

单词 human

US   UK  
human n: (human being: person)
SC 人 rén
SC 人类 rén,rén lèi
TC 人類
Humans have populated the earth for thousands of years.

human adj: (belonging to the human race)
SC 人的 rén de
SC 人类的 rén de ,rén lèi de
SC 属于人类的 rén de ,shǔ yú rén lèi de
Yes, this is a human leg bone.

human adj: (characteristic of humans)
SC 人类特质的 rén lèi tè zhì de
SC 人性的 rén lèi tè zhì de,rén xìng de
The cat has a human curiosity.

human adj: (generous, humane)
SC 有人情味的 yǒu rén qíng wèi de
SC 人道的 yǒu rén qíng wèi de,rén dào de
It was human of him to help the poor people.

Department of Health and Human Services n: (HHS: US government agency) (HHS: 美国政府机构)
SC 卫生与公众服务部

ergonomics, human engineering, human-factors engineering n: (workspace design)
SC 工效学
TC 人體工學
SC 人类工程学
My psychology professor is an expert in ergonomics.

fellow human being n: ([sb] else who is experiencing life)
SC 人类同胞
SC 人类伙伴

HIV n: initialism (AIDS virus)
SC 人类免疫缺损病毒 rén lèi miǎn yì quē sǔn bìng dú
SC 艾滋病病毒 rén lèi miǎn yì quē sǔn bìng dú,ài zī bìng bìng dú
SC 爱滋病病毒 rén lèi miǎn yì quē sǔn bìng dú,ài zī bìng bìng dú
The hospital has reported several new cases of HIV this month.

human activity n: (anything done by people)
SC 人类活动
He argued that global warming is caused by human activity.

human anatomy n: (structure of the human body)
SC 人类解剖结构
SC 人类身体构造
The heart, lungs and brain are integral parts of the human anatomy.

human being n: (person: distinct from animals)
SC 人 rén
SC 人类 rén,rén lèi
TC 人類
The kind way she treats people makes her a real human being.

human being n: (homo sapiens)
SC 人类 rén lèi
TC 人類
The earliest human beings lived in Africa.

human body n: (physical anatomy of a person)
SC 人体 rén tǐ
TC 人體
The human body has evolved over time to adapt to new living conditions.

human capital n: (people as assets)
SC 人力资源 rén lì zī yuán
SC 人才资产
Human capital is important for the growth of the economy.

human condition n: (mortality)
SC 人的生活
SC 人的境况
Life and death are the opposite ends of the human condition.

human error n: ([sb]'s mistake)
SC 人为错误 rén wéi cuò wù
TC 人為錯誤
One must consider human error when evaluating accuracy of the data.

human form n: (human body, figure)
SC 人体体形 rén tǐ tǐ xíng
TC 人體體形
Many aspects of the human form clearly show the close relationship of our species with the great apes.

human form n: (shape of a human being)
SC 人类外形 rén lèi wài xíng
TC 人類外形
SC 人的外形 rén lèi wài xíng,rén de wài xíng
The door opened and a human form stood silhouetted against the light.
In works of science fiction, it is not unusual for aliens to assume a human form.

human frailty n: (fallible nature of human beings)
SC 人性弱点 rén xìng ruò diǎn
TC 人性弱點

human genome n: (genetic code of human beings)
SC 人类基因组 rén lèi jī yīn zǔ
The mapping of the human genome is a stunning scientific achievement.

human geography n: (people and places)
SC 人文地理学 rén wén dì lǐ xué
At college, I preferred to study human geography rather than physical geography.

human interest story n: (news item about people's lives)
SC 充满人情味的新闻报道
It's a human interest story about a boy who successfully battled against cancer.

human life n: (humanity, people)
SC 人类存在
SC 人类生命
So far there is no evidence of human life on Mars.

human nature n: (innate psychological characteristics of humans)
SC 人性 rén xìng
TC 人性
The greedy man stole from his neighbors, but isn't that just human nature?

human papilloma virus: (pathology)
SC 人乳头状瘤病毒

human race n: (humanity, humans as a species)
SC 人类 rén lèi
TC 人類
The human race had better learn to look after this planet - it's the only one we've got!

human relations: (group behavior)
SC 人际关系

human resources n: (HR: personnel recruitment department)
SC 人力资源部 rén lì zī yuán bù
SC 人事部 rén lì zī yuán bù,rén shì bù
Someone from human resources gave me some forms to complete.

human resources department n: (hiring department)
SC 人力资源部 rén lì zī yuán bù

human rights npl: (basic civil freedoms)
SC 人权 rén quán
TC 人權
Amnesty International is a worldwide organization which campaigns for human rights.

human sacrifice n: (religion: killing [sb] for a god)
SC 人祭 rén jì
SC 杀掉人来祭祀祖先或神明的风俗仪式 rén jì ,shā diào rén lái jì sì zǔ xiān huò shén míng de fēng sú yí shì
The Aztecs practiced human sacrifice.

human sacrifice n: (religion: [sb] killed for a god)
SC 人祭 rén jì
SC 被用作祭品之人
Archaeologists have discovered the skulls of 80 women who were used as human sacrifices.

human services: US (social services)
SC 社会服务 shè huì fú wù
SC 公共服务 shè huì fú wù,gōng gòng fú wù
TC 公共服務

human species n: (humanity, homo sapiens) (物种)
SC 人类 rén lèi
TC 人類

human spirit n: (will or inner strength)
SC 人类精神

nonhuman, non-human adj: (not belonging to homo sapiens)
SC 非人类的 fēi rén lèi de
TC 非人類的

super-human strength n: (extraordinary physical power)
SC 非凡的体力,超常的体能

to err is human, to err is human, to forgive divine expr: proverb (it's natural to make mistakes)
SC 人非圣贤孰能无过
SC 犯错是人之常情

unfit for human consumption adj: (not safe to eat)
SC 不宜食用的 bù yí shí yòng de
SC 不适合人吃的 bù yí shí yòng de,bú shì hé rén chī de
The 60-year-old chocolate was unfit for human consumption.




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