- a position on a real or imaginary scale of amount, quantity, extent, or quality等级, 水平, 水准, 程度:
a high level of unemployment
debt rose to unprecedented levels.
- a social, moral, or intellectual standard社会等级; 道德水准; 智力水平:
at six he could play chess at an advanced level
mass noun women do better at degree level.在大学阶段女子更出色。
- a position in a real or notional hierarchy(实有或假想等级制度中的)档次, 层级:
a fairly junior level of management.
- a height or distance from the ground or another stated or understood base高度:
storms caused river levels to rise.
- a floor within a multi-storey building(多层建筑的)层。
- an instrument giving a line parallel to the plane of the horizon for testing whether things are horizontal水平仪。
- Surveying an instrument for giving a horizontal line of sight【测绘】水准测量器。
- a flat tract of land平地:
flooded levels
in place names the Somerset Levels.萨默塞特平原。
- having a flat and even surface without slopes or bumps(表面)平坦的; 无隆起物的:
we had reached level ground.
- horizontal水平的:
a large paved double courtyard which was level, despite the steep gradient of the hill.
一个铺了石头的平整的双层大场院, 尽管小山坡度很徒。
- at the same height as someone or something else(高度)与…齐平的:
his eyes were level with hers.
- having the same relative position; not in front of or behind平齐的, 并排的:
the car braked suddenly, then backed rapidly until it was level with me.
那车突然刹车, 然后很快倒到和我平齐的位置。
- (of a quantity of a dry substance) with the contents not rising above the brim of the measure(干物质的量)与测量容器口齐平的:
a level teaspoon of salt.
- unchanged; not having risen or fallen无变化的, 持平的:
earnings were level at 17.5p a share.
- chiefly Brit. having the same position or score in a race or contest〈主英〉平局:
the two teams finished level on points at the end of the series.
在系列比赛结束时, 两队积分持平。
- calm and steady平静的, 稳定的:
'Adrian,' she said in a level voice that surprised her.
“艾德里安,"她说, 声音平静得连她自己都感到惊讶。
- with obj. give a flat and even surface to铲平:
contractors started levelling the ground for the new power station.
- Surveying ascertain differences in the height of (land)【测绘】作水准测量。
- demolish (a building or town)夷平, 摧毁:
bulldozers are now waiting to level their home.
- no obj.
level off/out
begin to fly horizontally after climbing or diving(爬升或俯冲后)进入平飞。
- (of a path, road, or incline) cease to slope upwards or downwards(路、坡等)开始平直延伸:
the track levelled out and there below us was the bay.
铁路开始平直延伸, 我们下方就是海湾。
- cease to fall or rise in number, amount, or quantity(数字或数量上)达到平衡, 稳定:
inflation has levelled out at an acceptable rate.
- with obj. make equal or similar使相等; 使类似:
Woods sliced the ball into the net to level the score.
伍兹削球触网, 比分成了平局。
- with obj.
level something up/down
increase or reduce the amount, number, or quantity of something in order to remove a disparity(通过提高或降低到一定水平来)拉平。
- with obj. aim (a weapon)瞄准:
he levelled a long-barrelled pistol at us.
- direct (a criticism or accusation)使(批评, 指控, 控告)针对:
accusations of corruption had been levelled against him.
- no obj.
level with
informal be frank or honest with (someone)〈非正式〉(与某人)坦诚相见: when are you going to level with me?
do one's level best
- do one's utmost; make all possible efforts竭尽全力。
find its (own) level
- (of a liquid) reach the same height in containers which are interconnected(连通器内)液面等高, 液面相平。
- reach a stable level, value, or position without interference达到稳定高度。
find one's (own) level
- (of a person) reach a position that seems appropriate and natural in relation to one's associates(人)(在同事或伙伴中)找到自己的定位。
level of attainment
- Brit. a rating of the ability of a school pupil, on a scale of 1 to 10〈英〉小学生能力等级(分为1到10级)。
be level pegging
- Brit. be in a position of having equal scores or achievements during a contest〈英〉(比赛中)得分不相上下, 水平相当:
the two were level pegging after three heats.
三局过后, 两人成绩不相上下。
a level playing field
- a situation in which everyone has a fair and equal chance of succeeding公平竞争机会。
on the level
- informal honest; truthful〈非正式〉诚实, 真切:
Eddie said my story was on the level.
on a level with
- in the same horizontal plane as与…在同一水平线上。
- equal with与…平等:
they were treated as menials, on a level with cooks.
他们被当作下人对待, 地位和厨师等同。