- a legendary early king of Britain, the central figure in Shakespeare's tragedy King Lear. He is mentioned by the chronicler Geoffrey of Monmouth.李尔王(传说中的英国早期国王, 莎士比亚悲剧《李尔王》的主人公; 编年史作者蒙默思郡的杰弗里曾提到过他)。
- Lear2, Edward (1812-88), English humorist and illustrator. He wrote A Book of Nonsense (1845) and Laughable Lyrics (1877). He also published illustrations of birds and of his travels around the Mediterranean.李尔, 爱德华(1812-1888, 英国幽默作家、插图画家, 写过《无聊书》[1845]和《可笑的抒情诗》[1877], 还发表过有关鸟类和地中海游记的插图)。