- no obj. strike a surface noisily to attract attention, especially when waiting to be let in through a door(为引起注意而)敲, 敲打, (尤指)敲(门):
he strolled over and knocked on a door marked Enquiries.
他踱步过去, 敲了标有“问讯处”的门。
- strike or thump together or against something相撞, 碰撞:
my knees were knocking and my lips quivering.
我双膝打颤, 嘴唇发抖。
- (of a motor or other engine) make a regular thumping or rattling noise, e.g. through pinking(马达, 引擎)发出碰撞声, 发出爆发声。
- with obj. collide with (someone or something), giving them a hard blow撞到, 撞击:
he deliberately ran against her, knocking her shoulder
他故意贴着她跑, 撞上她的肩膀
no obj. he knocked into an elderly man with a walking stick.他撞到了一个拄着拐杖的老年人。
- with obj. and adverbial of direction force to move or fall with a deliberate or accidental blow or collision(有意或无意地)碰(或撞); 碰(或撞)落:
he'd knocked over a glass of water.
- injure or damage by striking打伤, 碰伤:
she knocked her knee painfully on the table
figurative 〈喻〉you have had a setback that has knocked your self-esteem.
- make (a hole or a dent) in something by striking it forcefully打出(洞, 坑):
he suggests we knock a hole through the wall into the broom cupboard.
他建议我们在墙上打个洞, 通到放清洁工具的壁橱里。
- demolish the barriers between (rooms or buildings)敲掉(房屋、建筑之间的障碍):
two of the downstairs rooms had been knocked into one.
- informal talk disparagingly about; criticize〈非正式〉挑剔, 批评。
- with obj. informal approach (a specified age)〈非正式〉达到(一定年龄):
he's younger than his brother - knocking seventy.
- a sudden short sound caused by a blow, especially on a door to attract attention or gain entry敲打声, (尤指)敲门声。
- mass noun a continual thumping or rattling sound made by an engine(发动机)轰鸣声。
- a blow or collision撞击, 碰撞:
the casing is tough enough to withstand knocks.
包装很结实, 足以抵抗碰撞。
- an injury caused by a blow or collision打伤, 撞伤。
- a discouraging experience; a setback挫折:
the region's industries have taken a severe knock.
- informal a critical comment〈非正式〉批评。
- Cricket, informal an innings, especially of an individual batsman【板球】〈非正式〉 (尤指单个击球手的)击球回合:
a splendid knock of 117 against Somerset.
knock someone's block off
- informal hit someone very hard in anger〈非正式〉怒打。
knock the bottom out of
knock someone dead
- informal greatly impress someone〈非正式〉给某人留下深刻印象。
knock someone for six
- 见SIX.
knock people's heads together
- 见
BANG1 条bang people's heads together.
knock something into a cocked hat
knock someone into the middle of next week
- informal hit someone very hard〈非正式〉猛打某人。
knock someone (或something)into shape
knock it off
- informal used to tell someone to stop doing something that one finds annoying or foolish〈非正式〉[用于告诉某人停止做烦人或愚蠢的事]住手, 别闹了。
knock someone on the head
- stun or kill someone by a blow on the head(打头部)打昏; 打死。
knock something on the head
- Brit. informal prevent an idea, plan, or proposal from being developed or carried out〈英, 非正式〉扼杀, 打消(想法, 计划, 建议)。
knock on wood
- 见WOOD 条touch wood.
knock someone's socks off
- 见SOCK.
knock spots off
- Brit. informal easily outdo〈英, 非正式〉轻松地胜过。
the school of hard knocks
- painful or difficult experiences that are seen to be useful in teaching someone about life(有教育意义的)困苦经历。
you could have knocked me (或her, him, 等) down with a feather
- informal used to express great surprise〈非正式〉我(或她、他等)极为惊讶。
knock about(或around)
- informal travel without a specific purpose〈非正式〉漫游, 漂泊:
for a couple of years she and I knocked around the Mediterranean.
- happen to be present碰巧在场:
it gets confusing when there are too many people knocking about.
