/ˈhæləʊz/- Hallowes, Odette (1912-95), French heroine of the Second World War; born Marie Céline. She worked as a British secret agent in occupied France from 1942 until captured in 1943. Imprisoned for two years, she refused to betray her associates in spite of torture and was awarded the George Cross in 1946.哈洛斯, 奥黛特(1912-1995, 第二次世界大战中的法国女英雄, 出生名玛丽·塞利娜, 自1942年起作为英国特工在法国被占区工作, 1943年被捕, 被监禁两年, 在刑讯之下仍拒绝供出共事者, 1946年被授予乔治十字勋章)。