

单词 betters

better adv: (to higher degree, quality) (比较好)
SC 更好地,更佳地,更适合地 gèng hǎo de ,gèng jiā dì ,gèng shì hé de
He plays the guitar better than Jimi Hendrix.

better adv: (in a superior way) (更令人满意)
SC 更好地,更令人满意地,更叫人称心地 gèng hǎo de ,gèng lìng rén mǎn yì de ,gèng jiào rén chèn xīn de
To serve you better we have provided free coffee at the entrance.

better adj: (superior) (在技术、质量等方面)
SC 更好的 gèng hǎo de
He's better at tennis than I am.

better adj: (of higher quality)
SC 相比之下更好的,比…更好的, 较好的 xiāng bǐ zhī xià gèng hǎo de,bǐ gèng hǎo de
This essay is better than the last one you wrote.

better adj: (of greater value)
SC 更有价值的 gèng yǒu jià zhí de
Getting it done now is better than waiting until the morning.

better adj: (of greater use)
SC 更有用的 gèng yǒu yòng de
SC 更好用的
A mallet is better than a hammer for driving in tent pegs.

better adj: (healthier) (健康状况)
SC 好转的,康复的 hǎo zhuǎn de,kāng fù de
Are you feeling any better?

better adv: (more completely)
SC 更完整地 gèng wán zhěng de
You remember it better than I do.

better adj: (more virtuous)
SC 更高尚的 gèng gāo shàng de
SC 品德更好的 gèng gāo shàng de ,pǐn dé gèng hǎo de
She's better than any of us.

better adj: (more suitable)
SC 更适合的 gèng shì hé de
TC 更適合的
Candidate C is better than candidate F for this job.

better adv: (more thoroughly)
SC 更彻底地 gèng chè dǐ de
TC 更徹底地
He'll explain it better than I can.

better adv: US (more)
SC 更多地 gèng duō de
It took them better than a month to pay back the debt.

better adv: informal, nonstandard (had better)
SC 最好 zuì hǎo
TC 最好
SC 还是 zuì hǎo ,hái shì
TC 還是
You better get out of here before anyone sees you.

better n: ([sth] superior)
SC 较优的事物 jiào yōu de shì wù
SC 更好的东西 jiào yōu de shì wù,gèng hǎo de dōng xī
I've seen better.

better n: usually plural (person: superior)
SC 较优的人 jiào yōu de rén
TC 較優的人
SC 更好的人 jiào yōu de rén,gèng hǎo de rén
You should always show respect to your betters and elders.

better [sth] vtr: (improve)
SC 改善 gǎi shàn
TC 改善
SC 提高 gǎi shàn,tí gāo
TC 提高
She spent her life trying to better the living conditions of the poor.

better [sth] vtr: (surpass)
SC 超过 chāo guò
TC 超過
SC 胜过 chāo guò ,shèng guò
Let's see if I can better my previous score.

all the better expr: (enhances [sth])
SC 更好,更加 gèng hǎo,gèng jiā
TC 更加
"Big eyes? All the better to see you with, my dear!" said the wolf to Little Red Riding Hood.

better days npl: informal (future prosperity)
SC (未来)更美好的日子 wèi lái gèng měi hǎo de rì zi
The political party promised that their economic policy would soon bring better days.

better for [sb] adj: (healthier) (健康)
SC 对…更有益
Apples are better for you than cheeseburgers.

better for adj: colloquial, UK (more cheerful thanks to)
SC 因…更舒服,因…更有精神
If you're tired, have a nap; you'll feel better for it.

better half n: figurative, informal (partner or spouse) (诙谐说法)
SC 配偶,妻子 pèi ǒu,qī zǐ
TC 妻子
I'll have to ask my better half if we are free that weekend.

better late than never expr: (it is better to do [sth] late than never)
SC 迟做总比不做好
SC 晚来总比不来好

had better not expr: informal (ought not to)
SC 最好不要
You had better not be planning a party while your mother and I are gone this weekend.

better off adj: (richer)
SC 更富有 gèng fù yǒu
SC 更有钱 gèng fù yǒu,gèng yǒu qián
I'm much better off now I have this new job.

better off adj: (more fortunate)
SC 状况好转 zhuàng kuàng hǎo zhuǎn
TC 狀況好轉
SC 情形变好 zhuàng kuàng hǎo zhuǎn,qíng xíng biàn hǎo
Don't worry, you're better off without him. You'd be better off just ignoring her.

the better off npl: (richer people)
SC 较富有的人
The better off are expected to help those who have less than they do.

the better part, the better part of [sth] n: (most of [sth])
SC 一大半,…的大半部分,大部分 dà bù fèn
TC 大部分 / 大部份
They spent the better part of the vacation hiding from the rain.

Better safe than sorry. expr: informal (It's wise to take precautions.)
SC 有备无患。
SC 防患于未然。

better than, be + better than expr: (superior to)
SC 比…好,胜过… shèng guò
TC 勝過...
SC 比…强(口语)

better than ever adj: (improved, even greater than before)
SC 比以前更好的
SC 变好的
I was sad yesterday, but now I'm better than ever.

better than nothing adj: (a small gain)
SC 聊胜于无 liáo shèng yú wú
TC 聊勝於無
I hate soup, but it is better than nothing since I am hungry.

better world n: (heaven)
SC 天堂 tiān táng
TC 天堂
SC 天国 tiān táng,tiān guó
TC 天國
After her husband's death, Rachel took comfort in the idea that he had gone to a better world.

better yet adv: (even better)
SC 甚至更好地 shèn zhì gèng hǎo de
You could help us with the cooking, or better yet, why don't you set the table?

