- existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind大自然的; 自然的, 非人为的:
carrots contain a natural antiseptic which fights bacteria
natural disasters such as earthquakes.
- having had a minimum of processing or preservative treatment经最低限度加工的; 经最低限度防腐处理的; 天然的:
natural food
our nutritional products are completely natural.
- (of fabric) having a colour characteristic of the unbleached and undyed state; off-white, creamy-beige(织物)原色的; 本白色的。
- of or in agreement with the character or make-up of, or circumstances surrounding, someone or something天性的, 固有的; 天然的:
sharks have no natural enemies.
- attrib.(of a person) born with a particular skill, quality, or ability(人)天生的, 固有的:
he was a natural entertainer.
- (of a skill, quality, or ability) coming instinctively to a person; innate(技巧、品质或能力)天赋的, 生就的:
writing appears to demand muscular movements which are not natural to children.
写字看来需要肌肉运动, 小孩并非生来就会。
- (of a person or their behaviour) relaxed and unaffected; spontaneous(人, 举止)轻松自如的; 自然的:
he replied with just a little too much nonchalance to sound natural.
他的回答过于冷淡了些, 听上去不那么自然。
- occurring as a matter of course and without debate; inevitable自然如此的; 必然的:
on giving up as a player, Ken was a natural choice for chairman.
- attrib.(of law or justice) based on innate moral sense; instinctively felt to be right and fair(法律, 司法)基于固有道德感、是非感和公平感的, 自然的。参见NATURAL LAW.
- Bridge (of a bid) straightforwardly reflecting one's holding of cards【桥牌】(叫牌)自然叫的, 实叫的。常与CONVENTIONAL或ARTIFICIAL相对。
- attrib.(of a parent or child) related by blood(父母, 子女)有血缘关系的:
such adopted children always knew who their natural parents were.
- chiefly archaic illegitimate〈主古〉私生的:
the Baron left a natural son by his mistress.
- Music (of a note) not sharpened or flattened【乐】(音符)本位的:
the bassoon plays G natural instead of A flat.
- (of a brass instrument) having no valves and able to play only the notes of the harmonic series above a fundamental note(铜管乐器)无键(或孔)的。
- of or relating to the notes and intervals of the harmonic series(与)泛音列音符和间隔(有关)的。
- Christian Theology relating to earthly or unredeemed human or physical nature as distinct from the spiritual or supernatural realm【基督教神学】物质世界的, 非精神的。
- a person regarded as having an innate gift or talent for a particular task or activity有天生才能者:
she was a natural for the sort of television work required of her.
要她做电视台工作再好不过了, 她是这方面的天才。
- a thing that is particularly suited for something适合的事物:
a nice wide hall is a natural for dining.
- Music a sign() denoting a natural note when a previous sign or the key signature would otherwise demand a sharp or a flat 【乐】本位音记号。
- a natural note本位音。
- any of the longer, lower keys on a keyboard instrument that are normally white白键。
- a creamy beige colour原色, 本色。
- a hand of cards, throw of dice, or other result which wins immediately, in particular(纸牌、掷骰子中)最好的组合, 尤指:
- a hand of two cards making 21 in the first deal in blackjack and similar games(21点纸牌中)第一次发牌头两张就得21点。
- a first throw of 7 or 11 at craps掷双骰子时掷出7(或11)点。
- Fishing an insect or other small creature used as bait, rather than an artificial imitation【渔】(用昆虫或其他生物做成的)天然鱼饵。
- archaic, offensive a person mentally handicapped from birth〈古, 冒犯〉弱智; 白痴。
- informal or dialect naturally〈非正式或方〉自然地:
keep walking - just act natural.