1- a widely distributed climbing shrub with tubular flowers that are typically fragrant and of two colours or shades, opening in the evening for pollination by moths忍冬。
- Genus Lonicera, family Caprifoliaceae (the honeysuckle family): many species, including the Eurasian common honeysuckle(L. periclymenum) and many cultivars. The honeysuckle family also includes such berry-bearing shrubs as guelder rose, elder, and snowberry.忍冬属, 忍冬科:多种, 包括欧亚大陆的轮序忍冬(拉丁名L. periclymenum)和许多栽培变种。忍冬科还包括结浆果的灌木, 如欧洲绣球, 接骨木和雪果。
Middle English honysoukil, extension of honysouke, from Old English hunigsūce (see HONEY, SUCK). It originally denoted tubular flowers, such as the red clover, which are sucked for their nectar.