better yet adj: (even better)
SC 甚至更好的 shèn zhì gèng hǎo de

better you than me (US), rather you than me (UK) expr: (I would not like to be in your position)
SC 幸亏是你而不是我
SC 还好是你不是我

better yourself v expr: (become more educated)
SC 提升自己的文化水平 tí shēng zì jǐ de wén huà shuǐ píng
SC 提高自己 tí shēng zì jǐ de wén huà shuǐ píng,tí gāo zì jǐ
Paul reads scientific journals in an attempt to better himself.

better yourself v expr: (achieve higher standing)
SC 提升自己 tí shēng zì jǐ
SC 提高社会地位 tí shēng zì jǐ,tí gāo shè huì dì wèi
My father worked in a factory but I wanted to better myself and was determined to get an office job.

change for the better n: (improvement)
SC 变好 biàn hǎo
SC 好转 biàn hǎo ,hǎo zhuǎn
TC 好轉
Her lovely, new hair style is definitely a change for the better.

change for the better v expr: (improve)
SC 向好的方向转变 xiàng hǎo de fāng xiàng zhuǎn biàn
SC 好转 xiàng hǎo de fāng xiàng zhuǎn biàn,hǎo zhuǎn
TC 好轉
Her life has changed for the better since she moved here.

do better v expr: informal (perform to higher standard)
SC 做得更好
My teacher was disappointed with my grade because she knew that I could do better.

do better v expr: informal (obtain more)
SC 获得更好
SC 找到更好
Have you seen her boyfriend? I really think she could do better.

even better adj: (greater or nicer still)
SC 更好的 gèng hǎo de

even better adv: (with more skill, etc.)
SC 更好地 gèng hǎo de
SC 更出色地
My husband cooks well, but I cook even better.
He plays the guitar even better than we originally thought.

feel better vi + adj: (be healthier) (身体)
SC 感觉好多了 gǎn jué hǎo duō le
I'm feeling much better now that I've lost weight.

feel better vi + adj: (be reassured) (心理)
SC 感觉好些,觉得舒服些 gǎn jué hǎo xiē,jué de shū fú xiē
SC 心里舒坦
I feel better knowing he is home safe and sound.

for better or for worse adv: (whatever the consequences)
SC 不管是好是坏 bù guǎn shì hǎo shì huài
SC 不管怎么样 bù guǎn shì hǎo shì huài,bù guǎn zěn me yàng
SC 不管结果如何 bù guǎn shì hǎo shì huài,bù guǎn jié guǒ rú hé
I will be your wife for better or for worse.

get better vi + adj: (recover)
SC 恢复,康复 huī fù,kāng fù
TC 恢復
SC 恢复健康 huī fù jiàn kāng
TC 恢復健康
I'm sorry you are sick and I hope you get better soon.

get better vi + adj: (improve)
SC 改进 gǎi jìn
TC 改進
SC 改善 gǎi jìn,gǎi shàn
TC 改善
SC 提高,进步 tí gāo,jìn bù
TC 提高,進步
You will get better at chess if you practice. Canadian wine is getting better every year.

get the better of [sb], get the best of [sb] v expr: (defeat)
SC 战胜 zhàn shèng
TC 戰勝
SC 打败 zhàn shèng ,dǎ bài
TC 打敗
Manchester United managed to get the better of Liverpool with an impressive 4-0 victory.

go one better v expr: (exceed [sb] else's effort)
SC 胜过某人一筹
SC 比某人更进一步

go one better than [sb], also US: go [sb] one better v expr: (exceed the effort of)
SC 胜过某人一筹
SC 比某人更进一步

had better v aux: (ought to)
SC 最好(如何做某事) zuì hǎo rú hé zuò mǒu shì
He had better do what he is told!

half a loaf is better than none expr: figurative (something is better than nothing)
SC 聊胜于无 liáo shèng yú wú
TC 聊勝於無
SC 有点总比没有强

have better things to do v expr: (find [sth] a waste of time)
SC 有更好的事情要做 yǒu gèng hǎo de shì qíng yào zuò
I have better things to do than play golf all day.
I have better things to do than to argue with you.

have seen better days v expr: informal (have deteriorated) (习语)
SC 曾经风光一时,有过好日子 céng jīng fēng guāng yì shí,yǒu guò hǎo rì zi
It looks like that wallet of yours has seen better days!

know better, know better than that vi + adv: informal (be sufficiently wise) (非正式用语)
SC 见解更为高明 jiàn jiě gèng wéi gāo míng
SC 怎么这么不懂事
Shame on you – at your age you should know better!

know better than to do [sth] v expr: (be wise enough not to do [sth])
SC 懂得不该做某事
SC 明白不该做某事

know no better, not know any better v expr: (be uninformed or uneducated)
SC 不懂事
SC 不了解情况

like better vtr + adv: (prefer)
SC 更喜欢 gèng xǐ huān
TC 更喜歡
I cannot think of anything I like better, on a hot day, than a swim in the pool.

make [sth/sb] better vtr + adj: (heal)
SC 治愈 zhì yù
SC 治好 zhì yù,zhì hǎo
Let me rub your aching back and make it better.

make [sth/sb] better vtr + adj: (improve)
SC 改善 gǎi shàn
TC 改善
SC 改进 gǎi shàn,gǎi jìn
TC 改進
SC 改良 gǎi shàn,gǎi liáng
TC 改良

much better adj: (greatly superior)
SC (比…)优秀多了的 bǐ yōu xiù duō le de
SC 好多了的 bǐ yōu xiù duō le de,hǎo duō le de
French wine is good, but Californian wine is much better.

much better adj: (greatly improved)
SC (比过去)好多了的 bǐ guò qù hǎo duō le de
Your chances of getting a job are much better if you have computer skills.

no better than you should be, no better than you ought to be expr: US, informal (morally inferior)
SC 行为不正派
SC 举止不检点

the sooner the better expr: (as quickly as possible)
SC 越快越好 yuè kuài yuè hǎo

think better of it v expr: (decide against [sth])
SC 深思熟虑后决定不做

think better of doing [sth] v expr: (reconsider doing [sth])
SC 重新考虑 chóng xīn kǎo lǜ
TC 重新考慮
I thought better of sending my boss an angry email when I remember how much I needed my salary.

think better of [sb] v expr: (regard more highly)
SC 认为…更好 rèn wéi gèng hǎo
I would think better of him if he was more easy-going.

