

单词 chested

chest n: (front of torso) (人或动物)
SC 胸,胸部 xiōng,xiōng bù
TC 胸,胸部
You could see the sunburn on his arms and chest.

chest n: (breasts)
SC 胸部 xiōng bù
TC 胸部
SC 乳房 xiōng bù,rǔ fáng
She had a large chest.

chest n: (strong box)
SC 橱 chú
SC 柜子 chú,guì zi
SC 箱子 chú,xiāng zi
TC 箱子
We keep blankets in that old chest by the bed.

chest n as adj: (relating to the body's chest area)
SC 胸的 xiōng de
SC 胸部的 xiōng de,xiōng bù de
Indigestion causes pain in the chest area.

chest [sth] vtr: (football) (球类)
SC 用胸部顶
SC 用胸部传
He chested the ball to the ground.

chest fly n: usually plural (fitness: upper body exercise)
SC 扩胸运动
SC 扩胸

chest of drawers n: (furniture: has drawers)
SC 五斗柜 wǔ dǒu guì
SC 多屉橱柜 wǔ dǒu guì,duō tì chú guì
SC 衣柜 wǔ dǒu guì,yī guì
I keep all my tools in an old chest of drawers that used to be in the bedroom.

chest pain n: (severe discomfort in upper abdomen)
SC 胸痛
A heart attack causes chest pain.

chest size n: (width of upper torso)
SC 胸围
TC 胸圍
Due to his large chest size, the shirt didn't fit him.

chest wall n: (anatomy: covering heart and lungs) (人体)
SC 胸壁

chest x-ray, chest X-ray n: (examination of chest by radiograph)
SC 胸透 xiōng tòu
SC 胸部射线检查 xiōng tòu,xiōng bù shè xiàn jiǎn chá
He had annual chest x-rays but they failed to detect his lung cancer.

chest x-ray, chest X-ray n: (radiograph picture of [sb]'s chest)
SC 胸透X光片 xiōng tòu guāng piàn
SC 胸肺平片 xiōng tòu guāng piàn,xiōng fèi píng piàn
The chest x-ray shows a small spot on the right lung.

get [sth] off your chest v expr: figurative (confess [sth])
SC 倾诉 qīng sù
SC 一吐为快

hope chest n: dated (woman's wedding trunk)
SC 嫁妆箱子 jià zhuāng xiāng zi
TC 嫁妝箱子
SC 未婚少女珍藏布料或首饰的箱子

ice chest: (ice box)
SC 冰箱 bīng xiāng
SC 冰柜

medicine chest n: (bathroom cabinet)
SC 药箱 yào xiāng
I keep my pills in the medicine chest. Can you get a bandage from the medicine chest for me?

sea chest n: (in ship's hull)
SC 通海吸水箱

sea chest n: (container for sailor's things)
SC 水手的储物箱

tool chest n: (box for handheld instruments)
SC 工具盒 gōng jù hé
My dad had a huge tool chest in the garage.

treasure chest n: (box full of gold, etc.)
SC 宝箱
SC 藏宝箱

war chest n: figurative (money to finance a war) (比喻)
SC 战争基金 zhàn zhēng jī jīn
TC 戰爭基金
We need to double our war chest if we hope to get her elected.




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