

单词 press

US   UK  
press vi: (push)
SC 推 tuī
He pressed against the table to get it to move.

press [sth] vtr: (key: push down) (键)
SC 按, 按下
He pressed the delete key.

press [sth] vtr: (button: depress) (按钮)
SC 按, 按下
He pressed the button to ring the doorbell.

press [sth] vtr: (compress)
SC 挤压 jǐ yā
TC 擠壓
SC 按压 jǐ yā,àn yā
The more you press a wet sponge, the more water you will get out of it.

press [sth] vtr: (squeeze)
SC 挤压 jǐ yā
TC 擠壓
SC 挤取 jǐ yā,jǐ qǔ
Press the oranges onto the juicer to make a healthy drink.

press [sth] vtr: (push heavily on)
SC 压紧 yā jǐn
Would you press on my suitcase so I can close it?

the press n: (news media)
SC 媒体 méi tǐ
SC 新闻媒体 méi tǐ ,xīn wén méi tǐ
TC 新聞媒體
The prime minister's memo was leaked to the press.

the press npl: (journalists)
SC 新闻工作者们 xīn wén gōng zuò zhě men
SC 记者们 xīn wén gōng zuò zhě men,jì zhě men
SC 新闻界 xīn wén gōng zuò zhě men,xīn wén jiè
The President spent an hour briefing the press on his latest policy.

press n: (printing machine) (印刷机器)
SC 印刷机 yìn shuā jī
TC 印刷機
Newspapers are produced on a printing press.

press n: (device: flattens clothes)
SC 压平器 yā píng qì
TC 熨平
There was a trouser press and an iron in the hotel room.

press n: (device: irons clothes)
SC 熨平器 yù píng qì
TC 熨斗
SC 熨烫器 yù píng qì,yù tàng qì
A steam press takes the effort out of ironing clothes.

press n: (manufacturing device) (生产制造)
SC 压力机,冲床 yā lì jī,chōng chuáng
Many metal components are stamped out of sheet metal on a giant press.

press n: informal (publicity, coverage) (非正式用语)
SC 媒体报道,媒体宣传 méi tǐ bào dào,méi tǐ xuān chuán
He got good press for the act of charity.

press n: (racquet protector)
SC 球拍夹 qiú pāi jiá
TC 球拍夾
A tennis racquet should be stored in a press.

press n: (crowding together)
SC 拥挤 yōng jǐ
TC 擁擠
SC 拥堵 yōng jǐ,yōng dǔ
There was a great press of people in the small lift compartment.

press n: (crease, pleat)
SC 折痕
SC 皱痕,褶皱 zhòu hén,zhě zhòu
The sharp press in his trousers showed his concern for appearances.

press n: (urgency)
SC 紧急性 jǐn jí xìng
TC 緊急性
SC 紧迫性 jǐn jí xìng,jǐn pò xìng
The press of executing transactions made the trader's job stressful.

press n: (weightlifting) (举重)
SC 颈前推举
The press is a training exercise for weightlifters.

press, press cupboard n: (shelved cupboard)
SC 双层碗橱
Clean, ironed linen is kept in the press.

press [sb] to do [sth] v expr: (hurry)
SC 敦促 dūn cù
SC 催促 dūn cù,cuī cù
TC 催促
Gabrielle pressed her assistant to finish addressing the envelopes.

press [sb] to do [sth] v expr: (harass)
SC 催逼 cuī bī
SC 逼迫 cuī bī,bī pò
TC 逼迫
SC 紧逼 cuī bī,jǐn bī
The bill collector presses debtors to pay, calling at all hours of the day.

press for [sth] vi + prep: figurative (insist)
SC 施加压力于 shī jiā yā lì yú
SC 坚持要 shī jiā yā lì yú ,jiān chí yào
When the witness evaded the question, the prosecutor pressed for an answer.

press [sth] vtr: (iron) (衣物)
SC 熨平 yù píng
I need to press these trousers. They're all rumpled.

press [sth] vtr: (hold close)
SC 紧紧拥抱 jǐn jǐn yōng bào
TC 緊緊擁抱
SC 紧紧抱着 jǐn jǐn yōng bào,jǐn jǐn bào zhe
He pressed his lover to his chest.

press [sb] for [sth] vtr + prep: (beg, entreat)
SC 恳求 kěn qiú
SC 请求 kěn qiú,qǐng qiú
TC 請求
He pressed the court for a decision.

press [sb] for [sth] vtr + prep: (hurry)
SC 催促某人某事
SC 敦促某人某事
Time is running out, I'll have to press you for an answer.

press for [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (demand or request urgently)
SC 敦促,迫切要求 dūn cù,pò qiè yāo qiú
Campaigners are pressing for a change in the law.

