单词 | lit |
释义 | lit US ![]() ![]() lit adj: (space, object: illuminated) SC 照亮的 zhào liàng de SC 亮堂的 zhào liàng de ,liàng táng de The room was well lit. 房间十分亮堂。 lit adj: (candle, cigarette: burning) (蜡烛等) SC 点着的 diǎn zháo de TC 點著的 SC 燃烧着的 diǎn zháo de ,rán shāo zhe de TC 燃燒著的 I saw the man walking in front of me throw his lit cigarette on the sidewalk. 我看见走在我前面的那个人把点着的香烟扔在路旁。 lit, lit. adj: written, abbreviation (literary) (缩略语) SC 文学的 wén xué de TC 文學的 Lisa is studying lit crit as part of her degree. 丽莎的专业中有文学批评课。 lit n: informal, abbreviation (literature class, literature) SC 文学课 wén xué kè TC 文學課 Ben had lit immediately after lunch. 本午饭后立刻上了文学课。 lit. adj: written, abbreviation (literal) SC 字面上的,文字的 The word "dream" has both lit. and fig. meanings. "dream"这个单词具有字面含义和比喻含义。 lit adj: figurative, slang (drunk) SC 喝醉的 hē zuì de SC 喝大的 Dan was so lit last night, he fell asleep on his own doorstep. lit adj: figurative, slang (excellent, amazing) SC 酷 kù TC 酷 SC 燃 TC 燃 SC 爽 TC 爽 This song is lit! light n: (general: not darkness) SC 光亮 guāng liàng TC 光亮 SC 阳光 guāng liàng,yáng guāng TC 陽光 These particular plants grow better in the light than in the dark. 这些特殊的植株在阳光下比在黑暗中生长得更好。 light n: (illumination) SC 光 guāng TC 光 SC 光亮 guāng,guāng liàng TC 光亮 SC 光亮 guāng,guāng liàng TC 光亮 Could we have some light in the room? It's too dark. 屋子里来点光好吗?太黑了。 light n: (lamp) SC 灯 dēng TC 燈 SC 灯具 dēng,dēng jù SC 灯具 dēng,dēng jù We have three lights in this room. 这间屋子有三盏灯。 light adj: (not heavy in weight) SC 轻的 qīng de SC 轻巧的 qīng de ,qīng qiǎo de SC 轻省的 qīng de ,qīng shěng de Give me the heavy bag, and you can carry the light one. 把重的包给我,你拿轻的。 light adj: (faint) SC 微弱的 wēi ruò de SC 微茫的 wēi ruò de ,wēi máng de SC 微茫的 wēi ruò de ,wēi máng de You could only see a light outline of the mountains. 群山只见微茫的一线。 light adj: (easy, gentle) SC 简单的 jiǎn dān de TC 簡單的 SC 轻松的 jiǎn dān de ,qīng sōng de TC 輕鬆的 SC 轻松的 jiǎn dān de ,qīng sōng de TC 輕鬆的 Take a little light exercise - nothing too strenuous. 做点儿简单的练习,别做太费力的。 light adj: (color: pale) (色彩、色调) SC 轻的,浅的,淡的 qīng de ,qiǎn de ,dàn de Have you seen my light blue shirt? 你看到我那件浅蓝的衬衫了么? light [sth] vtr: (illuminate) SC 照亮 zhào liàng He finally found the lamp to light the room. The mayor flipped the switch to light the Christmas tree. 他终于找到了能照亮房间的台灯。 市长按下开关,点亮了圣诞树。 light [sth] vtr: (ignite) SC 点燃 diǎn rán TC 點燃 SC 点着 diǎn rán,diǎn zháo I will light the petrol to set off the fire. 我要点着汽油,好把火引燃。 light adj: (food: easy to digest) SC 易消化的 yì xiāo huà de SC 清淡的 yì xiāo huà de,qīng dàn de While her husband ordered a steak, she ordered something lighter. 她点了些清淡的饭菜,而她丈夫则要了牛排。 light adj: (food: has few calories) SC 低卡路里的 dī kǎ lù lǐ de SC 低热量的 dī kǎ lù lǐ de,dī rè liàng de TC 低熱量的 This light mayonnaise doesn't have much flavour. 低热量蛋黄酱没什么味道。 