Grand Prix
(pl. Grands Prix.读音同)
1- an important sporting event in which participants compete for a major prize(体育)大奖赛。
- any of a series of motor-racing or motorcycling contests forming part of a world championship series, held in various countries under international rules(根据国际规则在多个国家举行的, 由一系列汽车赛或摩托车赛组成的)国际汽车大奖赛。
- (全称Grand Prix de Paris)an international horse race for three-year-olds, founded in 1863 and run annually in June at Longchamps, Paris巴黎大赛马(创始于1863年, 参赛马马龄为3岁的国际赛马, 每年6月在巴黎隆尚举行)。
mid 19th cent.: French, literally'great or chief prize'.