

单词 wires

wire n: (metal strand)
SC 金属丝 jīn shǔ sī
TC 金屬絲
SC 电线 jīn shǔ sī,diàn xiàn
TC 電線
The fence was attached to the posts with wire.

wire n: (cable)
SC 电线 diàn xiàn
TC 電線
SC 电缆 diàn xiàn,diàn lǎn
TC 電纜
We can run the wires under the carpet.

wire [sth] vtr: (equip with electrical wiring)
SC 安装电线 ān zhuāng diàn xiàn
TC 安裝電線
They wired the house themselves.

wire [sth] vtr: (transfer or send money) (汇钱)
SC 电汇 diàn huì
Can you wire me two hundred dollars by next Tuesday?

wire n: (finish line) (赛跑)
SC 终点线 zhōng diǎn xiàn
TC 終點線
He cheered as the horse he had bet on reached the wire first.

wire n: figurative (telecommunications)
SC 电讯,电信 diàn xùn,diàn xìn
The news came over the wire.

wire n: (telegram)
SC 电报 diàn bào
He received a wire from his son in Australia.

wire n: (bug: listening device)
SC 窃听器 qiè tīng qì
TC 竊聽器
SC 窃听装置 qiè tīng qì,qiè tīng zhuāng zhì
He infiltrated the group wearing a wire.

wire [sth] up, wire up [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (connect to cables)
SC 给…接通电源 gěi jiē tōng diàn yuán
I didn't know how to wire up the speakers.

wire [sb] up vtr phrasal sep: informal (attach a listening device to)
SC 给...安窃听器
The police wired up their undercover officer before his meeting with the drug dealer.

wire [sth] up, wire up [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (connect: equipment) (机器或设备等)
SC 给...接线,给...连线
SC 组装 zǔ zhuāng
SC 安装 ān zhuāng
TC 安裝

barbed-wire fence, also US: barbwire fence, barb-wire fence n: (metal security fence)
SC 倒刺铁丝网
SC 倒刺铁丝围栏

barbed wire, also US: barb wire, barbwire n: (spiked wire)
SC 倒钩铁丝 dào gōu tiě sī
TC 倒鈎鐵絲
The farmer has put up barbed wire round his field to deter trespassers.

barbed-wire, also US: barb-wire, barbwire n as adj: (made of spiked wire)
SC 用倒钩铁丝围起来的
The prisoners were held inside a barbwire enclosure.

chicken wire n: (hexagonal mesh used as fence)
SC 六角形网
TC 六角形網
SC 铁丝网

concertina wire, Dannert wire n: (barbed wire)
SC 带刺铁丝网 dài cì tiě sī wǎng

copper wire n: (red-brown metal filament)
SC 铜线

down to the wire expr: figurative (close to the deadline)
SC 最后关头 zuì hòu guān tóu
SC 最后一刻 zuì hòu guān tóu,zuì hòu yí kè
TC 最後一刻

electric wire n: (cable carrying electric current)
SC 电线 diàn xiàn
TC 電線

ground wire n: (electronics)
SC 接地线 jiē dì xiàn
TC 接地線
SC 避雷线

hardwire [sth], hard-wire [sth] vtr: (circuit: connect directly)
SC 线接

hardwire [sth] into [sb], hard-wire [sth] into [sb] vtr + prep: figurative, often passive (inculcate)
SC 灌输...给某人
SC 教诲 jiào huì

high wire n: (high tightrope)
SC 钢丝 gāng sī
TC 鋼絲
SC 高空绳索

hot-wire [sth] vtr: (start a car without key) (汽车)
SC 短路点火

live wire n: (cable carrying electricity)
SC 电线 diàn xiàn
TC 電線
Always assume that a fallen wire is a live wire.

live wire, livewire n: figurative (lively, outgoing person)
SC 精力充沛的人,活跃的人 jīng lì chōng pèi de rén,huó yuè de rén
That kid is such a live wire! He never stays still!

razor wire: (barbed tape)
SC 带刺铁丝
TC 帶刺鐵絲
SC 带刃铁丝

under the wire, just under the wire expr: US, figurative, informal (barely in time)
SC 刚好在最后期限前,恰好来得及
I managed to get my book report in under the wire.

wire brush n: (tool with steel bristles)
SC 钢丝刷 gāng sī shuā
TC 鋼絲刷
Use a wire brush to remove any corrosion.

wire cutter: (tool)
SC 铁丝剪
SC 钢丝钳

wire cutters npl: (tool: pliers)
SC 剪线钳 jiǎn xiàn qián
TC 剪線鉗
I used wire cutters to remove the ring from my swollen finger.

wire fence n: (fence made of wire)
SC 铁丝网

wire gauze n: (mesh fabric made of wire)
SC 金属丝网

wire hanger n: (clotheshanger made of wire)
SC 金属衣架

wire mesh n: (metal netting material)
SC 金属丝网

wire money v expr: (send a money order)
SC 电汇款项 diàn huì kuǎn xiàng
TC 電匯款項
SC 电汇 diàn huì kuǎn xiàng,diàn huì
Many of the foreign workers wire money home to their families.

wire rope: (type of rope)
SC 钢丝索

wire service n: (agency that sends news stories)
SC 新闻通讯社

wire stripper, wire strippers, strippers, stripper n: (tool)
SC 剥线钳
SC 剥皮钳

wire transfer n: (bank-to-bank money transfer)
SC 电汇 diàn huì
When my sister lost all her money, I sent her a wire transfer so she could get home.

wire wool n: (abrasive steel-fibre material)
SC 钢丝绒 gāng sī róng
TC 鋼絲絨
For tough scrubbing, try using wire wool on your dirty plates and bowls.

wirehair, wirehaired, wire-hair, wire-haired adj: (dog: having wiry, coarse coat)
SC (刷子)硬毛的 shuā zi yìng máo de

wirehair, wire hair, wire-hair n: (wirehair dog)
SC 硬毛狗

zip-line, zip line, zip wire n: (rope slide)
SC 高空滑索
I've always wanted to ride a zip-line high up in the trees.




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