单词 | steps |
释义 | steps step n: (dance move) SC 舞步 wǔ bù SC 步姿 wǔ bù,bù zī This next tango step is difficult, so pay attention. 这支探戈的下一个舞步很难,所以请注意。 step n: (footstep) SC 步 bù TC 步 SC 一步的距离 bù,yí bù de jù lí He took three steps before he stopped and turned. 他走了三步,然后停下来,转身。 step n: (stair) SC 台阶 tái jiē TC 台階 / 臺階 SC 梯级 tái jiē,tī jí This stairway has thirteen steps. 这段楼梯有13个台阶。 step n: (stage in a process) SC 阶段 jiē duàn TC 階段 SC 时期 jiē duàn,shí qī TC 時期 You need to wash the metal after each step of the process. 工序的每个阶段后你都需要清洗该金属。 step vi: (tread, walk) SC 踩 cǎi TC 踩 SC 踏上 cǎi,tà shàng I stepped in the mud outside the house. 我一脚踩在房子外面的烂泥上。 step prefix: (relation by marriage) (前缀,如继父、继子等) SC 继的 For example: stepmother 举例:继母 step n: (sound of a footstep) SC 脚步声 jiǎo bù shēng TC 腳步聲 I heard the steps as she approached. 在她接近时,我听见了脚步声。 step n: (small distance) SC 一步的距离 yí bù de jù lí SC 很短的距离 yí bù de jù lí,hěn duǎn de jù lí The clubhouse is just a few steps away. 俱乐部就在几步路远的地方。 step n: (gait, way of walking) SC 步态 bù tài SC 步法 bù tài,bù fǎ TC 步法 You could see the bounce in his step the day after his date. 在他约会次日,你可以看到他欢欣雀跃的步态。 step n: (rung) SC 梯级 tī jí SC 梯子横档 tī jí,tī zi héng dàng SC 梯子踏步 tī jí,tī zi tà bù The top step of the ladder is not safe to stand on. 站在梯子最顶端的横档并不安全。 step n: (on a vehicle) SC (上下车等的)阶梯 shàng xià chē děng de jiē tī SC 踏脚板 shàng xià chē děng de jiē tī,tà jiǎo bǎn The general opened the door and stood on the step of the truck as it came to a stop. 在卡车停下来的时候,将军打开车门,站在它的踏脚板上。 step n: (level in a hierarchy) SC 等级 děng jí TC 等級 SC 阶级 děng jí,jiē jí TC 階級 He is hoping that he will be promoted to the next step. 他希望自己能够被提拔到下一个等级。 step n: (points of action) SC 步骤 bù zhòu TC 步驟 SC 措施 bù zhòu,cuò shī TC 措施 The review board recommended ten steps to correct the problem. 审查委员会建议采取十个步骤来纠正该问题。 step, Step n: uncountable (step aerobics) SC 踏板操 Sheila teaches step and pilates. step vi: (enter situation) SC 介入 jiè rù SC 插手 jiè rù,chā shǒu TC 插手 He stepped into the argument to help her out. 他介入争执来帮她脱离困境。 step [sth] vtr: (walk a distance) SC 跨出 He stepped three paces to the left. step [sth] vtr: (measure) SC 用步子丈量 yòng bù zi zhàng liáng I always just step out my flowerbeds, without using a tape measure. step [sth] vtr: dated (dance) SC 跳…舞步 tiào wǔ bù He stepped the foxtrot lightly, and with great finesse. step aside vi phrasal: (move to one side) SC 让到一边, 站到旁边, 让开 Please step aside to let the wheelchair through. step aside vi phrasal: figurative (allow [sb] else to take charge) (比喻) SC 让位,退位 ràng wèi,tuì wèi TC 退位 step away vi phrasal: (retreat, move away) SC 躲开 duǒ kāi SC 撤走 duǒ kāi,chè zǒu TC 撤走 The police officer told us to step away from the vehicle. Quickly step away from that rattlesnake; he's ready to strike. step back vi phrasal: (retreat, move backwards) SC 退后 tuì hòu SC 退一步 tuì hòu,tuì yī bù Everybody step back, let's give him some space! 大家都退后,让我们给他些空间! step down vi phrasal: (resign) SC 辞职 cí zhí TC 辭職 SC 下台 cí zhí,xià tái TC 下台 / 下臺 The chairman of the committee decided to step down because of ill health. 由于身体原因,委员会的主席决定辞职。 