slipped, slipping
- no obj.(of a person or animal) slide unintentionally for a short distance, typically losing one's balance or footing(人, 动物)失足, 跌跤, 滑倒:
I slipped over on the ice
he kept slipping in the mud.
- with adverbial of direction(of a thing) accidentally slide or move out of position or from someone's grasp(物)滑落, 脱落:
the envelope slipped through Luke's fingers
a wisp of hair had slipped down over her face.
- fail to grip or make proper contact with a surface滑行; 打滑:
the front wheels began to slip
as adj. slipping a badly slipping clutch.严重打滑的离合器。
- with adverbial of direction go or move quietly or quickly, without attracting notice悄悄地移动:
we slipped out by a back door.
- pass or change to a lower, worse, or different condition, typically in a gradual or imperceptible way(逐渐地或不知不觉地)下降, 下跌:
many people feel standards have slipped
with complement the bank's shares slipped 1.5p to 227 p.银行的股票下跌了1.5便士, 跌至227便士。
be slipping
informal be behaving in a way that is not up to one's usual level of performance〈非正式〉变坏, 变差:you're slipping, Doyle - you need a holiday.
你不如过去了, 道尔, 你需要休假。
slip away/by
(of time) elapse(时间)过去; 逝去:the night was slipping away.
- with obj. and adverbial of direction put (something) in a particular place or position quietly, quickly, or stealthily迅速放置(某物); 偷偷塞; 悄悄给:
she slipped the map into her pocket
with two objs I slipped him a tenner to keep quiet.我悄悄塞给他一张十英镑钞票, 让他闭嘴。
slip into/out of
put on or take off (a garment) quickly and easily迅速穿上或脱下(衣服)。
slip something in
insert a remark smoothly or adroitly into a conversation巧妙插话。
- with obj. escape or get loose from (a means of restraint)逃离, 脱离; 解开(结):
the giant balloon slipped its moorings.
- no obj.
slip out
(of a remark) be uttered inadvertently(话)无意中讲出; 泄露。
- (of a thought or fact) fail to be remembered by (one's mind or memory); elude (one's notice)(想法, 事实)被遗忘; 被忽略:
a beautiful woman's address was never likely to slip his mind.
- release (an animal, typically a hunting dog) from restraint放开, 放出(动物, 尤指猎狗)。
- Knitting move (a stitch) to the other needle without knitting it【编织】挑过一针不结。
- release (the clutch of a motor vehicle) slightly or for a moment略微(或暂时)松动(汽车离合器)。
- (of an animal) produce (dead young) prematurely; abort(动物)不足月产下(死胎); 流产。
- an act of sliding unintentionally for a short distance失足; 滑倒:
a single slip could send them plummeting down the mountainside.
- a fall to a lower level or standard下降, 下跌:
a continued slip in house prices.
- mass noun relative movement of an object or surface and a solid surface in contact with it滑动。
- a reduction in the movement of a pulley or other mechanism due to slipping of the belt, rope, etc.(滑轮或其他装置因皮带、绳索打滑而导致的)转差, 空转。
- a sideways movement of an aircraft in flight, typically downwards towards the centre of curvature of a turn(飞机飞行中的)侧滑。
- mass noun Geology the extent of relative horizontal displacement of corresponding points on either side of a fault plane【地质】滑移; 滑距。
- a minor or careless mistake疏漏; 差错:
the judge made a slip in his summing up.
- a loose-fitting garment, typically a short petticoat宽松衣服(尤指短衬裙):
a silk slip
as modifier a slip dress.背带式长衬裙。
- Cricket a fielding position (often one of two or more in an arc) close behind the batsman on the off side, for catching balls edged by the batsman【板球】(三柱门右侧稍后方)防守位置:
he was caught in the slips for 32
King is at first slip.
- a fielder at this position位于三柱门右侧的守场员。
- (常作slips)a leash which enables a dog to be released quickly.(可迅速解开的)牵狗皮带(或绳索)。
- Knitting short for SLIP STITCH.【编织】SLIP STITCH的简称:
one colour at a time should be knitted in striped slip.
give someone the slip
- informal evade or escape from someone〈非正式〉避开某人; 甩掉某人。
let something slip
- reveal something inadvertently in the course of a conversation无意中讲出:
with clause Clive had let slip he was married.克莱夫无意中说出他已经结婚了。
- archaic release a hound from the leash so as to begin the chase〈古〉放开(狗的绳索):
let slip the dogs of war.
let something slip through one's fingers(或grasp)
- lose hold or possession of something对…失控; 失去。
slip of the pen(或the tongue)
- a minor mistake in writing (or speech)笔误; 口误。
slip through the net
- 见NET1.
there's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip
- proverb many things can go wrong between the start of a project and its completion; nothing is certain until it has happened〈谚〉杯到嘴边还会失手(指万事难以十拿九稳, 事情往往功败垂成)。
slip away
- die peacefully (used euphemistically)〈婉〉安详地死去:
he lay there and quietly slipped away.
他静静地躺在那儿, 安详地去世了。
slip something over on
- informal, dated take advantage of (someone) by trickery〈非正式, 旧〉欺骗; 蒙骗。
slip up
- informal make a careless error〈非正式〉出差错:
they often slipped up when it came to spelling.
一到拼写, 他们就经常出差错。
- a small piece of paper, typically a form for writing on or one giving printed information纸条, 纸片:
his monthly salary slip
complete the tear-off slip below.
- Printing a printer's proof on a long piece of paper; a galley proof【印刷】长条校样。
- a long, narrow strip of a thin material such as wood片条; 板条。
- a cutting taken from a plant for grafting or planting; a scion接枝; 插枝。
a slip of a -
- used to denote a small, slim person瘦小的:
you are little more than a slip of a girl.