- no obj.(of the sun or another source of light) give out a bright light(太阳或其他光源)发光, 照耀:
the sun shone through the window.
- glow or be bright with reflected light发亮; 反光:
I could see his eyes shining in the light of the fire.
- with obj. and adverbial of direction direct (a torch or other light) somewhere in order to see something in the dark(用电筒等)照射:
he shone the torch around the room before entering.
他进房间前, 用电筒照了一下。
- (of something with a smooth surface) reflect light because clean or polished(光滑的物体表面因擦洗而)反光:
my shoes were polished until they shone like glass.
- (of a person's eyes) be bright with the expression of a particular emotion(眼睛因表达情感而)发亮:
his eyes shone with excitement.
- often as adj. shining figurative be brilliant or excellent at something〈喻〉出类拔萃, 干得出色:
he has set a shining example with his model behaviour
a boy who shone at nothing.
shine through
figurative (of a quality or skill) be clearly evident〈喻〉(品质, 技能)显露:at Murrayfield his talent shone through.
- (past and past participle shined)with obj. make (an object made of leather, metal, or wood) bright by rubbing it; polish擦亮:
his shoes were shined to perfection.
- a quality of brightness, especially through reflecting light光, 光亮:
a shine of saliva on his chin.
- a high polish or sheen; a luster光泽:
use boot polish to try and get a shine
my hair has lost its shine.
- an act of rubbing something to give it a shiny surface(为使表面发亮而)擦, 磨:
Archie's shoes got a quick shine from a boy with a buffing cloth.
take the shine off
- spoil the brilliance or excitement of使黯然失色; 使失去兴奋:
these concerns are taking the shine off Britain's economic recovery.
take a shine to
- informal develop a liking for〈非正式〉喜欢, 喜爱。