Holy Land
- a region on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean, in what is now Israel and Palestine, revered by Christians as the place in which Christ lived and taught, by Jews as the land given to the people of Israel, and by Muslims.圣地(地中海东岸一地区, 在今以色列和巴勒斯坦境内, 作为耶稣基督生活和传教过的地方受到基督教信徒的尊崇; 犹太人视之为上帝赐予以色列人的土地而敬仰它; 穆斯林教徒亦尊其为圣地)。
- a region similarly revered, for example, Arabia in Islam圣地(例如伊斯兰世界中的阿拉伯半岛)。