray) (指药物)
SC 鼻腔喷雾剂

pepper spray n: (irritant used in aerosol weapon)
SC 防狼喷雾
SC 辣椒水
She always carries a pepper spray in her bag when she goes out alone at night.

spray can n: (aerosol)
SC 喷漆罐 pēn qī guàn
TC 噴漆罐
SC 喷雾器 pēn qī guàn,pēn wù qì
TC 噴霧器
The chemicals in spray cans affect the ozone layer.

spray gun n: (device: sprays liquid)
SC 喷枪 pēn qiāng
SC 喷射枪 pēn qiāng,pēn shè qiāng
Spray guns are much quicker than brushes or rollers when you have a large area to paint.

spray paint n: (paint in aerosol form)
SC 喷漆

spray paint [sth], spray-paint [sth] vtr: (paint using an aerosol)
SC 给...上喷漆
She spray-painted her car but it looks very blotchy.

spray-on adj: (substance: applied by spraying)
SC 喷雾式的,喷涂式的

spray-on n: (product applied by spraying)
SC 喷涂产品,喷剂
When it comes to deodorants, some people prefer spray-ons and others prefer roll-ons.




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