

单词 peeps

peep n: (quick, secretive look)
SC 偷瞥
SC 偷看 tōu kàn
Henry's peep through the door showed him that the children were sleeping.

peep n: (bird sound: tweet)
SC 鸟叫声 niǎo jiào shēng
TC 鳥叫聲
SC 啾啾 niǎo jiào shēng ,jiū jiū
SC 吱吱喳喳 niǎo jiào shēng ,zhī zhī zhā zhā
Neil was awoken by the bird's peeps from the tree outside his window.

a peep n: informal (word, utterance)
SC 话 huà
SC 声音 huà,shēng yīn
TC 聲音
I don't want to hear a peep out of you for the rest of the afternoon!

peep vi: (look timidly, secretly) (从隐蔽处)
SC 窥视,偷看 kuī shì,tōu kàn
He peeped round the corner to see if they had driven off.

peep into [sth] vi + prep: (look inside quickly)
SC 窥视 kuī shì
SC 往…里偷看
I peeped into the room to see if the children were asleep.
Margaret peeped inside the envelope.
我往房间里偷看,看孩子们睡着没有。// 玛格丽特往信封里偷看了一眼。

peep vi: (look through an opening) (从缝隙、孔洞)
SC 偷看,窥视 tōu kàn ,kuī shì
Dan peeped through a window to see if anyone was inside the house.

peep n: usually plural, slang (person)
SC 没有提供翻译
Tracy is so kind; she's one of my favourite peeps.

peep vi: (appear)
SC 隐现
SC 若隐若现
The sun peeped over the mountains.

peep vi: (make a high pitched sound)
SC 叽叽叫
TC (鳥)吱吱叫
SC 喳喳叫
The bird was peeping in the tree outside.

bo-peep n: (game: peek-a-boo)
SC 躲猫猫,藏猫猫,捉迷藏 duǒ māo māo ,cáng māo māo
TC 躲貓貓

bo-peep n: AU, NZ (quick look)
SC 扫一眼,飞快的一瞥 sǎo yì yǎn

peekaboo, also UK: peekaboo, peepo, peep-bo, peepbo n: (hiding game for baby)
SC 躲躲猫 duǒ duǒ māo
TC 躲躲貓
Mothers often play peekaboo with their babies.

peep in vi + adv: (look inside quickly)
SC 窥视 kuī shì
SC 偷看 kuī shì,tōu kàn
The baby was sleeping so we just peeped in.

peep out vi + prep: informal (look out furtively) (非正式用语)
SC 偷看 tōu kàn
The actor peeped out through the curtain to see how many people were in the audience.

peep out at [sth/sb] v expr: (look out furtively)
SC 偷窥...

peep out vi + adv: informal (be just visible behind [sth])
SC 露出一部分 lù chū yí bù fèn
SC 探出头来(比喻露出)
My underpants peep out through the hole in my trousers.

peep show n: (erotic film viewed through peephole) (通过小孔看的画片)
SC 西洋景 xī yáng jǐng
It was hard to see the peep show: the glass peephole was totally misted up.
Since it's so easy to watch pornographic DVDs at home, hardly anybody goes to peep shows these days.

peep toe n: (open-toed footwear style)
SC 鱼嘴鞋

peep-toe shoes npl: (style of open-toed footwear)
SC 露趾鞋
I won't wear peep-toe shoes when it's raining because I don't want my toes to get wet.

take a peep at [sth/sb] v expr: (quickly look at)
SC 瞥一眼 piē yì yǎn
SC 看一眼 piē yì yǎn,kàn yì yǎn




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