historical <史>
(pl. -ies)
- a wooden framework with holes for the head and hands, in which an offender was imprisoned and exposed to public abuse颈手枷(用以夹罪犯之颈与双手在公共场所示众, 使其受众人嘲弄和羞辱)。
(-ies, -ied)with obj.
1- put (someone) in the pillory将(人)夹于颈手枷中。
- figurative attack or ridicule publicly〈喻〉(当众)攻击; (当众)嘲笑:
he found himself pilloried by members of his own party.
Middle English: from Old French pilori, probably from Provençal espilori (associated by some with a Catalan word meaning 'peephole', of uncertain origin).