You'd make a better door than a window!, You make a better do than a window! expr: (you are blocking my view)
SC 你挡住我的视线了

a great deal, a good deal n: (bargain)
SC 划算
SC 性价比高
I chose the car because it was reliable and a great deal.

a great deal, a good deal n: (much, large amount)
SC 大量 dà liàng
TC 大量
SC 很多 dà liàng ,hěn duō
I have a great deal to accomplish before the end of the semester.

a great deal of [sth], a good deal of [sth] expr: (large amount of [sth])
SC 大量 dà liàng
TC 大量
Her presidential campaign had a great deal of success at the local level.

a great deal, a good deal adv: (greatly, very much)
SC 很 hěn
SC 非常 hěn,fēi cháng
TC 非常
I value your input a great deal.

a great deal, a good deal adv: (considerably)
SC …多了
I'm feeling a great deal better since I ate some soup.

a great deal of effort, a good deal of effort n: (a lot of work)
SC 大量努力 dà liàng nǔ lì
TC 非常努力
I put a great deal of effort into this project, and I was really offended when management ignored it.

all in good time expr: (be patient)
SC 耐心点 nài xīn diǎn
TC 耐心點
SC 别着急 nài xīn diǎn,bié zháo jí
SC 要有耐心 nài xīn diǎn,yào yǒu nài xīn
The doctor assured the family that the patient would be out of hospital the next day, all in good time.

any good adj: informal (sufficient quality)
SC 有多好
I don't think his later films are any good.

any good adj: informal (at all effective)
SC 有效的 yǒu xiào de
SC 有用的 yǒu xiào de ,yǒu yòng de
Was the ointment I gave you any good?

as good as expr: (of equal quality to)
SC 和…几乎一样好 hé jī hū yí yàng hǎo
He is as good at maths as my brother.

as good as expr: (nearly; virtually)
SC 几乎已经
I've worked all night on the picture and it's as good as finished.

as good as it gets expr: (the best circumstances)
SC 最多能做到,最好的情况是
The smaller football teams have no chance of finishing top of the league, so winning one of the cup competitions instead is as good as it gets.

as good as new expr: (successfully repaired or restored)
SC 完好如新 wán hǎo rú xīn
John fixed my bike and now it's as good as new!

as good as they come expr: (the best available)
SC 最好的 zuì hǎo de

at a good price expr: (at reasonable cost)
SC 好价钱 hǎo jià qián
TC 好價(錢)
SC 以不错的价格 hǎo jià qián,yǐ bú cuò de jià gé
I was able to buy my PC at a good price.

be good interj: (do not misbehave)
SC 听话 tīng huà
TC 聽話

be in a good place, be in a happy place v expr: figurative, informal (be happy, contented)
SC 开心 kāi xīn
SC 感到满足

bid [sb/sth] good riddance, bid good riddance to [sb/sth] v expr: (get rid of [sb], [sth] undesirable)
SC 摆脱...是对的
SC 让...走太好了

by a great deal, by a good deal adv: (by a large amount or extent)
SC 大量地 dà liàng de
The Indian Ocean is smaller than the Pacific Ocean by a great deal.

common good n: (benefit of everyone)
SC 公共利益 gōng gòng lì yì
Being honest with each other is for the common good.

do a good deed v expr: (perform a charitable act)
SC 做好事 zuò hǎo shì
SC 行善事 zuò hǎo shì,xíng shàn shì
When someone joins the Boy Scouts, one of the requirements is to do a good deed every day.

do [sb] a good turn, do a good turn for [sb] v expr: (perform a kind act)
SC 帮助某人
SC 做对某人有利的事

do good v expr: (perform charitable acts)
SC 行善 xíng shàn
If I were a millionaire, I would use my wealth to do good.

do good v expr: slang (do well, do [sth] successfully) (俚语)
SC 做得成功,干得好 zuò de chéng gōng,gàn de hǎo
TC 幹得好
You can do good if you just try.

enjoy good health v expr: (be physically healthy)
SC 身体健康 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng
TC 身體健康
SC 体魄强健 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng,tǐ pò qiáng jiàn

fairly good adj: (reasonable, acceptable)
SC 相当好的 xiāng dāng hǎo de
TC 相當好的
I didn't get top marks in the exam, but my results were fairly good.

feel good vi + adj: (be happy, optimistic)
SC 感到高兴 gǎn dào gāo xìng
TC 感到高興
SC 觉得舒坦 gǎn dào gāo xìng,jué de shū tǎn
SC 感到愉悦
I feel good now that my exams are over.
Springtime always makes me feel good.

