

单词 cushioning

cushioning n: ([sth] soft that gives protection)
SC 护垫,保护垫

cushioning n: ([sth] soft that relieves pressure)
SC 衬垫,缓冲软垫 chèn diàn

cushion n: UK (pillow for sofa)
SC 垫子 diàn zi
SC 软垫 diàn zi,ruǎn diàn
SC 靠垫 diàn zi,kào diàn
Fluffing up the cushions makes the couch look more comfortable.

cushion n: (shock absorber)
SC 缓冲垫 huǎn chōng diàn
TC 緩衝墊
SC 减震垫 huǎn chōng diàn ,jiǎn zhèn diàn
An air bag is a cushion between the driver and the steering wheel.

cushion [sth] vtr: (soften impact)
SC 缓冲 huǎn chōng
TC 緩衝
SC 减小…的冲击 huǎn chōng ,jiǎn xiǎo … de chōng jī
A mattress will cushion the actor's fall.

cushion n: figurative (protection) (比喻)
SC 起保护作用的事物,备不时之需的储备(或积蓄) qǐ bǎo hù zuò yòng de shì wù,bèi bù shí zhī xū de chǔ bèi ( huò jī xù )
The extra charge is a cushion in case the job is more expensive than planned.

cushion n: (snooker, pool, billiards: table rim)
SC 台球桌四周的弹性衬里
The ball bounced off the cushion and into the pocket.

cushion [sth] vtr: figurative (soften words) (比喻)
SC 缓和,委婉表达 huǎn hé
TC 緩和
Jake cushioned his criticism by wording it very carefully.

air cushion n: (inflatable packaging, padding)
SC 气垫 qì diàn

cushion cover n: (fabric protecting a cushion)
SC 靠垫套
SC 垫子套

seat cushion n: (padded part of a chair)
SC 弹性坐垫 tán xìng zuò diàn
TC 彈性坐墊
I knocked over the wine glass and stained the seat cushions.

squab, squab cushion n: UK (soft thick cushion)
SC 厚垫 hòu diàn
SC 厚的靠背 hòu diàn,hòu de kào bèi

throw pillow (US), scatter cushion (UK) n: often plural (small cushion)
SC 抱枕,靠垫 kào diàn




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