- a woman who has lost her husband by death and has not married again寡妇, 遗孀, 孀妇。
- with modifier humorous a woman whose husband is often away participating in a specified sport or activity〈幽默〉守活寡的女人, 活寡妇(指丈夫经常外出参加某项运动或活动的女人):
my wife has been a golf widow for the last 30 years.
因为我沉迷于高尔夫球, 30年来妻子像在守活寡。
- Printing a last word or short last line of a paragraph falling at the top of a page or column and considered undesirable【印刷】未排足的行, 单词行。
- a widowbird寡妇鸟。
with obj.[usu. as adj. widowed]
- make into a widow or widower使成寡妇, 使成鳏夫:
she had to care for her widowed mother.
Old English widewe, from an Indo-European root meaning 'be empty'; compare with Sanskrit vidh 'be destitute', Latin viduus 'bereft, widowed', and Greek ēitheos 'unmarried man'.