

单词 growing

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growing adj: (child: developing)
SC 长身体的
TC 長身體的
SC 成长中的 chéng zhǎng zhōng de
He's a growing boy! He needs a good breakfast!
这个男孩正在长身体! 他需要一顿丰盛的早餐!

growing adj: (plant: developing) (植物)
SC 生长期的,正在生长的
Roots supply nourishment to the growing plant.

growing adj: (increasing)
SC 增长的 zēng zhǎng de
TC 增長的
SC 增大的 zēng zhǎng de ,zēng dà de
The state needs to pay off its growing deficit.

growing adj: (economy: developing) (经济)
SC 增长的,发展的 zēng zhǎng de ,fā zhǎn de
TC 增長的,發展的
China is a growing economy.

grow vi: (increase in size)
SC 长大 zhǎng dà
TC 長大
SC 长高 zhǎng dà ,zhǎng gāo
At puberty, she will grow taller.

grow vi: (expand)
SC 扩展 kuò zhǎn
TC 擴展
SC 扩张 kuò zhǎn,kuò zhāng
TC 擴張
SC 扩大 kuò zhǎn,kuò dà
TC 擴大
Our company has grown rapidly this year.

grow vi: (increase)
SC 增长 zēng zhǎng
TC 增長
SC 增加 zēng zhǎng ,zēng jiā
TC 增加
The population will grow rapidly.

grow vi: (thrive)
SC 生长 shēng zhǎng
TC 生長
SC 繁茂 shēng zhǎng ,fán mào
Not many trees can grow in the desert.

grow from [sth] vi + prep: (develop, arise)
SC 使…发展
SC 生长 shēng zhǎng
TC 生長
The business grew from a small family firm to a multimillion pound business.

grow [sth] vtr: (cultivate) (植物)
SC 种植, 栽种
SC 养殖, 饲养(动物)
They grow a lot of wheat in this region.
这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 他们家养了很多小牛。

grow [sth] vtr: (facial hair) (胡子等)
SC 留 liú
SC 蓄胡
He's growing a beard.

grow to do [sth] vi + prep: (feel after time)
SC 慢慢开始
TC 慢慢開始
SC 逐渐开始
He grew to appreciate her presence.

grow vi: (mature)
SC 成长 chéng zhǎng
TC 成長
SC 成熟 chéng zhǎng ,chéng shú
TC 成熟
I hope this experience will help him to grow.

grow vi: (+ adj: become)
SC 渐渐成为 jiàn jiàn chéng wéi
TC 漸漸成為
SC 逐渐变得 jiàn jiàn chéng wéi,zhú jiàn biàn de
We soon grew tired of her temper tantrums.

grow on [sth] vi + prep: (plant: growth habit) (植物)
SC 长在,生长在
According to folklore, moss grows on the north side of trees.

grow over [sth] vi + prep: (grow across [sth])
SC 在…上长满
Ivy grew all over the building's façade.

grow [sth] vtr: (business: develop) (生意)
SC 发展 fā zhǎn
TC 發展
SC 扩展 fā zhǎn,kuò zhǎn
TC 擴展
Social networking can help you to grow your business.

grow apart vi phrasal: figurative (friends: become less intimate) (比喻)
SC (朋友)产生隔阂,分道扬镳,心生间隙 péng yǒu chǎn shēng gé hé,fēn dào yáng biāo,xīn shēng jiàn xì
We were best friends in high school, but we have since grown apart.

grow away from [sb] vtr phrasal insep: figurative (lose attachment)
SC 与…隔膜 yǔ … gé mó
TC 與…疏遠
SC 疏远 yǔ … gé mó,shū yuǎn
Children gradually grow away from their parents and form their own identities.

grow back vi phrasal: (hair, etc.: regrow) (头发等)
SC 长出来,长回来
After I shaved my head, my hair grew back at a surprising rate.

grow into [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (become when mature)
SC 渐渐成长为
If it survives, a tadpole will grow into a frog.

grow into [sth] vtr phrasal insep: figurative (get better at a [sth])
SC 变得熟练
SC 变得有经验
I'm finding the new job rather difficult at the moment, but I'm hoping to be able to grow into it as time goes by.

grow into [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (become big enough for: clothing) (衣物等)
SC 长大能穿

grow [sth] out vtr phrasal sep: (hairstyle: allow to lengthen)
SC 留长发
Last year I cut my hair very short, but now I am letting it grow out.

grow out vi phrasal: (hairstyle: lengthen) (头发)
SC 变长,留长 biàn cháng
Sara wears hair clips while her bangs are growing out.

grow out of [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (clothing: outgrow)
SC 由于长大而不适于
Children at that age grow out of their clothes so quickly.

grow out of [sth] vtr phrasal insep: figurative (habit: outgrow) (习惯)
SC 因长大而改掉,因长大而消失
Richard grew out of the habit of sucking his thumb.

grow out of [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (originate, develop)
SC 源于 yuán yú
SC 来自 yuán yú ,lái zì
TC 來自
The idea grew out of discussions between leading organizations in the environment sector.

grow up vi phrasal: (become adult or mature) (本义)
SC 成长,长大 chéng zhǎng ,zhǎng dà
TC 成長,長大
I grew up in a village in Southern England. As a child, Kenny wanted to be a policeman when he grew up.

grow up vi phrasal: figurative (assume adult responsibility) (比喻)
SC 长大成人 zhǎng dà chéng rén
TC 長大成人
SC 担起责任
I wish my brother would grow up and get a place of his own.

ever-growing adj: (increasing, expanding)
SC 日益增长的

fast-growing, fast growing adj: (rapidly getting physically bigger)
SC 快速成长的

fast-growing, fast growing adj: (rapidly increasing)
SC 快速增长的

fastest-growing adj: (increasing most rapidly)
SC 增长最快的
Tourism is the fastest-growing sector of the Chinese economy.

growing concern n: (cause of worry)
SC 日益关注的问题
The safety of the environment is a growing concern these days.

growing old n: (process of aging)
SC 变老 biàn lǎo
SC 衰老 biàn lǎo,shuāi lǎo
TC 衰老
Growing old is an unavoidable part of life.

growing pains npl: (child: aching limbs)
SC 发育期疼痛
About 20 per cent of young school children suffer growing pains.

growing pains npl: figurative (adolescent: difficulties)
SC 成长的烦恼
SC 成长遇到的痛苦
He's just jumping into adolescence and he's trying to deal with the growing pains.

growing pains npl: figurative (new business: difficulties) (企业等)
SC 发展中遇到的困难
The first year of operation has been full of adjusting to the growing pains of the business.

growing season n: (part of year when plants grow) (植物)
SC 生长季节
Climate change is affecting the length of the growing season.

low-growing, low growing adj: (plant: not tall)
SC 矮生的,低矮的 dī ǎi de
I need to put low-growing plants along this wall so I can open the windows above them.




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