

单词 world

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the world n: (planet Earth)
SC 世界 shì jiè
TC 世界
SC 全球 shì jiè,quán qiú
TC 全球
SC 地球 shì jiè,dì qiú
TC 地球
The world's environment is fragile.

the world n: (humanity, society)
SC 人类社会 rén lèi shè huì
TC 人類社會
SC 人类 rén lèi shè huì ,rén lèi
TC 人類
The world will not survive a nuclear war.

world n: figurative (group of people) (按职业等划分的类别)
SC 界 jiè
The art world is a strange place.

world n: (celestial body)
SC 天体 tiān tǐ
TC 天體
SC 星球 tiān tǐ ,xīng qiú
Astronomers have discovered a new world beyond Pluto.

world n: (realm)
SC 世界 shì jiè
TC 世界
SC 领域 shì jiè,lǐng yù
TC 領域
The animal world has different rules.

world n: (era)
SC 时代 shí dài
TC 時代
SC 年代 shí dài,nián dài
TC 年代
SC 以时间来划分的世界 shí dài,yǐ shí jiān lái huà fēn de shì jiè
There were no computers in the ancient world.

the world n: figurative (everybody, the public)
SC 世人 shì rén
SC 公众 shì rén,gōng zhòng
TC 公眾
There will be a scandal when the world hears about this.

a whole new world n: figurative (unfamiliar experience) (比喻义)
SC 一个全新的世界,一个崭新的世界
Retirement is certainly a whole new world; there's so much to get used to.

across the world adv: (all over the Earth)
SC 全世界 quán shì jiè
TC 全世界
SC 世界各地
It sure would be nice if peace broke out across the world for a change.

all over the world expr: (in many countries)
SC 全世界 quán shì jiè
TC 全世界
SC 世界各地
Santa Claus is known all over the world.

all over the world adv: figurative (everywhere)
SC 到处 dào chù
TC 到處
SC 四处 dào chù ,sì chù
TC 四處
Luke had searched all over the world, but there was no sign of Naomi.

all the time in the world n: figurative (as much time as needed)
SC 充裕的时间,足够的时间

ancient world n: (civilization of the distant past)
SC 古代世界,古代 gǔ dài
TC 古代
Many people of the ancient world had no notion of an alphabet.

around the world adv: (in many countries)
SC 在全球 zài quán qiú
SC 在全世界 zài quán qiú,zài quán shì jiè
The Internet allows people around the world to share information.

around the world adv: (circumnavigating the world)
SC 环绕全球 huán rào quán qiú
TC 環繞全球
Ferdinand Magellan's ship sailed around the world in the 1500s.

with the best will, with the best will in the world expr: (no matter how hard you try)
SC 无论付出多大的努力
With the best will in the world, that alley cat is never going to win any prizes at a cat show.

better world n: (heaven)
SC 天堂 tiān táng
TC 天堂
SC 天国 tiān táng,tiān guó
TC 天國
After her husband's death, Rachel took comfort in the idea that he had gone to a better world.

come into the world v expr: (person: be born)
SC 出生 chū shēng
TC 出生
SC 出世 chū shēng,chū shì
TC 出世
He came into the world kicking and screaming just like the rest of us.

corner of the world n: (geographic area)
SC 世界的某处
SC 世界的一个角落
I hope all is well in your corner of the world.

corporate world n: (realm of business)
SC 企业界,商界 shāng jiè

dead to the world adj: slang, figurative (asleep)
SC 酣睡 hān shuì
Once he is asleep he is dead to the world: we can make noise if we want.

developing world n: (Third World: poor countries)
SC 第三世界 dì sān shì jiè
TC 第三世界

dream world n: (idealization, fantasy)
SC 幻想世界 huàn xiǎng shì jiè
In my dream world, I'm as young and healthy as I was 30 years ago.

the First World n: potentially offensive (industrialized non-Communist countries)
SC 第一世界

First-World adj: potentially offensive (pertaining to the First World)
SC 第一世界的

the First World War, World War One, World War I, the Great War n: (international conflict 1914-1919) (1914 - 1919年)
SC 第一次世界大战
TC 第一次世界大戰

for the world, for all the world expr: (for any amount of money) (常用于否定)
SC 无论如何也
SC 怎样也
Of course I'll come and see your play; I wouldn't miss it for the world.

free world n: (democratic nations) (民主国家)
SC 自由世界 zì yóu shì jiè
The Cold war divided the world into two halves: the free world and the communist world.

in the whole wide world adv: (anywhere on earth)
SC 在整个世界上 zài zhěng gè shì jiè shàng
If you could go anywhere in the whole wide world, where would you go first?

in the world adv: (anywhere on earth)
SC 在世界上 zài shì jiè shàng
There's nowhere in the world I'd rather be than right here with you.