这么多的人碰巧在场, 气氛显得混乱。
- chiefly Brit. spend time with someone〈主英〉陪伴(某人):
she knocked around with artists.
knock someone/thing about(或around)
- injure or damage by rough treatment(因粗暴对待而)损害, 伤害。
knock someone back
- reject or discourage a person or their request or suggestion拒绝某人, 挫伤某人。
- cost someone a specified, typically large, amount of money花掉某人一大笔钱:
buying that house must have knocked them back a bit.
knock something back
- informal consume a drink quickly and entirely〈非正式〉(快速地)喝下, 喝掉。
- work risen dough by vigorous kneading to expel air before baking(烘烤前)揉发好的面团。
knock someone down (或over)
- chiefly Brit. (especially of a vehicle) strike or collide with someone so as to cause them to fall to the ground〈主英〉(尤指机动车)撞倒(某人):
I was nearly knocked down by a bus.
knock something down
- demolish a building or other structure拆掉, 拆毁(大楼等建筑物):
the closely packed terraced houses were knocked down in the interests of 'progress'.
为了体现“进步”, 排得很密的联立房屋被拆掉了。
- take machinery or furniture to pieces for transportation(为方便运输)拆开机器(或家具)。
- (at an auction) confirm the sale of an article to a bidder by a knock with a hammer(拍卖中)击锤确认买主。
- informal reduce the price of an article〈非正式〉减低物品价格。
- US informal earn a specified sum as a wage〈美, 非正式〉挣(一定额度的)工资。
- Austral./NZ informal spend a pay cheque freely〈澳/新西兰, 非正式〉大手大脚地花用工资。
knock off
- informal stop work〈非正式〉停止工作, 收工。
knock someone off
- informal kill someone〈非正式〉杀死某人。
- Brit. vulgar slang have sexual intercourse with a woman〈英, 粗俚〉与女人性交。
knock something off
- informal produce a piece of work quickly and easily, especially to order〈非正式〉(尤指按要求)快速而轻松地完成工作。
- informal deduct an amount from a total〈非正式〉从总量中减去(或扣除)一部分:
when the bill came they knocked off £600 because of a little scratch.
账单收到时, 他们因一点擦痕减掉了600英镑。
- Brit. informal steal something〈英, 非正式〉偷东西。
- N. Amer. informal rob a shop or similar establishment〈北美, 非正式〉抢劫商店等。
- informal make an illegal copy of a product〈非正式〉仿冒, 非法复制。
- Cricket score the total needed for victory【板球】取得得胜分:
there was plenty of time for the Middlesbrough batsmen to knock off the runs.
knock on
- informal grow old〈非正式〉变老:
don't you think you're knocking on a bit for this?
- (亦作knock the ball on)Rugby illegally drive the ball with the hand or arm towards the opponents' goal line【英橄】(犯规动作)以手或臂向对方球门线传球。
knock someone out
- make a person unconscious, typically with a blow to the head(尤指击头部)打昏。
- knock down (a boxer) for a count of ten, thereby winning the contest(拳击中)判败击倒(指击倒对手使其从1数到10的时间之内不能站起, 从而取胜)。
- ( knock oneself out) informal work so hard that one is exhausted〈非正式〉筋疲力尽。
- informal astonish or greatly impress someone〈非正式〉使震惊, 给…留下深刻印象。
- defeat a competitor in a knockout competition(淘汰赛中)击败对手:
England had been knocked out of the World Cup.
knock something out
- destroy a machine or damage it so that it stops working破坏机器(使其不能运转)。
- destroy or disable enemy installations or equipment破坏(敌方装置设备), 使(敌方装置设备)瘫痪。
- informal produce work at a steady fast rate〈非正式〉快速地做:
if you knock out a thousand words a day you'll soon have finished.
如果你每天写出1,000字, 你将会很快完成。
- empty a tobacco pipe by tapping it against a surface磕净(烟斗), 敲空(烟斗)。
- Austral./NZ informal earn a specified sum of money〈澳/新西兰, 非正式〉赚(某一数量的)钱。
knock someone over
- another way of saying knock someone down.同knock someone down.
knock something over
- N. Amer. informal rob a shop or similar establishment〈北美, 非正式〉抢劫(商店等)。
knock someone sideways
- informal astonish someone〈非正式〉使震惊。
knock something together
- assemble something in a hasty and makeshift way匆匆拼凑, 草草做成。
knock up
- Brit. informal (in a racket game) practise before formal play begins〈英, 非正式〉(使用球拍的体育运动项目)赛前练习。
knock someone up
- Brit. wake or attract the attention of someone by knocking at their door〈英〉敲门唤醒(或引人注意)。
- informal make a woman pregnant〈非正式〉使怀孕。
knock something up
- Brit. make something in a hurry〈英〉仓促制成。
- Cricket score runs rapidly【板球】得分快速上升。