

单词 punched

punch n: (strike made with fist)
SC 一拳 yì quán
SC 挥拳击打 yì quán,huī quán jī dǎ
TC 揮拳擊打
The boxer's punch knocked his opponent over.

punch [sb/sth] vtr: (hit with fist)
SC 用拳痛击 yòng quán tòng jī
TC 用拳痛擊
SC 挥拳打 yòng quán tòng jī,huī quán dǎ
Beside himself with rage, Ben punched Harry.

punch [sth] vtr: (make a hole in)
SC 给…打孔 gěi … dǎ kǒng
TC 給…打孔
The bus conductor punched Jane's ticket.

punch n: informal, figurative (impact)
SC 有效 yǒu xiào
TC 有效
SC 效力 yǒu xiào,xiào lì
TC 效力
The advertising campaign had a lot of punch.

punch n: (party drink: cocktail)
SC 潘趣酒 pān qù jiǔ
TC 水果酒
We're making a cider, rum, and cinnamon punch.

punch n: (tool for punching holes)
SC 打孔器
TC 穿孔器
Robert used a punch to put a new hole in his belt.

punch [sth] vtr: (button, key: press) (键、按钮)
SC 按 àn
Leah punched a button and the door opened.

punch in, clock in (US), clock on (UK) vi phrasal: (activate time card at job) (指上班记录考勤的方法)
SC 打卡
SC 打钟

punch [sth] in, punch in [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (use keys to enter data) (用键盘)
SC 输入...
SC 键入...
TC 鍵入…

punch [sth] out, punch out [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (make perforations) (用专用工具)
SC 打孔 dǎ kǒng
SC 钻孔 dǎ kǒng,zuān kǒng

punch [sb] out, punch out [sb] vtr phrasal sep: slang, figurative (hit unconscious)
SC 击倒, 击晕

punch out, clock out (US), clock off (UK) vi phrasal: (at work: record leaving time)
SC 下班打卡

punch through [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (perforate)
SC 穿透 chuān tòu
SC 击穿
TC 擊穿
The criminals used a power drill to punch through the safe and get the cash.

punch [sth] up, punch up [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (use keys to enter data)
SC 用按键输入
The shopkeeper punched up the price on the till.

hole-puncher, hole punch n: (device: makes holes in documents) (设备)
SC 打孔机,打孔器 dǎ kǒng jī
TC 穿孔機,穿孔器
I use a hole-puncher to put holes in the pages and then put them in my binder.

keypunch, key punch, card punch n: (hole-punching device)
SC (资料卡的)键控穿孔机 zī liào kǎ de jiàn kòng chuān kǒng jī
SC 打孔机 zī liào kǎ de jiàn kòng chuān kǒng jī,dǎ kǒng jī
TC 穿孔機

keypunch, key punch vi: (enter data using a keypunch)
SC 用打孔机打孔 yòng dǎ kǒng jī dǎ kǒng
SC 穿孔 yòng dǎ kǒng jī dǎ kǒng,chuān kǒng
TC 穿孔

keypunch [sth], key punch [sth] vtr: (data: enter using a keypunch) (数据)
SC 给...打孔
TC 給…打孔

nail set, nail punch, punch n: (tool for driving nails)
SC 冲钉机
SC 冲钉器
You should use a nail set to make the nails flush with the floor.

one-two, one-two punch n: (boxing: two blows)
SC 连击两次
Joe knocked John down with a one-two punch to the head and stomach.

one-two, one-two punch n: US, figurative (double impact)
SC 双重影响
The one-two of the scandal in his private life and his failure to deliver on his main election promise ended the politician's career.

one-two punch n: US, figurative (double impact) (比喻)
SC 连环出击 lián huán chū jī
TC 連環出擊

one-two punch n: (boxing: two blows) (拳击)
SC 连续出击的组合拳 lián xù chū jī de zǔ hé quán
Joe knocked John down with a one-two punch to the head and stomach.

