

单词 posts

post n: UK, uncountable (mail delivery)
SC 邮件 yóu jiàn
The bill is going out in today's post.

post n: UK, uncountable (mail: letters, parcels, etc.)
SC 邮件 yóu jiàn
SC 邮包
Can you check today's post for the letter from the bank?

post n: UK, uncountable (mail delivery system)
SC 邮政系统 yóu zhèng xì tǒng
TC 郵政系統
SC 邮递系统 yóu zhèng xì tǒng,yóu dì xì tǒng
SC 邮寄系统 yóu zhèng xì tǒng,yóu jì xì tǒng
The post is slow in rural areas.

post n: (job, position)
SC 工作 gōng zuò
TC 工作
SC 职位 gōng zuò ,zhí wèi
TC 職位
SC 职务 gōng zuò ,zhí wù
TC 職務
Lee was hired for a post in government.

post n: (military station)
SC 军事岗哨 jūn shì gāng shào
TC 軍事崗哨
The soldiers were sent to a surveillance post near the front lines.

post n: (military camp)
SC 军营 jūn yíng
TC 軍營
SC 军队驻扎之地 jūn yíng,jūn duì zhù zhā zhī dì
The sergeant is respected on this post.

post [sth] vtr: UK (send by mail)
SC 寄出 jì chū
SC 邮寄 jì chū,yóu jì
I posted the letter today.

post [sth] vtr: (display on notice board, etc.)
SC 张贴 zhāng tiē
The professor posted the test results in the hallway.

post [sth] vtr: (share on internet) (在网上)
SC 把…发布出来
She posted her favorite quote on her profile page.

post n: (place where task is carried out)
SC 职位 zhí wèi
TC 職位
SC 职务 zhí wèi,zhí wù
TC 職務
Last year, Janine helped construct wells at her post in Africa.

post n: (trading post)
SC 贸易站 mào yì zhàn
TC 交易站
SC 交易站 mào yì zhàn,jiāo yì zhàn
The trappers entered the trading post.

post n: (pole)
TC 杆 / 桿
SC 柱 zhù
The car hit a post.

post n: (goalpost)
SC 球门柱 qiú mén zhù
TC 球門柱
The ball bounced off the post.

post n: (forum message)
SC 帖子 tiě zi
SC 论坛发帖 tiě zi,lùn tán fā tiě
The third post in the thread had the answer he was looking for.

post n: (rod used to repair tooth structure) (用于修复牙齿结构)
SC 桩 zhuāng
The dentist fitted her with a post to keep the crown stable.

post, post- prefix: (after, later) (前缀)
SC 后面的,之后的,后 hòu miàn de ,zhī hòu de,hòu
TC 後面的,之後的,後
On Sundays I enjoy a post-lunch stroll in the park.
The country experienced an economic boom in the postwar years.
周日吃完午饭后,我会去公园里散个步。// 战后数年中,这个国家的经济取得了高速发展。

post [sth] vtr: (cover with posters)
SC 在...上贴满广告
SC 在...上贴满告示
The boys posted the fence with concert advertisements.

post [sth] vtr: (publish, advertise)
SC 公布 gōng bù
TC 公布 / 公佈
SC 发布 gōng bù,fā bù
TC 發布 / 發佈
The company posted the job vacancies in the newspaper.

post [sth] vtr: US (score) (体育比赛)
SC 得...分
The visiting team posted a goal in the first half.

post [sth] vtr: (mark in a ledger)
SC 在账本上标记为 zài zhàng běn shàng biāo jì wéi
The business posted a profit.

post [sth] vtr: (update a ledger)
SC 把…入账 bǎ rù zhàng
TC 把…入賬
Post today's numbers in the general ledger.

post [sb] to [sth] vtr + prep: often passive (assign [sb] to a station)
SC 派遣(某人)到(某岗位)
The enlisted man was posted to a sniper unit near the town.

post [sb] to [sth] vtr + prep: (assign [sb] to a job)
SC 分配(某人)到…工作 fēn pèi mǒu rén dào gōng zuò
She was posted from headquarters to a field office.

post [sth] up, post up [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (display: a notice, etc.) (通知、公告等)
SC 张贴 zhāng tiē
SC 公布 zhāng tiē,gōng bù
TC 公布 / 公佈
SC 贴出
The manager posted up the team selection in the changing room an hour before the game.

blogpost, blog post n: (online diary entry)
SC 博文
SC 博客文章

by post adv: (through the mail)
SC 邮寄 yóu jì
Can you either fax it to me or send it by post?

ex post: Latin (based on analysis) (拉丁语)
SC 根据分析

fence post n: (stake or picket of a fence)
SC 围栏桩,栅栏桩
You should install the fence posts in postholes that are deep enough to go below the frostline.

first-past-the-post adj: (winner of race)
SC 获胜的 huò shèng de
TC 獲勝的
Pete won some money because he bet on the horse that was first-past-the-post.

first-past-the-post n: (election by simple majority)
SC 得票最多者当选
First-past-the-post is the electoral system used to elect parliament in the UK.