Latin world n: (Latin America)
SC 拉丁美洲 lā dīng měi zhōu
TC 拉丁美洲
Spanish as spoken in the Latin world differs from the Spanish spoken in Spain.

man of the world, woman of the world n: (experienced man or woman)
SC 阅历丰富的人
SC 饱经世故的人

material world n: (physical world)
SC 物质世界 wù zhì shì jiè
TC 物質世界
Africans do not distinguish the material world from the spiritual world.

natural world n: (nature, life on earth)
SC 自然界 zì rán jiè
Animals, plants, and insects are all part of the natural world.

the netherworld n: (mythology: hell, underworld) (神话中的)
SC 地狱, 下界, 阴间

the netherworld n: (afterworld, the hereafter)
SC 阴间, 后世

the netherworld n: figurative (criminal world)
SC 犯罪高发地区

new world, new-world n: (unfamiliar environment or experience)
SC 新世界 xīn shì jiè
After the company was sold, his workplace seemed like a new world to him.

new world order: (post-Cold War)
SC 世界新秩序
SC 国际新秩序

not of this world adj: (otherworldly)
SC 冥界的 míng jiè de
SC 不属于这个世界的
Ghosts and goblins are not of this world.

not of this world adj: ([sb]; engrossed by spiritual matters)
SC (似乎)不属于这个世界的
Ruth is not of this world, and refuses to compromise her religious convictions.

the Old World n: historical (Europe, Africa, and Asia collectively) (过去对于欧洲、亚洲和非洲的合称)
SC 旧世界 jiù shì jiè
TC 舊世界
The Americas have been settled by waves of people from the Old World.

Old World, Old-World n as adj: historical (relating to Europe, Africa, and Asia) (指欧、亚、非三洲)
SC 旧世界 jiù shì jiè
TC 舊世界
SC 旧大陆

old-world, Old World, olde-worlde adj: (quaint, old-fashioned)
SC 老式的,古雅的,古色古香的 lǎo shì de ,gǔ yǎ de ,gǔ sè gǔ xiāng de

old-world, Old World adj: (of ancient times)
SC 古代的,古时的 gǔ dài de

feel on top of the world, be on top of the world expr: figurative (be very happy)
SC 心满意足 xīn mǎn yì zú
TC 心滿意足
SC 兴高采烈 xīn mǎn yì zú,xìng gāo cǎi liè
TC 興高采烈
SC 欣喜若狂 xīn mǎn yì zú,xīn xǐ ruò kuáng
TC 欣喜若狂
The day his daughter was born, the new father felt on top of the world.

out of this world adj: dated, slang (excellent)
SC 棒极了的
SC ...只因天上有
The pizza at that shop is out of this world!

out of touch with the real world adj: figurative, informal (unrealistic)
SC 脱离现实的 tuō lí xiàn shí de
Politicians who think they can cut public services and retain popularity are obviously out of touch with the real world.

physical world n: (geography of planet Earth)
SC 地球 dì qiú
TC 地球

physical world n: (all that is material, not spiritual)
SC 物质世界 wù zhì shì jiè
TC 物質世界

real world n: (reality)
SC 现实世界 xiàn shí shì jiè
TC 現實世界
People are less friendly in the real world than they are on the internet.

roof of the world n: figurative (Himalayas) (比喻,指喜马拉雅山脉)
SC 世界屋脊

the Second World War, World War II n: (international conflict of 1939-1945)
SC 第二次世界大战 dì èr cì shì jiè dà zhàn
TC 第二次世界大戰
The Second World War began on 3rd September 1939.

set the world on fire v expr: figurative (do spectacular things)
SC 一鸣惊人
SC 轰动全世界

the Seven Wonders of the World npl: (ancient monuments)
SC 世界七大奇迹

small world, it is a small world expr: (expression of surprise)
SC 这个世界真小
You know John? So do I—he's my cousin's boyfriend; small world!

spirit world n: (supernatural dimension)
SC 灵界 líng jiè
SC 灵魂世界 líng jiè,líng hún shì jiè
They all believed that their ancestors still existed in a spirit world.

take the world by storm v expr: figurative (be a sudden success)
SC 名震四海
SC 风靡全球
SC 席卷全球

the wider world n: (society at large, world in general)
SC 整个社会
SC 全世界 quán shì jiè
TC 全世界

The world is your oyster. expr: figurative (You can have or achieve anything.)
SC 世界尽在你的掌控之中

think the world of [sb] v expr: informal (adore or admire greatly)
SC 崇拜, 非常喜欢
He thinks the world of his children.

the Third World n: (poor, developing countries)
SC 第三世界 dì sān shì jiè
TC 第三世界
SC 第三世界国家 dì sān shì jiè,dì sān shì jiè guó jiā
People in rich countries don't do enough to help people in the Third World.

Third World, Third-World n as adj: (of, in developing countries)
SC 第三世界的

Third-World country, third-world country n: (nation: poor, developing)
SC 第三世界国家 dì sān shì jiè guó jiā

throughout the world adv: (all over the world)
SC 全世界范围地 quán shì jiè fàn wéi de
Prices of basic foodstuffs have risen throughout the world.

