释义 |
Lawrence1, D. H. (1885-1930), English novelist, poet, and essayist; full name David Herbert Lawrence. His work is characterized by its condemnation of industrial society and by its frank exploration of sexual relationships, as in Lady Chatterley's Lover, originally published in Italy in 1928, but not available in England in unexpurgated form until 1960. Other Notable works: Sons and Lovers (1913) and Women in Love (1921). 劳伦斯, D·H (1885-1930, 英国小说家、诗人、散文家; 全名大卫·赫伯特·劳伦斯, 作品以抨击工业社会和对性关系坦率探讨为特征, 如《查特来夫人的情人》, 于1928年首先在意大利出版, 其未删节本直到1960年才在英国上市; 其他代表作品:《儿子和情人》[1913], 《恋爱中的女人》[1921])。
Lawrence2, Ernest Orlando (1901-58), American physicist. He developed the first circular particle accelerator, later called a cyclotron, and opened the way for high-energy physics. He also worked on providing fissionable material for the atom bomb. Nobel Prize for Physics (1939). 劳伦斯, 欧内斯特·奥兰多(1901-1958, 美国物理学家, 制作了第一台环形粒子加速器, 后称为回旋加速器, 为高能物理研究开辟了道路, 他还为研制原子弹裂变材料作出贡献; 1939年获诺贝尔物理学奖)。
Lawrence3, Sir Thomas (1769-1830), English painter. He achieved success with his full-length portrait (1789) of Queen Charlotte, the wife of King George Ⅲ, and by 1810 he was recognized as the leading portrait painter of his time. 劳伦斯, 托马斯爵士(1769-1830, 英国画家, 为国王乔治三世妻夏洛特王后画全身像取得成功, 到1810年, 他已被认为是当时的优秀肖像画大师)。
Lawrence4, T. E. (1888-1935), British soldier and writer; full name Thomas Edward Lawrence; known as Lawrence of Arabia. From 1916 onwards he helped to organize the Arab revolt against the Turks in the Middle East, contributing to General Allenby's eventual victory in Palestine in 1918. Lawrence described this period in The Seven Pillars of Wisdom (1926). 劳伦斯, T·E (1888-1935, 英国军人、作家; 全名托马斯·爱德华·劳伦斯; 通称“阿拉伯的劳伦斯”, 自1916年起, 帮助阿拉伯人在中东反抗土耳其人, 为艾伦比将军1918年在巴勒斯坦的决胜作出贡献, 劳伦斯在《七根智慧之柱》[1926]中描述了这一时期所发生之事)。