press forward vi phrasal: (crowd: advance)
SC 前进,向前推进 qián jìn,xiàng qián tuī jìn
TC 前進,向前推進
The herd pressed forward, driven by fear of the men behind them.

press in vi phrasal: figurative (make [sb] feel claustrophobic)
SC 让人感觉到压力
SC 让人感觉被压迫
It felt like the walls were pressing in all around her.

press in on [sb] vi phrasal + prep: figurative (make [sb] feel claustrophobic)
SC 向...涌来
SC 朝...扑面而来
It felt as if the crowd was pressing in on Pat, and she began to panic.

press on, press ahead vi phrasal: informal (continue, persevere)
SC 使负担沉重 shǐ fù dān chén zhòng
SC 把…强加给 shǐ fù dān chén zhòng ,bǎ … qiáng jiā gěi
Despite the worsening weather conditions, the explorers decided to press on with their journey.

AP n: initialism (Associated Press) (缩写)
SC 美国联合通讯社,美联社 měi guó lián hé tōng xùn shè,měi lián shè

bad press n: informal (unfavourable publicity)
SC 来自新闻界的责难 lái zì xīn wén jiè de zé nàn
The actress received a lot of bad press as a result of her extreme political views.

bench press n: (weight lifting)
SC 举重练习凳 jǔ zhòng liàn xí dèng
Bruce is in the gym, training on the bench press.

complimentary press copy n: (book: free to reviewers)
SC 赠书 zèng shū
The reviewer often sold his complimentary press copies to make some extra cash.

drill press: (drilling)
SC 钻床

drop forge, drop hammer, drop press n: (metallurgy: shapes metal)
SC 落锤锻造
TC 落錘鍛造

free press: (uncensored press) (不受审查的媒体)
SC 自由媒体
TC 自由媒體

freedom of the press n: (right to print opinions)
SC 新闻自由 xīn wén zì yóu
TC 新聞自由
SC 出版自由 xīn wén zì yóu,chū bǎn zì yóu
SC 消息自由 xīn wén zì yóu,xiāo xī zì yóu
The reporter refused to tell the police who gave him the information, citing his rights under freedom of the press.

French-press coffee n: (coffee brewed in a cafetière)
SC 法式滤压咖啡
The coffee shop serves French-press coffee.

garlic press n: (kitchen tool for crushing garlic)
SC 压蒜器
Crush two cloves of garlic with a garlic press.

go to press v expr: (be published)
SC 出版,发表 chū bǎn,fā biǎo
TC 發表
SC 付印 fù yìn

gutter press n: informal, pejorative (sensationalist media)
SC 低级报纸 dī jí bào zhǐ
TC 低級報紙
SC 低俗小报 dī jí bào zhǐ,dī sú xiǎo bào
SC 哗众取宠的刊物 dī jí bào zhǐ,huá zhòng qǔ chǒng de kān wù
The gutter press is obsessed with celebrity gossip.

hand press n: (pressing machine worked manually)
SC 手动压汁机
My family uses their hand press to make homemade apple cider.

hand press n: (printing press worked manually)
SC 手动印刷机 shǒu dòng yìn shuā jī
Early newspapers were printed on a hand press.

hold a press conference, hold a news conference v expr: (speak to media)
SC 召开新闻发布会
SC 举行新闻发布会
The senator held a press conference to explain his new proposal.

hot off the press adj: informal (newspaper: freshly printed)
SC 刚印刷出的(书,报纸等) gāng yìn shuā chū de ( shū ),bào zhǐ děng
SC 新鲜出炉的消息 xīn xiān chū lú de xiāo xī
The club's latest newsletter is hot off the press.

hot off the press adj: informal, figurative (information: new)
SC 新鲜出炉的
The latest news hot off the press is that Alice is calling off the wedding.

hot press n: (device for treating paper, cloth)
SC 热压机

hot press [sth] vtr: (use a hot press on [sth])
SC 热压
TC 熱壓
SC 对...进行热压处理

hot press n: UK, Ire, regional (place for drying clothes)
SC 熨衣店

hot press, hot-press, hot-pressed adj: (paper: treated, smooth) (纸张)
SC 经过热压的

permanent press n: (fabric: resistance to wrinkles) (织物)
SC 免烫
Clothing with a permanent press shrinks in hot water.

permanent press, permanent-press n as adj: (fabric: resistant to wrinkles) (织物)
SC 免烫的
These permanent-press shirts do not need ironing.

press agency n: (news-reporting organization)
SC 新闻社 xīn wén shè
TC 新聞社
SC 通讯社 xīn wén shè,tōng xùn shè
TC 通訊社
Reuters is a well-known international press agency.

