

单词 claim

US   UK  
claim n: (assertion)
SC 断言 duàn yán
TC 斷言
SC 宣称 duàn yán,xuān chēng
TC 宣稱
SC 声明 duàn yán,shēng míng
TC 聲明
Their claim was that they had been cheated.

claim n: (demand for payment)
SC 索赔 suǒ péi
SC 赔款要求 suǒ péi,péi kuǎn yāo qiú
The driver filed an insurance claim.

claim, claim to [sth] n: (demand)
SC 所有权要求,权利要求 quán lì yāo qiú
His claim to the property was rejected.

claim, claim on [sth] n: (right)
SC 权利,所有权 quán lì,suǒ yǒu quán
TC 權利,所有權
I have first claim on the property.

claim, claim that vtr: (with clause: assert that)
SC 声称 shēng chēng
TC 聲稱
SC 断言 shēng chēng ,duàn yán
TC 斷言
SC 自称 shēng chēng ,zì chēng
TC 自稱
Roger claims that he has seen aliens.

claim to do [sth] v expr: (achievement: assert)
SC 宣称 xuān chēng
TC 宣稱
SC 声称 xuān chēng ,shēng chēng
TC 聲稱
This paint brand claims to cover a larger area than that rival brand.

claim to be [sth] v expr: (say that one is)
SC 声称 shēng chēng
TC 聲稱
SC 宣称 shēng chēng ,xuān chēng
TC 宣稱
SC 自称 shēng chēng ,zì chēng
TC 自稱
You claim to be a musician, but is this the truth? The young man claimed to be her long-lost son.

claim to have done [sth] v expr: (achievement: assert)
SC 宣称做过
TC 宣稱做過
Weston claimed to have invented a new method for producing copper.

claim [sth] vtr: (demand [sth])
SC 要求 yāo qiú
TC 要求
My father never claimed his visitation rights after my parents got divorced.

claim n: (land for mining)
SC 矿权地
TC (礦)申請購買地

claim [sth] vtr: (deserve [sth])
SC 值得,应得 zhí dé ,yīng dé
TC 值得,應得
She claims a right to participate in the finals based on her defeat of all opponents so far.

claim [sth] vtr: (take: [sb]'s life)
SC 导致...遇难
SC 夺走...的生命
The earthquake claimed the lives of 100 people.

baggage claim, baggage reclaim n: (airport area)
SC 行李领取处 xíng lǐ lǐng qǔ chù
We had to wait an hour and a half in baggage claim before our bags came through.

baggage reclaim, reclaim, baggage claim n: (airport: luggage collection area)
SC 行李领取处 xíng lǐ lǐng qǔ chù
SC 行李认领处 xíng lǐ lǐng qǔ chù,xíng lǐ rèn lǐng chù
When I got off the plane, I headed straight to baggage reclaim to wait for my suitcase.

claim [sth] back, claim back [sth] vtr + adv: (request repayment)
SC 要求收回

claim for [sth] vi + prep: (request payout)
SC 要求 yāo qiú
TC 要求
SC 索取 yāo qiú,suǒ qǔ

claim form n: (request for compensation)
SC 索赔申请表

claim lives v expr: (cause people to die)
SC 夺走生命,吞噬生命
This perilous narrow stretch of road continues to claim lives.

claim the lives of v expr: (cause people to die)
SC 夺走...的生命
SC 令...遇难
The earthquake claimed the lives of 100 people.

file a claim v expr: (application to insurance company)
SC 提起索赔

insurance claim n: (request for insurance to be paid)
SC 保险索赔 bǎo xiǎn suǒ péi
TC 保險索賠
I have to file an insurance claim to be reimbursed for my doctor appointment.

lay claim to [sth] v expr: (claim ownership of)
SC 对...的所有权提出主张
SC 对…提出主权要求
He laid claim to the house and the surrounding land.

lay claim to doing [sth] v expr: (assert [sth] about yourself)
SC 自称 zì chēng
TC 自稱
SC 自以为
Prudence laid claim to being the best singer in her family.

lay claim to [sth] v expr: (claim to have)
SC 声称有
TC 聲稱有
SC 宣称有

stake your claim v expr: (assert right)
SC 公开宣布对…的所有权 gōng kāi xuān bù duì … de suǒ yǒu quán
Well if you're not interested in her, do you mind if I stake my claim?

waive a claim v expr: (give up one's right to [sth])
SC 放弃要求 fàng qì yāo qiú
TC 放棄要求
After the conversation with the lawyer, the injured man decided to waive his claim to legal damages.

warranty claim n: (request for repair or replacement of goods)
SC 质保索赔




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