释义 |
the northern part of the island of Lewis and Harris in the Outer Hebrides 刘易斯(外赫布里底群岛中刘易斯和哈里斯岛的北半部)。
Lewis3, C. S. (1898-1963), British novelist, religious writer, and literary scholar; full name Clive Staples Lewis. He broadcast and wrote on religious and moral issues, and created the imaginary land of Narnia for a series of children's books. Notable works: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (1950). 刘易斯, C·S(1898-1963, 英国小说家、宗教作家、文学学者, 全名克莱夫·斯代普尔·刘易斯, 曾就宗教和道德问题作广播谈话并从事写作, 为其儿童系列丛书创造出想象的纳尼亚王国, 主要作品有《狮子、女巫和魔衣橱》[1950])。
Lewis4, Carl (b.1961), American athlete; full name Frederick Carleton Lewis. He won Olympic gold medals in 1984,1988, 1992, and 1996 (his ninth) for sprinting and the long jump, and has broken the world record for the 100 metres on several occasions. 刘易斯, 卡尔(生于1961年, 美国运动员, 全名弗雷德里克·卡尔顿·刘易斯, 于1984、1988、1992 和 1996 年共九次在短跑和跳远比赛中获奥林匹克冠军, 多次打破100米世界纪录)。
Lewis5, Jerry Lee (b.1935), American rock-and-roll singer and pianist. In 1957 he had hits with 'Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On' and 'Great Balls of Fire'. His career was interrupted when his marriage to his fourteen-year-old cousin caused a public outcry. 刘易斯, 杰里·李(生于1935年, 美国摇滚乐歌手和钢琴家, 1957年演出《大摇特摇》和《大火球》时数次引起轰动, 其职业生涯因与14岁的表妹结婚遭到公众抗议而中断)。
Lewis6, Lennox (b.1965), English boxer, world heavyweight champion several times from 1999 刘易斯, 伦诺克斯(生于1965年, 英国拳击运动员, 1999年以来数次荣获世界重量级冠军)。
Lewis7, (Harry) Sinclair (1885-1951), American novelist, known for satirical works such as Main Street (1920), Babbitt (1922), and Elmer Gantry (1927). He was the first American writer to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature (1930). 刘易斯,哈里·辛克莱(1885-1951, 美国小说家, 以讽刺作品闻名, 如《大街》[1920]、《巴比特》[1922]和《埃尔莫·甘特芮》[1927], 于1930年获诺贝尔文学奖, 是第一个获此奖项的美国作家)。
Lewis8, Meriwether (1774-1809), American explorer. Together with William Clark he led an expedition to explore the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase (1804-6). They travelled from St Louis to the Pacific Coast and back. 刘易斯, 梅里韦瑟(1774-1809, 美国探险家, 1804-1806年与威廉·克拉克一起率领考察队考察美国刚从法国购得的路易斯安那地区, 往返于圣路易斯和太平洋海岸之间)。
Lewis9, (Percy) Wyndham (1882-1957), British novelist, critic, and painter, born in Canada. He was a leader of the vorticist movement, and with Ezra Pound edited the magazine Blast (1914-15). Notable novels: The Apes of God (1930). 刘易斯, 珀西·温德姆(1882-1957, 英国小说家、评论家和画家, 生于加拿大, 是漩涡主义运动的领导者之一, 1914-1915年与埃兹拉·庞德一起编辑《疾风》杂志, 著名作品有《上帝的猿》[1930])。