from pillar to post expr: figurative (from place to place)
SC 东奔西跑 dōng bēn xī pǎo
TC 東奔西跑
SC 四处奔波 dōng bēn xī pǎo,sì chù bēn bō
TC 四處奔波

from pillar to post expr: figurative (from one bad situation to another)
SC 四处碰壁
SC 走投无路

general post office n: US (main post office branch)
SC 邮政总局 yóu zhèng zǒng jú
TC 郵政總局
The general post office is located in the neighborhood of Chelsea.

goalpost, goal post n: (upright bar indicating goal area) (本义)
SC 球门门柱 qiú mén mén zhù
TC 球門門柱
The football player danced under the goalpost.

hitching post n: (post to which animal is fastened)
SC 拴马柱 shuān mǎ zhù
TC 拴馬注
The cowboy tied his horse to the hitching post outside the saloon and went in for a beer.

in the mail, also UK: in the post adj: (in postal system)
SC 寄出去的,在邮递过程中的
My application is in the mail, so you should be receiving it soon.

lamppost, also UK: lamp post n: (post of a street lamp)
SC 路灯杆
SC 街灯柱 jiē dēng zhù
The street was lined with trees and lampposts.

Last Post n: (military: night-time bugle call)
SC 作息号声
SC 军营熄灯号

Last Post n: (military: funeral bugle call)
SC 军人葬礼号
The bugler played a mournful Last Post.

last post n: UK (final mail collection of the day)
SC 当天最后一份信件
I need to get all these cards written and stamped by tomorrow's last post.

listening post n: (position for obtaining information on an enemy)
SC 潜听哨 qián tīng shào
TC 聽音哨
The intelligence services set up secret listening posts behind enemy lines.

mailbox (US), postbox, pillar box (UK) n: (in street: post box)
SC 信箱 xìn xiāng
SC 邮箱 xìn xiāng,yóu xiāng
The mailbox is emptied twice a day.

observation post n: (lookout, observation point)
SC 观测点 guān cè diǎn
TC 觀測點
SC 观察所 guān cè diǎn,guān chá suǒ
SC 观察所 guān cè diǎn,guān chá suǒ
The army has set up a series of observation posts.

parcel post n: (postal service for packages)
SC 包裹邮递,包裹邮寄

parcel post n: US (postal rate packages)
SC 包裹邮递费,包裹邮费

parcel post receipt n: (acknowledgement)
SC 邮包收据
The parcel post receipt is proof that the delivery has been carried out.

picture post card, picture postcard n: (postcard with a scenic view)
SC 风景画明信片 fēng jǐng huà míng xìn piàn
She sent a picture postcard of the Alps to her mother.

PO, P.O. n: written, initialism (Post Office) (缩写)
SC 邮局 yóu jú

PO Box, P.O. Box n: abbreviation (Post Office Box)
SC 邮政信箱 yóu zhèng xìn xiāng
TC 郵政信箱
I would prefer if you sent it to my PO Box instead of my house.

post bail for [sb] v expr: (pay for [sb]'s release from prison)
SC 为...支付保释金
The thief sits in jail because no one would post bail for him.

post card, postcard n: (souvenir greetings card)
SC 贺卡 hè kǎ
Don't forget to send me a postcard.

post card, postcard n: (card for posting without envelope)
SC 明信片 míng xìn piàn
Entries for the competition should be sent on a postcard to the following address.

post hoc adv: (after the fact)
SC 在此之后 zài cǐ zhī hòu
TC 在此之後
SC 发生在这之后 zài cǐ zhī hòu,fā shēng zài zhè zhī hòu
Analysis of the results of the experiment were completed post hoc.

post meridiem adv: Latin (in the afternoon, evening)
SC 下午 xià wǔ
TC 下午
The meeting commenced at three o'clock, post meridiem.

post office n: (place where mail is sorted) (指地点)
SC 邮局 yóu jú
I'm going to the post office to send this parcel to my brother.

the Post Office n: UK (organization that delivers mail) (指机构)
SC 邮政局,邮政部 yóu zhèng jú,yóu zhèng bù
The government is planning to privatize the post office.

Post Office Box, post office box n: (number used as mailing address)
SC 邮政信箱 yóu zhèng xìn xiāng
TC 郵政信箱
FedEx will not deliver packages to post office box addresses.

