/ˈhæsɪdɪzəm/(亦作Chasidism, Chassidism, 或Hassidism)
mass noun
- a mystical Jewish movement founded in Poland in the 18th century in reaction to the rigid academicism of rabbinical Judaism. The movement declined sharply in the 19th century, but fundamentalist communities developed from it, and Hasidism is still influential in Jewish life, particularly in Israel and New York.哈西德主义(18世纪发端于波兰的神秘主义犹太宗教运动, 反对拉比犹太教死板的传统, 19世纪时该运动急剧衰落, 但形成了一些原教旨主义社团; 哈西德主义在犹太人生活仍具影响, 在以色列和纽约尤其如此)。