feel good vi + adj: (not feel guilty)
SC 感觉良好 gǎn jué liáng hǎo
TC 感覺良好
SC 不觉得内疚 gǎn jué liáng hǎo,bú jué de nèi jiù

feel-good adj: informal (that causes happiness)
SC 感觉良好 gǎn jué liáng hǎo
TC 感覺良好

feel good about [sth] v expr: (be optimistic)
SC 对...乐观
SC 看好

feel good about [sth] v expr: (find [sth] morally acceptable)
SC 对...感觉良好
SC 乐见

for a good cause expr: (for charity, etc.)
SC 为了慈善事业
SC 做善事

for good adv: (permanently)
SC 永远 yǒng yuǎn
SC 永久地 yǒng yuǎn,yǒng jiǔ de
His severe injury ended his sports career for good.

for good measure expr: (a little more than required)
SC 另外,此外 lìng wài,cǐ wài
TC 另外,此外
Emily added an extra teaspoon of cinnamon to the recipe for good measure.

give [sb] a good telling-off, give [sb] a good telling off v expr: informal (reprimand)
SC 将某人狠骂一通 jiāng mǒu rén hěn mà yì tōng
When the boss found out what had happened, Sally was taken into the office and given a good telling-off.

good afternoon interj: (greeting)
SC 下午好 xià wǔ hǎo
TC 午安
Phil wished me good afternoon as he passed me in the corridor.

good appetite, healthy appetite n: (healthy desire to eat)
SC 好胃口

good behavior (US), good behaviour (UK) n: (child: not misbehaving) (孩子)
SC 规矩的行为,言行规矩 guī jǔ de xíng wéi,yán xíng guī jǔ
Billy got a sticker for his good behavior today at school.

good behavior (US), good behaviour (UK) n: (prisoner: good conduct) (犯人服刑期间)
SC 表现好
TC 表現好
I expect that he will have his prison term reduced for good behaviour.

the Good Book, the Book n: (Christian Bible)
SC 圣经 shèng jīng
TC 聖經
The Good Book says, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

good boy n: (well-behaved male child)
SC 好孩子,乖孩子 hǎo hái zǐ,guāi hái zi
He was a very good boy.

good boy interj: (used to praise a male child)
SC 好孩子,乖孩子 hǎo hái zǐ,guāi hái zi
Good boy! You received an "A" in mathematics.

good boy interj: (used to praise male dog)
SC 好狗狗

good buy n: (bargain)
SC 好买卖 hǎo mǎi mài
TC 物美價廉
SC 有利的交易 hǎo mǎi mài,yǒu lì de jiāo yì
I got a good buy on these drinks, only $1 per bottle.

good call n: informal (smart decision, wise judgment)
SC 明智的决策
SC 聪明的决定

Good call! interj: informal (That is a wise decision)
SC 真是英明的决策

Good catch! interj: informal (praising [sb] for noticing a mistake)
SC 找出这个错误很好!

Good catch! interj: (praising player for catching ball)
SC 接得好!

good chance n: (high probability)
SC 高几率

good cheer n: (joyfulness)
SC 寻欢作乐 xún huān zuò lè
TC 尋歡作樂
SC 美酒佳肴 xún huān zuò lè ,měi jiǔ jiā yáo
SC 美酒佳肴 xún huān zuò lè ,měi jiǔ jiā yáo
The party guests were in good cheer.

good child n: (child who is well behaved)
SC 好孩子 hǎo hái zǐ
My mother says I was a good child when I was younger.

good Christian n: ([sb] who obeys Christian teachings)
SC 虔诚的基督教徒 qián chéng de jī dū jiào tú
SC 好基督教徒 qián chéng de jī dū jiào tú,hǎo jī dū jiào tú
A good Christian uses Jesus as an example for his life.

good citizen n: (helpful member of society)
SC 好公民

good clothes npl: (finest or most formal outfit)
SC 好衣服 hǎo yī fú
I would not wear my good clothes while doing the housework.

good company n: invariable (pleasant, welcome companion)
SC 好伙伴
SC 志趣相投的伙伴

good day n: (day spent well)
SC 愉快的一天
William had a good day at the races, winning a considerable amount of money.

Good day! interj: formal (salutation)
SC 日安 rì ān
Samuel wished us "Good day!" as he passed by.

Good day to you! interj: formal (salutation)
SC 日安 rì ān
"Good day to you!" shouted Jenkins from across the street.

good deed n: (charitable act)
SC 好事 hǎo shì
TC 好事
SC 善事 hǎo shì,shàn shì
SC 高尚的行为 hǎo shì,gāo shàng de xíng wéi
Have you done any good deeds lately, like donating blood?

good disposition n: (pleasant manner, character)
SC 好性格 hǎo xìng gé
SC 好性情 hǎo xìng gé,hǎo xìng qíng
Labradors have a good disposition which makes them a good dog around children.

good dog interj: (used to praise a canine) (赞美狗的用语)
SC 真乖
SC 真听话

good egg n: figurative (decent or kind person)
SC 好人 hǎo rén
TC 好人
SC 善人

good English n: (skillfulness with English)
SC 好的英语能力 hǎo de yīng yǔ néng lì
SC 英文流畅 hǎo de yīng yǔ néng lì,yīng wén liú chàng
Good English is a necessity for any foreign student wishing to study at an English university.

good enough adj: (satisfactory)
SC 相当好的 xiāng dāng hǎo de
TC 相當好的
It isn't the best computer available, but it's good enough for my needs.

good evening interj: (greeting)
SC 晚安 wǎn ān
SC 晚上好 wǎn ān,wǎn shàng hǎo
"Good evening, Sir. Are you ready to order?" asked the waiter.

good example n: (model for others)
SC 好例子 hǎo lì zi
SC 榜样 hǎo lì zi ,bǎng yàng
As a teacher, it is important to set a good example for your students.