press agent n: (public relations manager)
SC 广告宣传员 guǎng gào xuān chuán yuán
SC 新闻广告员 guǎng gào xuān chuán yuán ,xīn wén guǎng gào yuán
The actor's press agent has just released a statement.

press book n: (promotional publication)
SC 宣传册,媒体手册 xuān chuán cè
The press book contains background information about the film.

press box n: (journalists' enclosure)
SC 记者席
TC 記者席
To ensure a professional working environment, no family members or guests are permitted in the press box.

press charges vtr + npl: (make formal accusation)
SC 提起诉讼 tí qǐ sù sòng
TC 提起訴訟
The actress reacted angrily to the magazine article and threatened to press charges.

press charges against [sb] v expr: (accuse [sb] formally)
SC 控告 kòng gào
TC 控告
SC 将...告上法庭
The mining company pressed charges against the strikers.

press clipping n: often plural (newspaper cutting)
SC 简报 jiǎn bào
Norma collects press clippings on her son's career as a professional footballer.

press conference, news conference n: (meeting with journalists)
SC 新闻发布会 xīn wén fā bù huì
SC 记者招待会 xīn wén fā bù huì ,jì zhě zhāo dāi huì
The senator took 28 questions during this morning's press conference.

press corps n: (news journalists)
SC 记者团,媒体团队
Many members of the press corps spent the war in hotel bars and never got close to the fighting.

press down vi + adv: (apply pressure, depress [sth])
SC 压下 yā xià
SC 按下 yā xià,àn xià
SC 向下按压 yā xià,xiàng xià àn yā
To stop the car, put your foot on the brake and press down.

press gang n: historical (forces military service)
SC 强征船员
The crew of the ship were supplied by the press gang.

press [sth] in, press in [sth] vtr + adv: (depress: a button, etc.) (按钮)
SC 压入, 按
The doorbell is broken: you have to press it in hard to get it to work.

press kit, press pack n: (media publicity pack)
SC 媒体资料包
The marketing department is preparing a press kit for the launch of the product.

press release n: (news update or bulletin)
SC 新闻发布稿 xīn wén fā bù gǎo
Jenkins authorized a press release denying the validity of the rumors.

press secretary n: (public relations manager) (政府、政客等)
SC 新闻秘书
The press secretary said that the press conference was now over.

press section n: (journalists' enclosure)
SC 新闻科 xīn wén kē
TC 新聞科
SC 新闻处 xīn wén kē,xīn wén chù
The reporters claimed their seats in the press section.

press stud (UK), popper (UK), snap fastener (US) n: (metal fastener)
SC 纽扣
The coat has press studs and a zip.

press the flesh v expr: informal, figurative (shake hands and mingle)
SC 握手致意
The senator gave a speech and then pressed the flesh for a few minutes.

press [sth] upon [sb], press [sth] on [sb] vtr + prep: (pressure [sb] to accept [sth])
SC 逼迫...接受
Julie didn't want to take the money, but her mother pressed it on her.

press-gang [sb] vtr: figurative (forcefully persuade [sb])
SC 迫使 pò shǐ
TC 迫使
Rachel didn't really want to go on the trip, but the others press-ganged her.

press-gang [sb] into doing [sth] vtr: figurative (forcefully persuade [sb] to do [sth])
SC 迫使某人做某事
Louis was press-ganged into organizing the children's party.

press-on adj: (attaches by pressing)
SC 压贴的

pressroom, press room n: (room for printing presses)
SC 印刷室,印刷车间

pressroom, press room n: (room for reporters)
SC 记者室

printing press n: (machine)
SC 印刷机 yìn shuā jī
TC 印刷機
Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press.

push-up (US), press-up (UK) n: usually plural (arm exercise)
SC 俯卧撑 fǔ wò chēng
The fitness instructor asked the class to do 20 push-ups.

screw press: (machinery)
SC 螺旋压力机

stop the presses (US), hold the presses (US), stop press (UK), hold the press (UK) interj: (introducing breaking news)
SC 加入最新消息
Stop the presses: the White House has just issued an update.

stop the presses (US), hold the presses (US), stop press (UK), hold the press (UK) interj: figurative (making announcement or update)
SC 播出最新消息
Hold the press! James has just texted to ask me on a date!

stop press n: UK (late news added)
SC 最新消息 zuì xīn xiāo xī
The newspaper editor added a stop press to the story when the court announced its verdict.

stop-press adj: UK (related to stopping the presses)
SC 最新消息的

tabloid press n: (publisher of gossip)
SC 小报 xiǎo bào
The tabloid press like to publish stories about celebrities.

wine press: (wine making)
SC 葡萄榨汁机




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