

单词 blinder

blinder n: UK, informal (sport: outstanding performance) (指在运动项目中的)
SC 精彩表演
The midfielder won the game with a last second blinder.

blinders npl: US (blinkers: flaps to screen horse's eyes)
SC 马眼罩 mǎ yǎn zhào
TC 馬眼罩
Blinders prevent a horse from being spooked by traffic and other distractions.

blind adj: (sightless, unable to see)
SC 失明的 shī míng de
SC 盲的 shī míng de ,máng de
SC 瞎的 shī míng de ,xiā de
He has been blind since birth.

the blind npl: (blind people)
SC 盲人 máng rén
There is discrimination against the blind in the job market.

blind n: (window shade)
SC 百叶窗 bǎi yè chuāng
TC 百葉窗
He lowered the blind to block out the sunlight.

blind [sb] vtr: (make sightless)
SC 使看不见 shǐ kàn bú jiàn
TC 使看不見
SC 使失明 shǐ kàn bú jiàn ,shǐ shī míng
The sunlight blinded him when he walked out the door.
这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 他因为生病,右眼瞎了。

blind [sb] vtr: figurative (dazzle)
SC 使…目眩神迷,令…眼花缭乱
The crowd was blinded by the brilliance of the display.

blind to [sth] adj + prep: figurative (oblivious to [sth])
SC 对…注意不到,对…视而不见 duì … shì ér bú jiàn
Mina loves Graham so much, she is blind to his faults.

blind to [sth] adj + prep: figurative (refusing to recognize [sth])
SC 对…视而不见 duì … shì ér bú jiàn
Ecologists say we can no longer remain blind to the damage we are doing to our planet.

blind, blindly adv: (without sight)
SC 看不见地 kàn bú jiàn de
TC 看不見地
SC 盲目地 kàn bú jiàn de,máng mù de
He walked blind through the fog.

blind adj: figurative (without visibility)
SC 视线受阻的,盲点的,盲区的 shì xiàn shòu zǔ de
This is a blind turn; you can't see what's around the corner.

blind adj: figurative (closed at one end)
SC 一端封闭的 yì duān fēng bì de
SC 死角的 yì duān fēng bì de,sǐ jiǎo de
Plumbers sometimes work with blind pipes, which have an opening at only one end.

blind adj: (test, etc.: without information) (测试、调研等)
SC 不透露信息的 adj
The winemaker conducted a blind tasting to see which of three wines its customers preferred.

blind adj: figurative (obedience, devotion: unquestioning)
SC 盲目的 máng mù de adj
SC 不加思考的
Idolatry means blind devotion to something or someone.

blind adj: figurative (email: to hidden recipient) (电子邮件)
SC 密件的
A blind email is one in which someone is copied in using "BCC".

blind adj: (oblivious)
SC 视而不见的,目盲的 shì ér bú jiàn de
"There's none so blind as those who will not see," as the saying goes.

blind adv: figurative (until insensible)
SC 不省人事地 bù xǐng rén shì de
SC 昏迷不醒地
Many college students drink themselves blind on a regular basis.

blind adv: (without information)
SC 事前不知地
SC 无准备地 wú zhǔn bèi de
TC 無準備地

blind n: (hunting: hiding place) (打猎)
SC 埋伏地,藏身处 mái fú dì,cáng shēn chù
TC 藏身處
The hunter patiently waited for deer, hidden in his blind.

blind n: (something misleading)
SC 掩护 yǎn hù
TC 掩護
SC 幌子 yǎn hù,huǎng zi
TC 幌子
SC 障眼物 yǎn hù,zhàng yǎn wù
He was smiling, but I knew it was only a blind and that he was actually furious.

blind alley n: (street: no exit) (本义)
SC 死胡同,死巷子 sǐ hú tòng,sǐ hàng zi
I had turned into a blind alley and had to put the car in reverse.

