a family of eminent Kenyan archaeologists and anthropologists. Louis (Seymour Bazett) (1903-72) pioneered the investigation of human origins in East Africa. He began excavations at Olduvai Gorge and together with Mary discovered the remains of early hominids and their implements, including Australopithecus (or Zinjanthropus boisei) in 1959. His British-born wife Mary (Douglas) (1913-96) discovered Homo habilis and Homo erectus at Olduvai in 1960. Their son Richard (Erskine) (b.1944) was appointed director of the new Kenya Wildlife Service in 1989, but resigned in 1994 following a controversial political campaign to remove him.
利基(肯尼亚著名考古学和人类学家家族; 路易斯[·西摩·巴泽特, 1903- 1972]东非人类起源研究的先驱, 1959年开始在奥杜瓦伊峡谷进行发掘, 与玛丽一起发现早期原始人类包括南方古猿属[东非人]的遗骸及工具, 其英国出生的妻子玛丽[·道格拉斯, 1913-1996]于1960年在奥杜瓦伊发现了能人和直立人遗迹; 其子理查德[·厄斯金, 生于1944年]1989年被任命为当时新设立的肯尼亚野生动物管理局局长, 1994年在要求罢免他的颇有争议的政治运动后辞职)。