good exercise n: (activity encouraging fitness)
SC 很好的运动,很好的锻炼方式

good faith, good-faith n as adj: (law: as an indication of sincerity)
SC 善意 shàn yì

a good feeling (about [sth]) n: (premonition of [sth] good)
SC 好的预感 hǎo de yù gǎn
TC 好的預感
I have a good feeling about this interview.

a good feeling (about [sb]) n: (positive evaluation of [sb])
SC 对某人感觉良好
I've got a good feeling about you. I think you'll go far in this company.

good fellow n: informal (likeable man) (非正式用语)
SC 好人缘的人,好人 hǎo rén yuán de rén,hǎo rén
TC 好人
My daughter´s new boyfriend seems a good fellow.

good food n: (healthy or top-quality food)
SC 健康食品 jiàn kāng shí pǐn
SC 优质食品
Athletes eat only good food.

good for a laugh adj: UK (fun, amusing)
SC 有趣的 yǒu qù de
SC 好笑的 yǒu qù de ,hǎo xiào de
Laurel and Hardy films are good for a laugh.

good for a laugh adj: UK (person: fun, funny) (人)
SC 有趣的, 幽默的
I might see if Karen's free to come out; she's always good for a laugh.

good for you interj: (well done!)
SC 做得不错
TC 做得不錯
SC 干得漂亮 gàn de piào liang
TC 乾得漂亮
You have lost 10 pounds already? Good for you!

good for you adj: (healthful)
SC 有益你的健康的 yǒu yì nǐ de jiàn kāng de
SC 对你的(身体)有好处的 yǒu yì nǐ de jiàn kāng de,duì nǐ de shēn tǐ yǒu hǎo chù de
Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is good for you.

good form n: (fitness)
SC 健壮的体魄 jiàn zhuàng de tǐ pò
SC 良好的健康状况 jiàn zhuàng de tǐ pò,liáng hǎo de jiàn kāng zhuàng kuàng
The horse is in good form for the race.

good form n: (appropriate behaviour)
SC 举止有礼 jǔ zhǐ yǒu lǐ
TC 舉止有禮
SC 有礼貌的行为 jǔ zhǐ yǒu lǐ,yǒu lǐ mào de xíng wéi
It is good form to offer your seat to a lady.

good fortune n: (good luck, happy chance)
SC 好运气 hǎo yùn qì
TC 運氣好
SC 好机遇 hǎo yùn qì,hǎo jī yù
He had good fortune to win the lottery.

Good Friday n: (Friday before Easter Sunday) (复活节前的周五)
SC 耶稣受难日 yē sū shòu nàn rì
In the UK, it's traditional to eat hot cross buns on Good Friday.
We will not have class on Good Friday.

good friend n: ([sb] close, trusted)
SC 好友 hǎo yǒu
SC 好朋友 hǎo yǒu,hǎo péng yǒu
My good friend will always tell me the truth, and always in a kind way.

good fun n: ([sth] enjoyable)
SC 有趣的事 yǒu qù de shì
SC 好玩的事 yǒu qù de shì,hǎo wán de shì
SC 有趣的玩笑 yǒu qù de shì,yǒu qù de wán xiào
It was always good fun going sailing with my cousin's family.

Good gracious!, Goodness gracious! interj: (used when you're surprised) (表示惊讶)
SC 我的天呐
SC 老天爷!

good grades npl: (high marks: in exams, tests)
SC 高分 gāo fēn
SC 好分数 gāo fēn,hǎo fēn shù
She needs good grades to get to University.

good grief interj: informal (disbelief) (表示难以置信)
SC 天啊 tiān ā
"Good grief! Ben's finally managed to pass his driving test!"

good grief, Good grief! interj: informal (exasperation) (表示愤怒)
SC 天啊 tiān ā
"Good grief! We must have been here for at least half an hour and still haven't been served."

good guy n: informal (decent man)
SC 好人 hǎo rén
TC 好人
SC 正派人 hǎo rén,zhèng pài rén
I'm glad she's going out with Rob: he's a good guy.

good guy n: informal (fiction: hero)
SC 正面人物
Almost every major movie involves the good guys versus the bad guys.

good health n: (healthiness, fitness)
SC 身体健康 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng
TC 身體健康
SC 身体棒 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng,shēn tǐ bàng
I am lucky to enjoy good health.

good hearing n: (ability to hear clearly)
SC 好听力 hǎo tīng lì
TC 聽力好
My grandmother does not have good hearing so you need to speak clearly to her.

good heart n: (kind or generous nature)
SC 善良 shàn liáng
TC 善良

Good heavens!, Heavens! interj: slightly dated (surprise) (表示惊奇)
SC 天哪!不会吧! tiān na bú huì ba
Good heavens! You can't possibly go to the party wearing that.

good humor (US), good humour (UK) n: (cheerful mood)
SC 好心情 hǎo xīn qíng
SC 愉快的情绪 hǎo xīn qíng,yú kuài de qíng xù
When the sun is shining, it puts me in good humour.

good idea n: (wise suggestion) (建议)
SC 好主意,好点子,好想法 hǎo zhǔ yì,hǎo diǎn zi,hǎo xiǎng fǎ
TC 好點子
It is a good idea to brush your long hair before going to sleep.
It wasn't a good idea to eat that third piece of cake.

good idea n: (clever invention)
SC 好的创意 hǎo de chuàng yì
TC 好的創意
Sliced bread was a good idea.

