/ˈkɔːsəvəʊ/- an autonomous area in the Balkans, formerly a part of Yugoslavia; pop. 1,804,800 (est. 2009); capital, Priština. It borders on Albania and the majority of the people are of Albanian descent. In 1998 Kosovo was attacked by Serbian forces intent on expelling the Albanian population; the aggression was halted by NATO bombing in 1999, and Kosovo was put under UN administration. In 2008 it declared itself independent.科索沃(巴尔干一自治地区, 原为前南斯拉夫的一部分; 2009年估计人口1,804, 800; 首府普利什蒂纳; 与阿尔巴尼亚接壤, 人民大部分为阿尔巴尼亚族后裔; 1998年科索沃遭塞尔维亚部队攻击, 后者旨在驱逐当地的阿尔巴尼亚族人; 1999年北约的轰炸结束了塞尔维亚的入侵, 科索沃也随之由联合国监管; 2008年科索沃宣布独立)。