

单词 patched

patched adj: (clothing, cloth: mended with fabric) (衣服)
SC 打补丁的

patched adj: (wall: repaired) (墙)
SC 修补的

patched adj: (quilt: made of fabric pieces) (被子)
SC 拼块制成的
The bed was covered with a patched quilt.

patch n: (fabric: mends, strengthens)
SC 补丁 bǔ dīng
SC 补片 bǔ dīng ,bǔ piàn
SC 布块 bǔ dīng ,bù kuài
John had to put a patch on his jeans, as they had a hole in them.

patch of [sth] n: (area of land, grass)
SC 小块土地 xiǎo kuài tǔ dì
TC 小塊土地
There is a patch of grass between the flower bed and the vegetable patch.

patch n: (small piece of [sth])
SC 一小块
TC 一小塊
Angela hit a patch of ice and skidded.

patch n: (small area of [sth]) (空间)
SC 一小片
A patch of blue sky appeared between the clouds.

patch n: (area of skin) (皮肤)
SC 一小片
Your patches of white skin are caused by vitiligo.

patch n: (fabric badge)
SC 布章 bù zhāng
Karen sewed a Greenpeace patch onto her jacket when she was at college.

patch n: (computing: bug fix) (计算机)
SC 补丁,修正 bǔ dīng ,xiū zhèng
TC 修正
Ben used a patch to fix the problem with the software.

patch n: (eye covering)
SC 眼罩 yǎn zhào
The pirate wore a patch over one eye.

patch n: (plaster: administers drug)
SC 膏药
Tim is using nicotine patches to help him give up smoking.

patch [sb] through vtr + adv: (telephone: connect to external line) (电话)
SC 给…转接
TC 給…轉接
Audrey is out of the office at the moment, but she's available on her mobile; I can patch you through if you like.

patch [sb] through to [sb/sth] v expr: dated (telephone: connect to external line) (电话,过时用语)
SC 把…转接给,把…转到
The operator patched me through to our London branch.

patch n: informal (period of time)
SC 一段时间 yí duàn shí jiān
TC 一段時間
There was a difficult patch during Rick's teens when he fell in with a bad crowd.

patch [sth] vtr: (computing: fix) (计算机)
SC 加补丁,打补丁 jiā bǔ dīng ,dǎ bǔ dīng
Ben has patched this program and now the problem is fixed.

patch [sth] vtr: (mend: clothes, etc.)
SC 修补 xiū bǔ
TC 修補
SC 给...打补丁
John has patched his jeans to hide the hole.

patch [sth] vtr: (join patches)
SC 用布拼
Hester is patching a quilt.

patch [sth] vtr: (wall: repair) (墙)
SC 修补 xiū bǔ
TC 修補

patch [sth] up vtr phrasal sep: (mend: clothing, tear)
SC 临时修补 lín shí xiū bǔ
TC 臨時修補
There are no more mice in the house since I patched up the hole in the wall.

patch [sb] up vtr phrasal sep: (person: treat injury)
SC 仓促地包扎(或处理)伤口 cāng cù de bāo zā ( huò chǔ lǐ ) shāng kǒu
Don't worry, the doctors will patch you up in no time.

bald patch, bald spot n: (area of scalp: no hair)
SC 秃斑

go through a rough patch v expr: informal, figurative (experience difficult time)
SC 度过难关
SC 经历磨难
Pippa has a lot of problems at the moment; she's going through a rough patch.

nicotine patch n: (plaster to quit smoking)
SC 尼古丁贴剂,尼古丁贴片

patch things up, patch it up (with [sb]) v expr: informal, figurative (be reconciled)
SC 讲和 jiǎng hé
SC 修好 jiǎng hé ,xiū hǎo
My friend and I had a fight, but we've patched things up now.

patch [sth] together vtr + adv: (assemble roughly)
SC 拼凑 pīn còu
Sam patched a team together for Saturday's football match.

pumpkin patch n: (plot where pumpkins grow)
SC 南瓜地
SC 南瓜园
I used to go to the pumpkin patch to choose a pumpkin every Hallowe'en.

soul patch n: (facial hair)
SC 下唇小胡子

vegetable garden, vegetable patch n: (allotment)
SC 菜园子 cài yuán zi
TC 菜園
SC 菜圃 cài yuán zi,cài pǔ
I'm growing tomatoes and squash in my vegetable garden.




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