Good idea! interj: (yes, agreed, let's do that) (感叹语)
SC 好主意!
SC 聪明!
SC 就这么办吧!
"Let's go to the movies." "Good idea! Sounds like fun." .

good influence n: (prompts good behavior)
SC 好榜样 hǎo bǎng yàng
TC 好榜樣
SC 好影响 hǎo bǎng yàng,hǎo yǐng xiǎng
His elder brother is a good influence on him.

Good job! interj: informal (expressing admiration)
SC 干得不错 gàn de bú cuò
TC 乾得不錯
SC 做得真好
That's an awesome painting. Good job!

Good job, It's a good job interj: UK, informal (it is fortunate)
SC 幸运的是,幸好 xìng yùn de shì,xìng hǎo
Good job you remembered your umbrella!

a good laugh n: informal (funny, fun)
SC 有趣
TC 有趣
Your mate Jim's a good laugh, isn't he?

a job well done n: (task that is performed well)
SC 出色地完成了任务
Congratulations on a job well done!

act well vi + adv: (actor: be convincing)
SC 演得好 yǎn de hǎo
SC 表演出彩
Little Johnny acted so well in the school play, I'm sure he'll grow up to win an Oscar.

air shaft, air well, ventilation shaft n: (building: air passage) (建筑)
SC 通风井 tōng fēng jǐng
SC 通风竖井
In my apartment, half the windows look out onto the street and half into the air shaft.

alive and well adj: (person: still alive and healthy)
SC 健在

alive and well adj: figurative (industry, program: still active) (指行业等)
SC 活跃 huó yuè

All's well that ends well., All is well that ends well. expr: (everything is resolved happily)
SC 结果好 jié guǒ hǎo
TC 皆大歡喜
SC 万事好 jié guǒ hǎo,wàn shì hǎo

artesian well n: (well with natural outflow)
SC 自流井 zì liú jǐng
This artesian well has been flowing for over one hundred years.

as well adv: (also)
SC 也,又 yě,yòu
TC 也,又
SC 同样地,完全有理由地 tóng yàng de ,wán quán yǒu lǐ yóu de
TC 同樣地
SC 还不如 hái bù rú
William invited not only Sue to the party, but her sister as well.

as well as conj: (in addition to)
SC 除…之外(也) chú … zhī wài ( yě )
SC 与…(程度)一样 chú … zhī wài ( yě ),yǔ …( chéng dù ) yí yàng
Our neighbor brought cake as well as juice for everyone.

augur well vi + adv: (be good sign)
SC 是吉兆 shì jí zhào
SC 预示吉利 shì jí zhào,yù shì jí lì
SC 预示好兆头 shì jí zhào,yù shì hǎo zhào tóu
Your tardiness does not augur well for your scholastic future.

behave well vi + adv: (act properly)
SC 举止得体 jǔ zhǐ dé tǐ
TC 舉止得體
SC 行为得当

be doing well v expr: (thrive)
SC 情况不错
TC 情況不錯
SC 状态良好 zhuàng tài liáng hǎo
Sarah and Jim are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter Grace. Both mother and baby are doing well.

be doing well v expr: (recover)
SC 康复得不错
A month after her car accident, Mary is doing well.

do well vi + adv: (be successful)
SC 做得好 zuò de hǎo
SC 成功 zuò de hǎo,chéng gōng
TC 成功
He's doing well in his new job.

do well for yourself v expr: informal (be successful) (非正式用语)
SC 做得好 zuò de hǎo
SC 成功 zuò de hǎo,chéng gōng
TC 成功
SC 混得好
You've obviously done well for yourself.

do well to do [sth] v expr: (be wise)
SC 做得对 zuò de duì
TC 做得對
SC 做得明智 zuò de duì,zuò de míng zhì
You would do well to heed her advice.

eating well n: (healthy diet)
SC 健康饮食

get on well v expr: informal (be friends)
SC 相处融洽 xiāng chǔ róng qià
TC 相處融洽
SC 很要好
Rick and Steve get on well.

get on well with [sb] v expr: informal (be friends)
SC 与…处得来
SC 与…相处良好
I get on well with my sister.

get well v expr: (recover from illness or injury)
SC 康复 kāng fù
SC 恢复健康 kāng fù,huī fù jiàn kāng
TC 恢復健康
I'm sorry to hear you're ill – let's hope you get well soon.

get well soon interj: (expressing wish for recovery)
SC (祝你)早日康复 zhù nǐ zǎo rì kāng fù
SC 很快好起来 zhù nǐ zǎo rì kāng fù,hěn kuài hǎo qǐ lái
I heard you came down with the flu. Get well soon!

get-well card n: (token for ill person)
SC 慰问卡

go down well v expr: informal, figurative (news: be welcome) (消息等)
SC 被顺利接受
News of an increase in profits went down well with investors in the company.

go down well v expr: informal, figurative (performance: be enjoyed)
SC 受欢迎 shòu huān yíng
TC 受歡迎
SC 受到好评 shòu huān yíng,shòu dào hǎo píng
The band were very good and they went down well with the fans.

go well expr: (favorable outcome)
SC 进展顺利 jìn zhǎn shùn lì
TC 進展順利
Ruth's meeting with her boyfriend's parents went well.

hail-fellow-well-met adj: formal (over-familiar)
SC 过分亲热的
SC 假意示好的

"Well, I'll be damned!", also US: "Well, I'll be darned!" interj: potentially offensive, slang (surprise, disbelief) (表示惊讶)
SC 不会吧,真不敢相信 bú huì ba
Well, I'll be damned; if it isn't my long-lost sister!

just as well expr: informal (fortunate)
SC 幸好 xìng hǎo
It's just as well I retired before they changed all the duties of my job.

keep well v expr: (stay fit and healthy)
SC 保持健康 bǎo chí jiàn kāng
Have you seen old Mr.Smith lately; he's keeping well! He doesn't look a day over 70.

