- a city in eastern England, the county town of Lincolnshire; pop. 86,800 (est. 2009). It was founded by the Romans as Lindum Colonia.林肯市(英格兰东部城市, 林肯郡的首府, 2009年估计人口86,800, 为罗马人所建, 原名林杜姆镇)。
- the state capital of Nebraska; pop. 251,624 (est. 2008). Founded as Lancaster in 1856, it was made state capital in 1867 and renamed in honour of Abraham Lincoln.林肯市(美国内布拉斯加州首府, 2008年估计人口251,624, 于1856年建城, 称兰开斯特, 1867年定为州的首府, 为纪念亚伯拉罕·林肯而改为现名)。
- Lincoln2, Abraham (1809-65), American Republican statesman, 16th President of the US 1861-5. His election as President on an anti-slavery platform helped precipitate the American Civil War; he was assassinated shortly after the war ended. Lincoln was noted for his succinct, eloquent speeches, including the Gettysburg address of 1863.林肯, 亚伯拉罕(1809-1865, 美国共和党政治家, 美国第16任总统[1861-1865], 他因主张反对奴隶制度的政治纲领而当选总统, 从而加速了美国内战的爆发; 战争结束不久他遇刺身亡; 他以简洁、雄辩的演讲闻名于世, 其中包括1863年的葛底斯堡演讲)。