

单词 poisoned

poisoned adj: (given poison)
SC 中毒的
The poisoned prince died several hours later.

poisoned adj: (containing poison)
SC 有毒的,毒的 yǒu dú de ,dú de
SC 掺有毒药的
The victim drank the poisoned wine and died.

poisoned adj: (ruined, corrupted)
SC 被毒害的 bèi dú hài de
SC 被败坏的 bèi dú hài de ,bèi bài huài de
SC 被玷污的 bèi dú hài de ,bèi diàn wū de
SC 腐坏的,腐败的 fǔ huài de,fǔ bài de
TC 腐壞的,腐敗的
There was a poisoned atmosphere at the meeting between the two old enemies.

poison n: (dangerous liquid)
SC 毒药 dú yào
TC 毒藥
The wicked queen put poison on the apple she gave to Snow White.

poison n: figurative (harmful) (比喻有危害性的东西)
SC 祸害 huò hài
TC 禍害
SC 毒害 huò hài,dú hài
TC 毒害
Jacqueline's mother-in-law was poison.

poison [sb/sth] vtr: (give poison to)
SC 毒害,毒死,给…下毒 dú hài,dú sǐ
TC 毒害
SC 在…中下毒 zài … zhōng xià dú
The wicked queen poisoned Snow White. Somebody has been poisoning cats in my neighbourhood.

poison adj: (containing poison)
SC 含有毒药的
SC 有毒的 yǒu dú de
Snow White ate the poison apple.

poison [sth] vtr: figurative (ruin, corrupt) (人际关系等)
SC 破坏, 危害
Paul's negative attitude poisoned Carl's pleasure in the journey.

poison [sth] vtr: (add poison to)
SC 在…中放毒药
SC 给…下毒
The wicked queen poisoned the apple.

poison dart n: (small projectile used to poison)
SC 毒镖

poison dart frog n: (brightly-coloured amphibian)
SC 毒箭蛙

poison gas n: (weapon: toxic vapour)
SC 毒气 dú qì
Poison gas was used by both sides during the Great War.

poison ivy n: (plant which causes skin rash) (一种有毒的植物)
SC 毒葛 dú gé
The children were playing in poison ivy; now they're itching all over.

poison oak n: (plant which causes skin rash) (一种有毒的植物)
SC 毒葛 dú gé
I brushed my arm against poison oak and later broke out in a rash.

poison pen letter, poison-pen letter n: figurative (spiteful or defamatory letter)
SC 匿名诽谤信
Someone in the village is writing poison-pen letters to his family.

poison pill n: (espionage: suicide pill) (军人或特工)
SC 自杀毒丸

poison pill n: figurative (finance: tactic to avoid takeover) (金融)
SC 毒丸策略

rat poison n: (substance toxic to rodents)
SC 老鼠药 lǎo shǔ yào
TC 老鼠藥
SC 灭鼠药 lǎo shǔ yào,miè shǔ yào
SC 灭鼠药 lǎo shǔ yào,miè shǔ yào
We had to resort to rat poison to get rid of our infestation.




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