Malcolm X
- (1925-65) , American political activist; born Malcolm Little. He joined the Nation of Islam in 1946 and became a vigorous campaigner for black rights, initially advocating the use of violence. In 1964 he converted to orthodox Islam and moderated his views on black separatism; he was assassinated the following year.马尔科姆·艾克斯(1925-1965, 美国政治活动家; 出生名马尔科姆·利特尔, 1946年加入黑穆斯林运动, 成为积极为黑人争取权利的活动家, 开始时主张使用暴力, 1964年皈依正统伊斯兰教并和缓了其黑人分立主义的观点; 次年被刺杀)。