- the name of two English kings两位英格兰国王的名字:
- Ethelred I (d. 871), king of Wessex and Kent 865-71, elder brother of Alfred. His reign was marked by the continuing struggle against the invading Danes. Alfred joined Ethelred's campaigns and succeeded him on his death.艾特尔雷德一世(卒于公元871年, 韦塞克斯和肯特国王[865-871], 阿尔弗雷德的哥哥, 在位期间主要以其不断同入侵的丹麦人作斗争而著名; 阿尔弗雷德参加了艾特尔雷德一世领导的战役并在其死后继位)。
- Ethelred Ⅱ ( c. 969-1016), king of England 978-1016; known as Ethelred the Unready. Ethelred's inability to confront the Danes after he succeeded his murdered half-brother St Edward the Martyr led to his payment of tribute to prevent their attacks. In 1013 he briefly lost his throne to the Danish king Sweyn Ⅰ.艾特尔雷德二世(约969-1016,978-1016年任英格兰国王, 通称“迟钝的艾特尔雷德”, 在其同父异母兄弟圣爱德华被谋杀后继位, 因其无力抵抗丹麦人而只得向丹麦人纳贡以防其进攻; 1013年曾短暂让位于丹麦国王斯韦恩一世)。
- ORIGIN: Unready, later form of obsolete unredy 'badly advised'.