light adj: (drink: low alcohol) (酒) SC 度数低的,酒精含量低的 dù shù dī de,jiǔ jīng hán liàng dī de Some people prefer light beer to very alcoholic beverages. 有的人偏好低度啤酒,不喜欢喝烈酒。 light adj: ([sb]: not heavily built) SC 瘦的,轻的 shòu de ,qīng de She is very strong for someone so light! light adj: (clothing: for warm weather) (衣服) SC 轻薄的,轻便的 qīng bó de ,qīng biàn de TC 輕薄的 You can wear a light jacket. It isn't too cold outside. light adj: figurative (low volume) SC 少量的 shǎo liàng de There was only light trading in the commodities markets due to the holiday. light adj: (low pressure) SC (接触时)用力小的 jiē chù shí yòng lì xiǎo de SC 轻柔的 jiē chù shí yòng lì xiǎo de,qīng róu de TC 輕柔的 The masseur had a very light touch. 按摩师的力度很小。 light adj: figurative (not profound) (谈话等) SC 轻松的,随意的,不那么严肃的 qīng sōng de ,suí yì de ,bú nà me yán sù de TC 輕鬆的,隨意的 We just engaged in light conversation, nothing serious. light adj: figurative (trivial) SC 消遣性的 xiāo qiǎn xìng de SC 娱乐性的 xiāo qiǎn xìng de,yú lè xìng de Sam reassured me that it was a light matter and nothing to worry about. light adj: (soil: sandy) (土壤) SC 沙质的,疏松的,含沙多的 shā zhì de,shū sōng de,hán shā duō de Carrots are best grown in a light soil, rather than heavy clay. 胡萝卜最适宜在沙质土壤中生长,而非致密的黏土。 light adj: (delicate) (舞步等) SC 轻快的,轻盈的 qīng kuài de ,qīng yíng de TC 輕快的 The dancer executed some light and dainty steps. 舞者展示了一些轻盈、优雅的舞步。 light adj: figurative (carefree) SC 轻松愉快的 qīng sōng yú kuài de SC 无忧无虑的 qīng sōng yú kuài de,wú yōu wú lǜ de The girls liked him for his light and carefree attitude towards life. light adj: (of low weight capacity) SC 轻型的 qīng xíng de TC 輕型的 SC 轻载的 qīng xíng de,qīng zài de SC 载重量低的 qīng xíng de,zài zhòng liàng dī de He has a licence to fly light aircraft. 他有轻型飞机的驾驶执照。 light adj: (breeze: gentle) (风) SC 微弱的,轻微的 wēi ruò de ,qīng wēi de It will be mainly sunny, with a light breeze. light adv: poetic (lightly) SC 轻轻地 qīng qīng de TC 輕輕地 SC 轻巧地 She walked so light that she barely left a footprint. 她走得很轻,几乎连脚印都没留下。 light n: (light bulb) SC 灯泡 dēng pào TC 燈泡 The light has burned out in the kitchen. Can you replace it? 厨房里的灯泡坏了。你能换一下吗? light n: (daylight) SC 白天 bái tiān TC 白天 SC 日光 bái tiān,rì guāng TC 日光 You had better go to the shop while there is still light. 你最好趁天还亮着的时候去商店买东西。 light n: (traffic light) SC 红绿灯 hóng lǜ dēng TC 紅綠燈 SC 交通灯 hóng lǜ dēng,jiāo tōng dēng The traffic stopped when the light turned red. 红灯亮时车辆行人都停下了。 light n: (street lamp) SC 路灯 lù dēng SC 街灯 lù dēng,jiē dēng They installed lights on the street to make it safer to walk at night. 他们在街道上安装了路灯,为了让夜间出行更加安全。 light n: (car: headlight) SC (车辆的)前灯 chē liàng de qián dēng SC 顶灯 chē liàng de qián dēng,dǐng dēng SC 车灯 chē liàng de qián dēng,chē dēng When it got dark, he turned the car's lights on. 当行车环境变黑时,他打开了车前灯。 light n: (lighthouse) SC 灯塔 dēng tǎ The sailors were most relieved when they saw the Sambro Island Light in the distance. 当船员们远远地看到了桑布罗岛灯塔时,深深地舒了一口气。 