step forward vi phrasal: figurative (present oneself, volunteer) (比喻自愿做某事) SC 站出来 zhàn chū lái SC 自告奋勇 zhàn chū lái,zì gào fèn yǒng When the little girl went missing, many people stepped forward to search for her. 那名小女孩失踪后,许多人都自告奋勇去搜寻她。 step forward vi phrasal: (move towards the front) (本义) SC 向前走,前进 xiàng qián zǒu,qián jìn TC 前進 SC 走上前来 When you hear your name called, please step forward. 当你的名字被念到时,请走上前来。 step in vi phrasal: figurative (intervene) SC 插手帮助 chā shǒu bāng zhù TC 插手幫助 SC 介入调停 chā shǒu bāng zhù,jiè rù tiáo tíng The children's argument got so loud that their mother had to step in. 孩子们的争吵声实在太大了,母亲不得不介入调停。 step in [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (tread in, put your foot into) SC 走入,踩进 zǒu rù SC 进入 jìn rù TC 進入 I stepped in a mud puddle and ruined my new shoes. 我踩进了个泥坑,弄坏了新鞋子。 step into [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (enter) SC 进入 jìn rù TC 進入 SC 走进 jìn rù,zǒu jìn Step into my parlor, said the spider to the fly. step off [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (alight from) SC 从…走下来 cóng zǒu xià lái SC 走下 I stepped off the train. step on [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (tread on) (本义) SC 踏上,踩上,踩到 tà shàng ,cǎi shàng Careful, you might step on the dog's tail! 小心,不要踩到狗狗的尾巴! step on [sb] vtr phrasal insep: figurative (mistreat, exploit) SC 欺负 qī fù TC 欺負 SC 欺凌 qī fù,qī líng SC 践踏 qī fù,jiàn tà TC 踐踏 Your naive friendliness is causing them to step on you at work. 你太天真友善,导致他们在工作中欺负你。 step on [sth] vtr phrasal insep: figurative, often plural (drugs: adulterate) SC 掺假 chān jiǎ SC 掺入杂质 The drug dealer stepped on the coke to increase his profits. step out vi phrasal: informal, dated (go out for the evening) SC 出去娱乐 chū qù yú lè SC 过夜生活 chū qù yú lè,guò yè shēng huó It's nice to dress up and step out for an evening on the town. 好好打扮一下,去城里过过夜生活,感觉很不错。 step [sth] up, step up [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (increase) SC 增加 zēng jiā TC 增加 SC 加快 zēng jiā,jiā kuài TC 加快 As demand grew for its environmentally friendly products, the business had to step up production. I had to step up my training regime as the day of the race approached. 随着比赛临近,我必须增加训练量。 随着对其环保产品需求的上涨,该公司不得不加快生产。 step up vi phrasal: (present yourself, volunteer) (比喻自愿做某事) SC 站出来 zhàn chū lái SC 自告奋勇 zhàn chū lái,zì gào fèn yǒng The chairman asked for a volunteer and Andrew stepped up. 主席需要一名志愿者,安德鲁站了出来。 baby step n: figurative (small step) SC 跬步 SC 一小步 SC 婴儿学步(比喻) backward step n: (step going backwards) SC 后退一步,后退步 hòu tuì yí bù,hòu tuì bù Take a backward step so you won't be so close to the edge! backward step n: figurative (retrograde action) SC 退后,落后,开倒车 tuì hòu,luò hòu,kāi dǎo chē TC 落後 He took a backward step when he had to quit his job. dance step n: (foot movement: part of a dance) SC 舞步 wǔ bù first step n: (beginning, introduction) SC 开端 kāi duān TC 開端 SC 第一步 kāi duān,dì yí bù Realizing that there is a problem is the first step towards solving it. take your first steps v expr: (baby: starting to walk) SC 开始走路 The baby took its first steps today. take the first step v expr: figurative (initial action towards goal) SC 踏上征程 SC 迈出第一步 James took the first step to becoming a doctor by beginning a medical degree. go one step