/ʃəˈvuːəs/(亦作 Shavuot)
- a major Jewish festival held on the 6th (and usually the 7th) of Sivan, fifty days after the second day of Passover. It was originally a harvest festival, but now also commemorates the giving of the Law (the Torah).(犹太人的)五旬节, 七七节, 收获节(犹太教历息汪月的第6日[通常第7日], 即逾越节之后的50天举行, 原先是一个收获的节日, 但现在也用以纪念传授《律法书》[摩西五经])。亦称PENTECOST, FEAST OF WEEKS.
from Hebrew šāḇū'ōṯ 'weeks', with reference to the weeks between Passover and Pentecost.