light n: (flame) SC (蜡烛等的)光亮 là zhú děng de guāng liàng SC 光线 là zhú děng de guāng liàng,guāng xiàn TC 光線 He could see her face in the light of the candle. 透过蜡烛的微光,他能看到她的脸。 light n: figurative (viewpoint) (比喻) SC 观点,立场,态度,视角,方面 guān diǎn,lì chǎng ,tài dù ,shì jiǎo ,fāng miàn TC 觀點,立場,態度,方面 He always saw things in a negative light. 他老是从黑暗的一面来看事情。 light n: (luminary) SC 名人 míng rén SC 杰出人物 míng rén,jié chū rén wù She is a leading light in the art world. 她是艺术界的杰出人物。 light n: (gleam) SC 眼里隐约闪现的微光 yǎn lǐ yǐn yuē shǎn xiàn de wēi guāng SC 忽闪而过的一个眼神 yǎn lǐ yǐn yuē shǎn xiàn de wēi guāng,hū shǎn ér guò de yí gè yǎn shén She saw the light in his eyes and knew he had a good idea. 她注意到他眼里隐约闪现的微光,就知道他想到了好点子。 light n: (art: effect) (绘画) SC 亮部,亮色,光影效果 liàng bù,liàng sè Look at the light on the woman's face in this painting. 看看这幅画上那个女人面部的光影效果。 light n: (small window) SC 小的窗户 xiǎo de chuāng hù SC 采光口 xiǎo de chuāng hù,cǎi guāng kǒu Don't open the big window, just the corner light. 别开那扇大窗户,打开采光口就好了。 a light n: (fire to light a cigarette, etc.) SC 打火机 dǎ huǒ jī TC 打火機 SC 火柴 dǎ huǒ jī,huǒ chái TC 火柴 Hey, do you have a light? lights npl: (animal lungs as food) (用作食物的) SC 动物肺片 TC 動物肺片 Cook the lights for an hour in the stock. 在高汤里烹煮肺片一小时。 lights npl: (decorative) (装饰的) SC 灯 dēng TC 燈 We put the tinsel and lights on the Christmas tree. light vi: (take fire) SC 燃烧起来 rán shāo qǐ lái TC 燃燒起來 He threw on a match and the bonfire lighted. 他扔了根火柴,篝火就燃烧起来了。 light on [sth], light upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (find, discover [sth]) SC 找到 zhǎo dào SC 发现 zhǎo dào,fā xiàn TC 發現 Ned lit on the perfect solution to his problem. light on [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (land on [sth]) SC 停落于 light out vi phrasal: (leave, set off) SC 离开 lí kāi TC 離開 SC 出发 lí kāi,chū fā TC 出發 light up vi phrasal: figurative (brighten with joy) SC 面露喜色 SC 显得很高兴 Her face lit up when she heard that her father was returning. 当听到爸爸回来了,她面露喜色。 light up vi phrasal: (become brighter) SC 变得明亮 TC 變得明亮 Give it a moment and the room will light up. 等一会儿,房间就会变得明亮。 light [sth] up, light up [sth] vtr phrasal sep: figurative (brighten) (比喻) SC 照亮 zhào liàng I love you - you light up my life. 我爱你,你照亮了我的生活。 light up vi phrasal: informal (light a cigarette) SC 点燃 diǎn rán TC 點燃 When she pulled out a cigarette and lit up, several people left the room. 她点起一根烟后,房间里的几个人离开了。 light up [sth] vtr phrasal insep: informal (cigarette: apply flame) SC 点燃 diǎn rán TC 點燃 Rob lit up a cigarette. 罗伯点燃了一根烟。 chick lit n: informal, often pejorative (fiction for women) SC 鸡仔文学 SC 小鸡文学 lit up adj: (illuminated) SC 被照亮的 bèi zhào liàng de Erika enjoys walking along the lit up streets of the city at Christmas. 艾丽卡喜欢沿着圣诞节时被照亮的街道散步。 well-lit, well lit adj: (room, area: sufficiently illuminated) (房间、空间) SC 光线充足的 |
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