Post Script, post script n: (P.S.: addition to a letter) (信函后追加额外信息)
SC 附启
SC 另 lìng
James had added a Post Script at the end of his letter.

post secondary, post-secondary adj: (education: tertiary)
SC 第三级的 dì sān jí de
TC 第三級的
SC 专科以上的 dì sān jí de,zhuān kē yǐ shàng de
SC 专科以上的 dì sān jí de,zhuān kē yǐ shàng de
The scheme is intended to address the specific needs of post-secondary students.
We provide courses for learners at a post-secondary, but not tertiary, level.

post-accident adj: (after an accident)
SC 事故后的
The patient was suffering from post-accident shock.

post-coital adj: (after sexual intercourse)
SC 性交后的

post-consumer adj: (recycled)
SC 消费后的
The company produces post-consumer recycled plastic products.

post-departure adj: (after leaving)
SC 离开后的

post-impressionism n: (art movement)
SC 后印象派

post-impressionist adj: (of early 1900s art movement)
SC 后印象主义的

Post-it note, post-it note, Post-it, Post-it note n: ® (adhesive notepaper)
SC 便利贴
TC 便利貼
I left a Post-it note on the fridge door, reminding Anna to buy some milk.

post-menopausal woman n: (female who no longer menstruates)
SC 绝经后的妇女

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder n: (psychological effects of a trauma)
SC 创伤后应激障碍
Many veterans of the Vietnam War still suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD.

post-truth adj: (not valuing objective facts)
SC 后真相的

postcode, postal code, post code n: UK (zip code, address code)
SC 邮政编码 yóu zhèng biān mǎ
TC 郵政編碼
SC 邮递区号 yóu zhèng biān mǎ,yóu dì qū hào
What is the postcode for your home in London?

postdoctoral, also UK: post-doctoral adj: (taking place after a PhD)
SC 博士后的 bó shì hòu de
TC 博士後的

posthaste, post-haste, post haste adv: (as quickly as possible)
SC 迅速地 xùn sù de
SC 特别快地
If you haven't already explained the delay to the boss, I suggest you do so posthaste - or there'll be trouble!

postindustrial, also UK: post-industrial adj: (not dependent on industry anymore)
SC 后工业化的 adj
SC 工业社会后的
Many post-industrial cities have suffered an economic decline.

postmenopausal, post-menopausal adj: (woman: no longer menstruating) (指女性)
SC 绝经后的,绝经的 jué jīng hòu de,jué jīng de
TC 絕經後的

postmenopausal, post-menopausal adj: (period: after the menopause) (指时期)
SC 绝经后的 jué jīng hòu de
TC 絕經後的

postmortem, also UK: post-mortem n: Latin (autopsy, examination of a corpse)
SC 尸检 shī jiǎn
SC 验尸 shī jiǎn,yàn shī
The postmortem showed death by natural causes.

postmortem, also UK: post-mortem n: figurative, Latin (analysis after an event)
SC 事后分析
TC 事後分析
SC 事后调查
The coach organized a postmortem to discuss why the team lost.

postmortem, also UK: post-mortem adj: Latin (taking place after death)
SC 死后的
TC 死後的
SC 死后发生的

postmortem examination, also UK: post-mortem examination n: (autopsy)
SC 验尸 yàn shī
SC 尸体解剖检查 yàn shī,shī tǐ jiě pōu jiǎn chá
They don't know how he died – that's why they're doing a post-mortem examination.

postoperative, also UK: post-operative adj: (after surgery)
SC 手术后的 shǒu shù hòu de
TC 手術後的
SC 术后的 shǒu shù hòu de,shù hòu de
When the hospital discharged Susan, they gave her information regarding her post-operative care at home.

postpartum, post-partum adj: (occurring after childbirth)
SC 产后的 chǎn hòu de
TC 產後的

postpartum, post-partum adv: (after childbirth)
SC 产后的 chǎn hòu de
TC 產後的
Medical advice is that it is best for breastfeeding to continue until at least six months postpartum, if possible.

postpartum, post-partum n: US, informal, abbreviation (postpartum depression)
SC 产后抑郁症 chǎn hòu yì yù zhèng

postprandial, post-prandial adj: formal (after a meal)
SC 正餐后的 zhèng cān hòu de
TC 正餐後的
SC 餐后的

postwar, also UK: post-war adj: (after a war)
SC 战后的 zhàn hòu de
TC 戰後的

postwar, also UK: post-war adj: (after the Second World War)
SC 二战后的 èr zhàn hòu de
TC 二戰後的
Post-war Japan experienced tremendous economic growth.

registered mail (US), registered post (UK) n: (insured first-class letters, parcels)
SC 挂号邮件 guà hào yóu jiàn
TC 掛號郵件
SC 挂号信
We recommend that valuable items be sent by registered mail.
I'd like to send this parcel by registered post, please.

scratching post n: (cat claw sharpening apparatus)
SC 猫抓板
SC 磨抓器

staging post, staging area n: (troop assembly area before setting off)
SC 补给站

staging post, staging area n: (any area of assembly before setting off)
SC 中转站
SC 中途站

telephone pole, telegraph pole, telegraph post n: (structure supporting phone lines)
SC 电话线杆

trading post n: (store in unsettled region)
SC 交易站 jiāo yì zhàn
SC 贸易站 jiāo yì zhàn,mào yì zhàn
TC 交易站

vacant post n: (available position, job to be filled)
SC 空缺的职位 kòng quē de zhí wèi
SC 空着的职务 kòng quē de zhí wèi,kòng zhe de zhí wù
I've heard there's a vacant post in this company.




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