blind alley n: figurative (situation: no progress) (比喻)
SC 死胡同,末路 sǐ hú tòng
SC 没有前途或出路的事情 méi yǒu qián tú huò chū lù de shì qíng
This man's ideas are taking us into a blind alley.

blind ambition n: figurative (drive to succeed)
SC 盲目的雄心

blind as a bat, as blind as a bat adj: informal (sightless, unable to see)
SC 什么都看不见的,跟瞎子一样的

blind date n: (date with unknown person)
SC 盲约会 máng yuē huì
TC (經安排)初次約會
SC 相亲
Davina is going out on a blind date this evening.

blind drunk adj: figurative, informal (intoxicated)
SC 酩酊大醉的,烂醉如泥的 mǐng dǐng dà zuì de,làn zuì rú ní de

blind faith n: (unquestioning devotion)
SC 盲目信仰 máng mù xìn yǎng
You should try not to take things on blind faith.

blind guess n: (uneducated estimate)
SC 胡乱猜测
TC 胡亂猜測
SC 毫无根据的猜测
I'll take a blind guess and say she is about forty years old.

blind man n: (male who cannot see)
SC 盲人 máng rén
SC 失明者 máng rén,shī míng zhě
I knew he was a blind man because he had a guide dog.

blind man's buff, blind man's bluff n: (blindfolded tag game)
SC 捉迷藏

blind rage n: (extreme anger)
SC 暴怒 bào nù
SC 盛怒 bào nù,shèng nù
The man lunged at his enemies in a blind rage.

blind side n: (side one is looking away from)
SC 弱点,没防范的方面 ruò diǎn
TC 弱點

blind spot n: (unseen area in field of vision)
SC 盲点 máng diǎn

blind spot n: (area of road a motorist cannot see) (驾驶中看不见的路况)
SC 盲区 máng qū
When I changed lanes, I did not see the car in my blind spot.

blind trust: (finance)
SC 保密委托
SC 全权信托

blind woman n: (female who cannot see)
SC 盲女
SC 眼盲女性

colorblind, color-blind (US), colour-blind (UK) adj: (having a medical condition)
SC 色盲的 sè máng de

colorblind, color-blind (US), colour-blind (UK) adj: figurative (not racially prejudiced)
SC 没有种族偏见的 méi yǒu zhǒng zú piān jiàn de

deafblind, deaf-blind adj: (unable to hear and see)
SC 聋盲的

double-blind adj: (denoting type of trial)
SC 双盲的

go blind vi: (lose one's sight)
SC 失明,失去视觉 shī míng,shī qù shì jué
SC 被蒙蔽了双眼,看不清真相 bèi méng bì le shuāng yǎn,kàn bù qīng zhēn xiàng(比喻)
The patient went blind after she suffered a stroke.

half blind, half-blind adj: (partially sighted)
SC 半盲的

snow-blind adj: (unable to see due to snow)
SC 雪盲的

staggers, blind staggers n: (livestock: effects of poisoning) (牲畜中毒导致的)
SC 晕倒症
TC 暈倒症
The horse was suffering from staggers, caused by grazing on ryegrass.

stone-blind adj: (completely blind)
SC 全盲的

sunblind, sun-blind, sun blind n: UK (awning)
SC 凉篷
SC 遮篷 zhē péng

turn a blind eye v expr: figurative (pretend not to see [sth]) (比喻)
SC 假装没看见, 视而不见
I knew exactly what she was up to but decided to turn a blind eye.

turn a blind eye on [sth], turn a blind eye to [sth] v expr: figurative (pretend not to see)
SC 对…视而不见,对…熟视无睹 duì … shì ér bú jiàn ,duì shóu shì wú dǔ / duì shú shì wú dǔ
The corrupt inspector agreed to turn a blind eye to the safety violations.

window blind: (shade for a window)
SC 百叶窗 bǎi yè chuāng
TC 百葉窗
SC 遮光帘




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