pack a punch v expr: figurative, informal (be powerful) (比喻,非正式用语)
SC 猛力出击,奋力一击 měng lì chū jī,fèn lì yì jī
Wow! That whiskey really packs a punch!

pleased as Punch adj: informal (extremely satisfied)
SC 非常快乐的 fēi cháng kuài lè de
SC 非常满足的 fēi cháng kuài lè de,fēi cháng mǎn zú de
I was pleased as punch when I found my shoes.

punch a hole in [sth] v expr: (perforate)
SC 打洞 dǎ dòng
SC 穿孔 dǎ dòng,chuān kǒng
TC 穿孔

punch a ticket v expr: (ticket: validate by perforating)
SC 在票上打孔 zài piào shàng dǎ kǒng
Train conductors punch passengers' tickets so they're not used again.

punch above your weight v expr: informal, figurative (do more than you are capable of)
SC 超出能力范围
Really? You've been promoted to head of department? Are you sure you aren't punching above your weight?

punch above your weight v expr: informal, figurative (date [sb] more attractive)
SC 约会自己配不上的对象
Have you seen Jim's new girlfriend? She's gorgeous and she has a PhD; I reckon he's punching above his weight there!

punch bowl n: (receptacle for party drinks) (一种在party上装甜酒饮料的容器)
SC (装潘趣酒的)大酒杯,宾治酒杯 zhuāng pān qù jiǔ de dà jiǔ bēi,bīn zhì jiǔ bēi

punch card, punch-card n: (card storing data by means of punched holes) (计算机)
SC 穿孔卡 chuān kǒng kǎ
I remember when a computer was the size of a room and the data was all on punch cards.
Some factories still have their employees use punch cards to clock in and out.

punch drunk, punch-drunk adj: (mentally dull)
SC 头昏眼花的 tóu hūn yǎn huā de
SC 晕头转向的 tóu hūn yǎn huā de,yūn tóu zhuàn xiàng de

punch [sb] in [sth] vtr + prep: (hit on specified body part) (打击身体部位)
SC 打在某人的...上
Tom punched Pete in the stomach.

punch [sth] in, punch in [sth] vtr + adv: (crush by hitting with fist) (指用拳头)
SC 打扁
SC 打得...凹进去
If you don't shut up, I'm going to punch your face in.

punch list, punchlist n: (to-do list, series of tasks to be done)
SC 事项表
SC 工作清单
My punch list for the weekend includes washing my car and cleaning my bedroom.

punch list, punchlist n: (construction: tasks) (建筑工作用)
SC 竣工核查事项表
SC 未完事项一览表
SC 尾项清单
The punch list includes various minor repairs which need to be done.

Punch-and-Judy show n: (traditional puppet show)
SC 木偶戏表演
SC 傀儡戏

punch-up n: UK, informal (fist fight)
SC 拳打,徒手打斗
The two men had a punch-up.

punching bag (US), punchbag, punch bag (UK) n: (stuffed bag for boxing practice)
SC (练拳击的)沙袋 liàn quán jī de shā dài
SC 吊袋 liàn quán jī de shā dài,diào dài
Rod was practising his boxing moves with a punch bag.

punching bag (US), punchbag, punch bag (UK) n: figurative ([sb] subjected to abuse)
SC 出气的对象 chū qì de duì xiàng
SC 出气筒
I quit my job because I felt the boss was using me as a punching bag.

punchline, punch line n: (tagline of a joke) (故事、笑话等中的)
SC 妙语,妙句,点睛之笔 miào yǔ ,diǎn jīng zhī bǐ
He was terrible at telling jokes because he always forgot the punchline.

sucker punch n: informal (unexpected punch)
SC 突然袭击 tū rán xí jī
TC 突然襲擊

sucker-punch [sb] vtr: informal (punch unexpectedly)
SC 突然向...出拳
SC 突然袭击 tū rán xí jī
TC 突然襲擊

throw a punch v expr: (try to hit [sb])
SC 试图打某人 shì tú dǎ mǒu rén
After hearing Bob's insult, Paul threw a punch.




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