释义 |
Grimaldi1, Francesco Maria (1618-63), Italian physicist and astronomer, who discovered the diffraction of light and verified Galileo's law of the uniform acceleration of falling bodies. 格里马尔迪, 弗朗西斯科·玛丽亚(1618-1663, 意大利物理学家、天文学家, 发现了光的衍射, 并证实了伽利略的自由落体加速度相同的定律)。
Grimaldi2, Joseph (1779-1837), English circus entertainer, who created the role of the circus clown. He performed at Covent Garden, where he became famous for his acrobatic skills. 格里马尔迪, 约瑟夫(1779-1837, 英格兰马戏团演员, 创造了马戏团小丑这一角色, 在科文特加登剧院表演, 因其出色的杂技水平而闻名)。