further v expr: figurative (do [sth] more extreme) SC 更进一步 gèng jìn yí bù TC 更進一步 This year the team went one step further and won both domestic cup competitions. goose-step, goosestep, goose step n: (military marching walk) SC 正步 zhèng bù SC 正步走 zhèng bù,zhèng bù zǒu goose-step, goosestep vi: (march) SC 正步走 zhèng bù zǒu have a spring in your step v expr: figurative (be cheerful or energetic) SC 活力十足 SC 蹦蹦跳跳地 heavy step n: (loud footfall) SC 沉重的脚步 in step adj: (walking or dancing in rhythm) (走路或跳舞) SC 一致的,同步的,合拍的 yí zhì de ,tóng bù de ,hé pāi de Our dancing was awful last night: we weren't in step most of the time. in step adv: (in rhythm) SC 步调一致地 bù diào yí zhì de SC 步伐一致地 bù diào yí zhì de,bù fá yí zhì de The couple walked in step, holding hands. in step with expr: figurative (in harmony with) SC 与…一致 yǔ … yí zhì TC 與…一致 Rachel had been very careful to stay in step with her colleagues. in step with expr: (moving in rhythm with) SC 与…合拍 TC 與…合拍 The dancers did an amazing job of staying perfectly in step with the music. Irish Step-Dance n: (traditional dance from Ireland) SC 爱尔兰踢踏舞 multi-step adj: (graduated, sequential) SC 多步的,多步骤的 Turning a harvested olive into something edible is a multi-step process. next step n: (subsequent action to be taken) SC 下一步 TC 下一步 I've stripped the wallpaper and primed the plaster, so the next step is to paint the walls. one step at a time adv: (gradually, progressively) SC 一步一步地,逐渐 yí bù yí bù de TC 逐漸 one-step adj: (consisting of one stage) SC 一步的,单步的 out of step expr: (not following rhythm) SC 不合拍,不一致 bù yí zhì preliminary step n: (initial measure or action) SC 预备性步骤 yù bèi xìng bù zhòu SC 初步行动 yù bèi xìng bù zhòu,chū bù xíng dòng sidestep, side-step, side step n: (step to one side) SC 向一边跨一步 xiàng yì biān kuà yí bù SC 横跨一步 Andy avoided the puddle with a quick sidestep. sidestep [sth], side-step [sth] vtr: (step around to avoid) SC 向一边跨一步以避免 SC 跨开以避免 kuà kāi yǐ bì miǎn Nicki skillfully sidestepped the patch of ice on the sidewalk. sidestep [sth], side-step [sth] vtr: figurative (avoid) SC 避免, 回避 The company sidestepped serious financial difficulties, but it is not safe yet. step by step adv: (in stages) SC 一步一步地 yí bù yí bù de SC 逐步地 yí bù yí bù de,zhú bù de SC 循序渐进地 yí bù yí bù de,xún xù jiàn jìn de This book shows you how to paint a watercolour step by step. 这本书告诉你如何按步绘制水彩画。 step-by-step adj: (presented in stages) SC 分步的 TC 按步的 SC 逐步的 zhú bù de The magazine includes a step-by-step guide to starting an internet business. 这本杂志内含创办互联网企业的步骤指南。 step lively (mainly US), look lively (mainly UK) v expr: informal (hurry) SC 快点,赶紧 kuài diǎn,gǎn jǐn TC 趕緊 Step on it! interj: informal (hurry up) SC 赶快! Driver, go to the hospital, and step on it! step on the gas interj: informal (accelerate, drive faster) SC 踩油门 cǎi yóu mén TC 踩油門 SC 加快速度 cǎi yóu mén ,jiā kuài sù dù SC 赶快 cǎi yóu mén ,gǎn kuài TC 趕快 Step on the gas or we'll be late for church. step out of [sth] v expr: (exit, walk from) SC 从…走出去, 从…离开, 走出… He stepped out of the elevator and went down the hall. step out of [sth] v expr: figurative (leave or renounce) SC 放弃…, 脱离…, 离开… Once her husband returned, she stepped out of her role of primary breadwinner. step over [sth] vi + prep: (lift foot to avoid treading on) SC 跨过 kuà guò TC 跨過 SC 跳过 kuà guò ,tiào guò SC 迈过 I stepped over the rubbish. step over, stepover n: (soccer move) (足球过人动作) SC 踩单车 step up n: (increase in status) SC 提高(身份、地位等) tí gāo shēn fèn dì wèi děng SC 升级 tí gāo shēn fèn dì wèi děng,shēng jí TC 升級 SC 晋级 tí gāo shēn fèn dì wèi děng,jìn jí That promotion was really a step-up for you. 