

单词 works

work vi: (be employed)
SC 受雇于 shòu gù yú
TC 受僱於
He works at the bank.

work vi: (toil)
SC 劳作 láo zuò
SC 工作 láo zuò ,gōng zuò
TC 工作
SC 干活 láo zuò ,gàn huó
TC 幹活
He worked into the night.

work vi: (function)
SC 运转 yùn zhuàn
TC 運轉
SC 运行 yùn zhuàn ,yùn xíng
TC 運行
SC 开动起来 yùn zhuàn ,kāi dòng qǐ lái
Does the car work?

work vi: (be useful, effectual)
SC 有用 yǒu yòng
TC 有用
SC 有效 yǒu yòng,yǒu xiào
TC 有效
SC 奏效 yǒu yòng,zòu xiào
Did the medicine work?

work [sth] vtr: (machine: operate) (机器等)
SC 操作, 开动, 使运作
Do you know how to work this machine?

work n: uncountable (occupation)
SC 职业 zhí yè
TC 職業
SC 工作 zhí yè,gōng zuò
TC 工作
What is your work? I'm a dentist.

work n: uncountable (employment)
SC 工作 gōng zuò
TC 工作
SC 差事 gōng zuò ,chāi shì
SC 岗位 gōng zuò ,gǎng wèi
TC 崗位
The bank provides work for many people.

work n: uncountable (effort)
SC 努力 nǔ lì
TC 努力
SC 工夫 nǔ lì,gōng fū
TC 工夫
His work on the car was worth the result.

work n: uncountable (toil)
SC 劳作 láo zuò
SC 差事 láo zuò ,chāi shì
SC 活计 láo zuò ,huó jì
An apple picker does exhausting work, from sunrise until dusk.

work [sth] vtr: (knead, massage)
SC 揉 róu vtr
SC 按 róu,àn
The baker gently works the dough until it forms crumbs.

work [sth] into [sth] vtr + prep: (knead, massage [sth] into [sth])
SC 把…揉成…,把…按成… vtr
Work the lard into the flour with a fork.

works npl: (art, literature, music: achievements)
SC 作品 zuò pǐn
TC 作品
SC 著述
TC 著述
SC 著作 zuò pǐn,zhù zuò
TC 著作
The author's poems are his most overlooked works.

works npl: (factory)
SC 工厂 gōng chǎng
TC 工廠
Most of the menfolk were employed at the town's works.

the works expr: informal (everything)
SC 全套配置
SC 全套设备
He dreamed of buying a shiny new car with the works.

the works expr: informal (unpleasant treatment)
SC 折磨 zhé mó
TC 折磨
SC 苦头
She forgot his birthday, and he gave her the works.

work n: uncountable (type of task)
SC 任务 rèn wù
TC 任務
SC 活计 rèn wù,huó jì
SC 工作 rèn wù,gōng zuò
TC 工作
I don't like this work. Can I do something different?

work n: (office, place of work)
SC 办公室 bàn gōng shì
TC 辦公室
SC 上班的地方 bàn gōng shì,shàng bān de dì fāng
SC 工作地点 bàn gōng shì,gōng zuò dì diǎn
TC 工作地點
This is his work. Yes, that building.

work n: (activity)
SC (具体的)工作 jù tǐ de gōng zuò
SC 活计 jù tǐ de gōng zuò,huó jì
He is doing some work or other in the shop.

work n: (objects on which work is done)
SC (艺术)作品 yì shù zuò pǐn
SC 工作成果 yì shù zuò pǐn,gōng zuò chéng guǒ
The art students took their work to the benches.

work n: (product of labor)
SC 工作成果,工作结晶,产品 gōng zuò chéng guǒ,gōng zuò jié jīng,chǎn pǐn
TC 產品
SC 作品,著作 zuò pǐn,zhù zuò
TC 作品,著作
The work was obviously well done.
这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 昨天我买了一套鲁迅全集。

work n: (building)
SC 工程 gōng chéng
TC 工程
The tunnel is an impressive work of engineering.

work n: (physics: force times distance) (物理学中力对距离的累积)
SC 机械功,功 jī xiè gōng,gōng
In physics, work deals with transference of energy.

work n: (product of artist) (艺术家的)
SC 作品 zuò pǐn
TC 作品
Many think Beethoven's Ninth is his greatest work. I have the complete works of Dickens in my library.

work n as adj: (of, concerning work)
SC 工作的 gōng zuò de
SC 与工作有关的 gōng zuò de ,yǔ gōng zuò yǒu guān de
He got a work permit in July.