know damn well [sth], know damn well that v expr: slang, potentially offensive (be aware)
SC 非常清楚 fēi cháng qīng chǔ
Don't play coy with me, you know damn well what I'm talking about!

know full well v expr: (be very much aware)
SC 非常清楚 fēi cháng qīng chǔ
He knew full well that what he was doing was illegal, but it didn't stop him.

leave [sb/sth] alone, leave [sb/sth] well enough alone vtr + adj: (not disturb)
SC 让…独自呆着 ràng dú zì dāi zhe
SC 别去打扰
I just want to be left alone to get on with my novel.

leave [sb/sth] alone, leave [sb/sth] well enough alone vtr + adj: (stop harassing)
SC 停止骚扰
She wished that the man beside her at the bar would leave her alone.

live well v expr: (be comfortably well off)
SC 很好地生活 hěn hǎo de shēng huó
We're not rich, but we live well.

look well v expr: (appear healthy)
SC 看上去健康,看上去气色好

look well v expr: informal (look well-dressed)
SC 穿着得体

may, may well v aux: (even though)
SC 尽管 jǐn guǎn
TC 盡管
SC 或许 jǐn guǎn,huò xǔ
TC 或許
She may well be your best friend, but she doesn't have the right to speak to you like that.

may well v expr: (might very possibly)
SC 很可能 hěn kě néng
They may well win the tournament.

mean well v expr: (have good intentions)
SC 好意 hǎo yì
TC 好意
Even though you meant well, what you said was hurtful.

might as well, may as well v expr: (have no reason not to)
SC 最好 zuì hǎo
TC 最好
SC 不妨
TC 不妨
SC 莫如
I might as well go with you.

might as well, may as well v expr: (would be the same)
SC 就像
SC 就像是
It might as well be winter, with all this cold wet weather we're having.

ne'er-do-well n: (person: lazy, irresponsible)
SC 游手好闲的人 yóu shǒu hào xián de rén

ne'er-do-well adj: (lazy, irresponsible)
SC 游手好闲的 yóu shǒu hǎo xián de

not well founded adj: (not based on fact)
SC 依据不足 yī jù bù zú
TC 依據不足
The evidence against John was not well founded, so he avoided prosecution.
Your optimism about the stock market was clearly not well founded.

note well interj: (nota bene, please note)
SC 请注意 qǐng zhù yì
TC 請注意
SC 留心点 qǐng zhù yì,liú xīn diǎn
Please note well the deadlines for submitting your work.

oh well interj: (expressing resignation)
SC 好吧 hǎo bɑ

oil well n: (petroleum mine)
SC 油井 yóu jǐng
TC 油井
Their oil well turned out to be a gusher, producing over 1,200 barrels a day.

pretty well adv: informal (quite successfully) (非正式用语)
SC 很不错,很成功,很好 hěn bú cuò,hěn chéng gōng,hěn hǎo
I think that went pretty well.
We worked pretty well together.

pretty well adv: informal (almost completely) (非正式用语)
SC 差不多,几乎 chà bù duō,jī hū
TC 差不多,幾乎
He pretty well won the game single-handedly.

quite well adv: (to a fairly high standard)
SC 很不错地
SC 很好地 hěn hǎo de
James did quite well in his exam.

quite well adv: (fairly successfully)
SC 很成功地
The business performed quite well in its first year of trading.

rather well adv: (to quite a high standard)
SC 相当好 xiāng dāng hǎo
TC 相當好

rather well adv: (quite successfully)
SC 非常成功

reasonably well adv: (quite successfully)
SC 相当好地 xiāng dāng hǎo de
TC 相當好地
SC 相当不错地 xiāng dāng hǎo de ,xiāng dāng bú cuò de
Though I'm not an expert, I can cook reasonably well.

relate well to [sb] v expr: (get along with [sb])
SC 与...相处融洽
SC 和...关系处得好
For a teenager, she relates well to adults.

sit well with [sb], stand well with [sb] v expr: colloquial (be accepted)
SC 适合 shì hé
TC 適合
SC 对...的胃口
This situation doesn't sit well with me.

sleep well v expr: (have a restful sleep)
SC 睡得好 shuì de hǎo
I felt really good in my new house, so I slept well that night.
The babies sleep well when it's raining.

sleep well interj: informal (have a restful sleep)
SC 祝睡好, 睡个好觉

speak well of [sb] v expr: (praise)
SC 说…的好话 shuō … de hǎo huà
You need your clients to speak well of you to their friends and acquaintances.

stairwell, stair-well, stair well n: (stair shaft) (建筑)
SC 楼梯井,楼梯 lóu tī jǐng,lóu tī
TC 樓梯
In our building you can look up through the stairwell to the top.

that's all very well, but expr: informal (nevertheless, even so) (非正式用语)
SC 好吧…但是,那也好…然而 hǎo ba dàn shì,nà yě hǎo rán ér
That's all very well, but it still doesn't explain why you didn't finish the work.

that's all well and good, but expr: informal (nevertheless, even so) (非正式用语)
SC 好吧…但是,那也好…然而 hǎo ba dàn shì,nà yě hǎo rán ér
That's all well and good, and I enjoy talking to your granny, but isn't it about time we left for the movies ?

think well of [sb] v expr: (respect, admire)
SC 对…评价较好 duì … píng jià jiào hǎo
Amy's parents think well of her new boyfriend.

very well adv: (successfully)
SC 很好,很成功 hěn hǎo ,hěn chéng gōng
He patched the hole in the wall very well: you'd never know it was there.