那次升职真的提高了你的地位。 step up the pace v expr: (increase speed) SC 加快速度 jiā kuài sù dù stepbrother, step-brother n: (son of parent's spouse) SC 继兄弟 jì xiōng dì TC 繼兄弟 Even though we look like we're related, Greg is actually my stepbrother. 虽然格雷格和我长得有些相像,但他其实是我的继弟。 stepchild, step-child n: (child of your spouse) SC 继子女 jì zǐ nǚ TC 繼子女 Marcia never had children of her own, but she has a stepchild with her husband. stepdad, step-dad n: informal (parent's husband) SC 继父 jì fù My mum married Mitch last year; he's a great step-dad. stepdaughter, step-daughter n: (spouse's female child) (配偶上次婚姻所生女儿) SC 继女 jì nǚ Dan has a daughter, so when I marry him I will have a stepdaughter. 丹有一个女儿,因此我嫁给他之后将有一个继女。 stepfather, step-father n: (parent's husband) SC 继父 jì fù SC 后爸 SC 后爹 My stepfather has no biological children. 我的继父没有亲生的孩子。 stepgrandfather, step-grandfather n: (husband of grandparent) SC 继祖父 SC 教祖父 stepgrandfather, step-grandfather n: (father of parent's spouse) SC 继祖父 SC 教祖父 stepgrandmother, step-grandmother n: (wife of grandparent) SC 继祖母 stepgrandmother, step-grandmother n: (mother of parent's spouse) SC 继祖母 stepmom (mainly US), step-mom (mainly US), stepmum (UK), step-mum (UK) n: informal (parent's wife) SC 继母 jì mǔ SC 后母 stepmother, step-mother n: (parent's wife) SC 继母 jì mǔ Did your stepmother inherit all of your dad's estate? 你父亲所有的财产是不是都被你的继母继承了? stepmother, step-mother n: (wicked figure in fairy tales) (童话中的邪恶形象) SC 恶毒继母 TC 惡毒繼母 In fairy tales the stepmother is often wicked and hates children. 童话的继母大多非常恶毒,讨厌小孩。 stepparent, step-parent, step parent n: (mother or father's spouse) SC 继父 jì fù SC 继母 jì fù ,jì mǔ Marty has very loving stepparents, and he feels comfortable whether he is at his mom's house or his dad's house. stepsister, step-sister n: (daughter of parent's spouse) SC 继姐 jì jiě SC 继妹 jì jiě,jì mèi Cinderella was belittled by her stepsisters. stepson, step-son n: (spouse's male child) SC 继子 jì zǐ SC 配偶上次婚姻所生儿子 jì zǐ,pèi ǒu shàng cì hūn yīn suǒ shēng ér zi Dana loves her stepson as if he were her own child. tread on [sb]'s toes, step on [sb]'s toes v expr: figurative (encroach on [sb]'s territory) (因干预他人) SC 惹恼 rě nǎo SC 得罪 rě nǎo,dé zuì TC 得罪 The new employee trod on Gloria's toes when he sold some new products to her clients. two-step n: (ballroom dance) SC 两步舞 two-step n: (music for two-step) SC 两步舞曲 two-step vi: (dance the two-step) SC 跳两步舞 watch your step v expr: (be careful where you tread) SC 注意脚下, 小心脚下 You'll need to watch your step when coming back down the mountain. watch your step v expr: figurative (be cautious about what you do) SC 要谨慎 yào jǐn shèn TC 要謹慎 He's very irritable today so watch your step when you talk to him! |
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