works npl: (construction)
SC 工程 gōng chéng
TC 工程
SC 工事 gōng chéng,gōng shì
TC 工事

work vi: (with adverb or noun phrase)
SC 工作 gōng zuò
TC 工作
We'll have to work late to finish this project. Sheila's been working extra hours to pay off her debts.

work as [sth] vi + prep: (make a living as)
SC 任…职 rèn zhí
TC 任...職
SC 做…的工作
Right now I am working as a waitress in a cocktail bar, but I want to be an actress.

work for [sb] vi + prep: informal (be OK with [sb])
SC …对某人来说可以,…对某人而言可行
I could meet you at 2 pm on Wednesday; does that work for you?

work [sth], work [sth] into [sth] vtr: (contort)
SC 扭曲 niǔ qū
SC 把…成形 niǔ qū ,bǎ chéng xíng
She worked the wire into a loop.

work [sth] vtr: (accomplish)
SC 使…逐步变成
SC 实现 shí xiàn
TC 實現(某种变化)
She worked a change in the texture of the dough.

work [sth] vtr: (fashion by work)
SC 制作 zhì zuò
TC 製作 / 制作
SC 手工制作
TC 手工製作
The carpenter works the pieces into a table.

work [sb] vtr: (keep at work)
SC 使…工作 shǐ gōng zuò
SC 使…干活 shǐ gōng zuò,shǐ gàn huó
SC 让…加班 shǐ gōng zuò,ràng jiā bān
The boss worked them until late into the night.

work [sth] vtr: (land, be a farmer)
SC 在…耕种 zài gēng zhòng
TC 在…耕種
SC 在…耕作 zài gēng zhòng,zài gēng zuò
The farmer worked the land.

work [sb] vtr: (persuade)
SC 说服 shuō fú
TC 說服
SC 劝服 shuō fú ,quàn fú
The minister worked the congregation into an exultant state.

work around [sth], also UK: work round [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (avoid, bypass)
SC 避免 bì miǎn
TC 避免
SC 避开 bì miǎn ,bì kāi
TC 避開
SC 绕过 bì miǎn ,rào guò
They worked around the software bug by eliminating some features.

work [sth] down, work down [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (negotiate lower price)
SC 议…的价
SC 对...讨论降价
After negotiating for fifteen minutes, Sam worked the price down to $200.

collected works npl: (anthology)
SC 文集 wén jí
TC 文集
SC 文选 wén jí,wén xuǎn

collected works npl: (everything by an author) (某位作者的)
SC 全集 quán jí
TC 全集
This volume contains the entire collected works of Coleridge.

ex works adv: (business: seller delivery) (贸易)
SC 卖家所在地交货
He ordered the car ex works.

ex-works adj: UK (direct from factory)
SC 工厂交货的

ex-works adv: UK (directly from factory)
SC 工厂交货

gum up the works v expr: figurative, informal (spoil everything)
SC 搞砸 gǎo zá
SC 搅黄

in the works expr: (currently being produced)
SC 在进行中 zài jìn xíng zhōng
SC 在准备中

plaster works n: (sculptures made from plaster)
SC 石膏雕塑品 shí gāo diāo sù pǐn

poetic works npl: (poems, literature in verse form)
SC 诗歌 shī gē
TC 詩歌

public works npl: (government-funded construction)
SC 公共建设工程 gōng gòng jiàn shè gōng chéng

selected works npl: (literary collection, anthology)
SC 选集 xuǎn jí
TC 選集

throw a spanner in the works v expr: figurative (thwart [sth])
SC 让...遇挫
SC 阻止 zǔ zhǐ
TC 阻止

water works, waterworks n: US, literal (water processing utility)
SC 自来水厂 zì lái shuǐ chǎng
TC 自來水廠
SC 给水系统 zì lái shuǐ chǎng,gěi shuǐ xì tǒng
He's the general manager of the municipal water works.

water works, waterworks npl: figurative, slang (tears)
SC 眼泪 yǎn lèi
TC 眼淚
She knew how and when to turn on the waterworks to get what she wanted.

works cited npl: (bibliography: quoted texts)
SC 参考文献 cān kǎo wén xiàn
TC 參考文獻
SC 引用文献 cān kǎo wén xiàn,yǐn yòng wén xiàn
TC 引用文獻
The page of works cited is at the end of my report.

works council n: (workers' union at company level)
SC 职工委员会




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