very well interj: (expressing consent) (略为勉强的同意)
SC 好吧,就这样吧 hǎo bɑ ,jiù zhè yàng bɑ
Very well, then: you may go out tonight, but you must be home by midnight.

water well n: (hole dug to obtain water)
SC 水井 shuǐ jǐng

wear [sth] well vtr + adv: (look good in)
SC 耐用 nài yòng
TC 耐用
SC 不见老 nài yòng,bú jiàn lǎo(人)
Mmm, she certainly wears that bikini well!

wear well vtr + adv: figurative (age, etc.: assume comfortably)
SC 没有提供翻译
Mr Jones is wearing his new authority well!

wear well vi + adv: (be enduring)
SC 耐用 nài yòng
TC 耐用
SC 不见老 nài yòng,bú jiàn lǎo(人)
I buy practical, simple clothes that wear well and don't go out of style.

wear well vi + adv: (not age too fast)
SC 耐用 nài yòng
TC 耐用
SC 不见老 nài yòng,bú jiàn lǎo(人)
Car tires don't seem to wear as well as they used to.

wear well vi + adv: figurative (person: not look old)
SC 显得年轻
Your father's wearing well, considering he's 93.

well adjusted, well-adjusted adj: figurative (emotionally stable)
SC 情绪稳定的
In spite of the problems she had growing up, she has turned out to be suprisingly well adjusted.

well advised, well-advised adj: (wise, sensible)
SC 明智的 míng zhì de

well aware adj: (very conscious: of [sth])
SC 非常明白,十分清楚 fēi cháng míng bái,shí fēn qīng chǔ

well away from prep: (at a distance from)
SC 远离 yuǎn lí
After the argument they decided to stay well away from one other.
Any nuclear energy plant should be located well away from urban centers.

well balanced, well-balanced adj: (in good proportion)
SC 平衡的 píng héng de
SC 协调的 píng héng de ,xié tiáo de
TC 協調的
In order to stay healthy it is important to eat a well-balanced diet.

well balanced, well-balanced adj: figurative ([sb]: stable) (人)
SC 心理平衡的 xīn lǐ píng héng de

well behaved, well-behaved adj: (good, not naughty)
SC 乖的 guāi de
SC 听话的 guāi de,tīng huà de
TC 聽話的
It's always nice to see well-behaved children.
Your dog's so well behaved - it never seems to bark.
听话的孩子总让人高兴。// 你的狗真听话,似乎从来都不汪汪叫。

well connected, well-connected adj: (having influential friends)
SC 社会关系强固的
SC 有人脉的

well deserved, well-deserved adj: (highly merited, earned)
SC 应得的,当之无愧的 yīng dé de ,dāng zhī wú kuì de
After the long battle, the Vikings went home for some well-deserved mead.

well developed, well-developed adj: (be elaborate or highly thought out)
SC 完善的 wán shàn de
The plot of your short story is well developed, but you need to flesh out the characters.

well developed, well-developed adj: (be physically mature)
SC 发育良好的,发育成熟的 fā yù chéng shú de
My, she's a well-developed young lady! No wonder all the men are watching her.

well disposed, well disposed towards [sb/sth], well-disposed towards [sb/sth] adj: (feeling favourable, sympathetic)
SC 对...有好感的,对...友好的

well done interj: (congratulations)
SC 干得好! gàn de hǎo
TC 乾得好!
You got an A on the test? Well done!

well done, well-done adj: (meat: cooked right through) (牛排等)
SC 完全烤熟的,全熟的
I prefer my steak well done because I can't stand the sight of blood.

well endowed, well-endowed adj: (wealthy)
SC 资金充足的,富有的 fù yǒu de

well endowed with [sth] adj + prep: (having plenty of [sth])
SC 有充足的
The organization is well endowed with funds for building repairs.

well endowed, well-endowed adj: euphemism (man: having a large penis) (男性)
SC 阴茎大的

well endowed, well-endowed adj: euphemism (woman: having large breasts) (女性)
SC 乳房大的

well enough adv: (sufficiently)
SC 还不错,还可以 hái bù cuò,hái kě yǐ
SC 相当,非常 xiāng dāng ,fēi cháng
TC 相當,非常
The team played well enough to have deserved at least a draw.

well enough adv: (in a sufficiently good way)
SC 还不错,还可以 hái bù cuò,hái kě yǐ
SC 相当,非常 xiāng dāng ,fēi cháng
TC 相當,非常
I speak French well enough, but I couldn't pass for a native speaker.

well established, well-established adj: (existing, proven from long ago)
SC 根深蒂固的 gēn shēn dì gù de
SC 已确立的,已确认的 yǐ què lì de
TC 已確認的
SC 固定下来的

well fed, well-fed adj: (plump)
SC 饱满的,丰满的 bǎo mǎn de,fēng mǎn de
TC 豐滿的

well founded, well-founded adj: (based on good reasons)
SC 有充足依据的
SC 有充分原因的

well groomed, well-groomed adj: (smart, tidy)
SC 精心打扮的,整洁的 jīng xīn dǎ bàn de,zhěng jié de
TC 整潔的

well grounded, well-grounded adj: (evidence based)
SC 有充分理由的,有充分根据的

well grounded, well-grounded adj: (knowledgeable)
SC 博学的,知识渊博的 bó xué de ,zhī shí yuān bó de
TC 博學的

well hung, well-hung adj: slang (man: having a large penis) (男性)
SC 阴茎大的

Well I never! interj: (expressing surprise)
SC 真没想到!
You don't like my cooking? Well I never!

be well in with [sb] v expr: UK, informal (have a good relationship with [sb])
SC 与...关系好




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