Welcome to my world! interj: informal, figurative (expressing familiarity with an experience)
SC 我再熟悉不过了!
SC 你也体会到我的遭遇了吧!
SC 欢迎来到我的世界!

WHO n: initialism (World Health Organization)
SC 世界卫生组织 shì jiè wèi shēng zǔ zhī
The WHO recommends that you eat vegetables.

woman of the world n: (sophisticated woman)
SC 惯于社交的妇
SC 饱经世故的女人 bǎo jīng shì gù de nǚ rén
My Aunt Charlotte was really a woman of the world.

wonder of the world, Wonder of the World n: often plural (ancient landmark or feature)
SC 世界奇迹
SC 世界奇观

work world, world of work n: (employment)
SC 工作世界
SC 职场

World Bank n: (international financial institution)
SC 世界银行

world championship n: (sport: top competition) (体育)
SC 世界冠军赛
SC 世界锦标赛

World Cup n: (soccer championship)
SC 世界杯 shì jiè bēi
The 2014 World Cup was held in Brazil.

world famous, world-famous adj: (known everywhere)
SC 世界知名的 shì jiè zhī míng de
SC 世界闻名的 shì jiè zhī míng de,shì jiè wén míng de
Amsterdam is world famous for its canals and coffee shops.
The Eiffel Tower is a world-famous monument.

World Health Organization n: (UN agency) (联合国机构之一)
SC 世界卫生组织 shì jiè wèi shēng zǔ zhī

world heritage n: (preservation of culture)
SC 世界遗产 shì jiè yí chǎn
TC 世界遺產
Stonehenge is a World Heritage site.

World Heritage Site n: (UN-recognized place) (联合国认证)
SC 世界遗产 shì jiè yí chǎn
TC 世界遺產

world history n: (past events around the world)
SC 世界历史 shì jiè lì shǐ
TC 世界歷史
I'm currently reading a book about medieval times, an important period in world history.

world hunger n: (famine around the world)
SC 全球饥荒

world language n: (language used in many countries)
SC 世界语言

world language n: (created language for worldwide use)
SC 世界通用语言

world leader n: ([sth] that is the best internationally)
SC 世界领先者

world leader n: (head of state or national government)
SC 国家元首 guó jiā yuán shǒu
TC 國家元首
SC 世界领袖

world map n: (map of the Earth)
SC 世界地图

world music n: (traditional musical form of a country)
SC 世界音乐,民族流行音乐

world of [sth] n: figurative (great amount of [sth])
SC 数不清的 shǔ bù qīng de
TC 數不清的
SC 相当多的 shǔ bù qīng de ,xiāng dāng duō de
TC 相當多的
There is a world of difference between their politics.

world peace n: (end to all armed conflict)
SC 世界和平

world power n: (nation with economic and military strength)
SC 世界强国

world premiere n: (first showing: of a film, etc.) (电影等)
SC 全球首映 quán qiú shǒu yìng

world record n: (international best)
SC 世界纪录

World Series n: (baseball championship)
SC 世界职业棒球大赛 shì jiè zhí yè bàng qiú dà sài
The New York Yankees won the 2009 World Series.

world to come n: (future)
SC 未来世界 wèi lái shì jiè
TC 未來世界

World Trade Center n: US (New York: business district) (纽约)
SC 世界贸易中心
SC 世贸中心

world view, worldview, world-view n: (outlook, ethos)
SC 世界观 shì jiè guān
TC 世界觀
His worldview's much more optimistic than mine.

world war n: (large-scale international conflict)
SC 世界大战 shì jiè dà zhàn
TC 世界大戰
Government officials are doing all they can to prevent a world war.

the World Wide Web n: (internet, the Net)
SC 万维网 wàn wéi wǎng
TC 全球資訊網
SC 英特网
The World Wide Web was developed as a way of sharing research papers.

world without end adv: literary (forever) (书面语)
SC 永远 yǒng yuǎn

world-beater n: (best in the world)
SC 天下无敌,举世无双

world-class adj: (of highest quality)
SC 顶级的 dǐng jí de
TC 頂級的
SC 世界水平的
SC 世界级的
Itzhak Perlman is a world-class violinist.

world-leading adj: (best worldwide)
SC 世界领先的,全球领先的

world-record holder n: (current international champion)
SC 世界纪录保持者 shì jiè jì lù bǎo chí zhě
To win the race she'll have to beat the current world-record holder.

world-renowned, world renowned adj: (famous all over the world)
SC 举世闻名的

world-shaking adj: (momentous)
SC 翻天覆地的,惊天动地的,撼动世界的 fān tiān fù dì de,jīng tiān dòng de de

world-weariness n: (cynical and experienced)
SC 厌世 yàn shì

world-weary adj: (tired of the world)
SC 厌世的

world's fair, world fair n: (international event)
SC 世界博览会,世博会

worldline (US), world-line, world line (UK) n: (physics: particle path) (物理学)
SC 世界线




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