- with two objs freely transfer the possession of (something) to (someone); hand over to给; 递给:
they gave her water to drink
the cheque given to the jeweller proved worthless
经验证, 给珠宝商的支票一文不值
with obj. he gave the papers back.他将论文交回。
- administer (medicine)给(病人)服用(药物):
she was given antibiotics.
- hand over (an amount) in exchange or payment; pay买; 支付:
how much did you give for that?
- with obj. used hyperbolically to express how greatly one wants to have or do something[用于夸张, 表示非常想要某物]放弃; 付出:
I'd give anything for a cup of tea
只要有杯茶, 让我干什么都行
I'd give my right arm to be in Othello.
只要让我参加演《奥赛罗》, 我断只胳膊都愿意。
- with obj. commit, consign, or entrust交给, 委托, 托付:
a baby given into their care by the accident of her birth.
- freely devote, set aside, or sacrifice for a purpose(为某一目标)付出; 献出; 牺牲:
all who have given thought to the matter agree
no obj. group committees who give so generously of their time and effort.慷慨付出了时间和精力的各社团委员会。
- with obj.(of a man) sanction the marriage of (his daughter) to someone(父亲)同意(女儿)嫁给:
he gave her in marriage to an English noble.
give oneself to
dated (of a woman) consent to have sexual intercourse with (a man)〈旧〉(女子)委身于(男子)。
- with two objs cause or allow (someone or something) to have (something, especially something abstract); provide or supply with使有(某种感觉); 提供:
you gave me such a fright
with obj. this leaflet gives our opening times.这本小册子提供了我们的营业时间。
- provide (love, affection, or other emotional support)给予(爱、关爱等感情支持):
his parents gave him the encouragement he needed to succeed
as adj. giving he was very giving and supportive.他充满爱心, 乐于助人。
- allow (someone) to have (a specified amount of time) for an activity or undertaking给(某人)规定(或限定)时间:
give me a second to bring the car around
with obj. I'll give you until tomorrow morning.我只能宽限你到明天上午。
- pass on (an illness or infection) to (someone)将(病害)传(染)给:
I hope I don't give you my cold.
- communicate or impart (a message) to (someone)转达(或传递)(信息)给(某人):
give my love to all the girls.
- usu. in imperative make a connection to allow (someone) to speak to (someone else) on the telephone接通(电话):
give me the police.
- with obj. carry out or perform (a specified action)做(指明的动作):
I gave a bow
with two objs he gave the counter a polish.他擦亮了柜台。
- utter or produce (a sound)发出(声响):
he gave a gasp.
- present (an appearance or impression)表现, 呈现(外表, 印象):
he gave no sign of life.
- provide (a party or social meal) as host or hostess(作为主人)举办(舞会, 宴会):
a dinner given in honour of an American diplomat
with two objs Korda gave him a leaving party.科达为他举办了饯别晚会。
- with obj. yield as a product or result产出:
milk is sometimes added to give a richer cheese.
- with obj.
give something off/out/forth
emit odour, vapour, or similar substances散发(气味、蒸汽等): it can be burnt without giving off toxic fumes.
- concede or yield (something) as valid or deserved in respect of (someone)给予(某人)应得的(某物); 承认(某事)适用于(某人):
give him his due.
- allot or assign (a score) to给…打(分):
I gave it five out of ten.
如果满分是十分, 我给它打五分。
give something for
place a specified value on (something)为(某物)设定价置:he never gave anything for French painting or for abstraction.
- sentence (someone) to (a specified penalty)判决(某人)受(指明的处罚):
for the first offence I was given a fine.
- with obj. and complement(of an umpire or referee) declare whether or not (a player) is out or offside(裁判)宣布(运动员)是否出局(或越位):
Gooch was given out, caught behind.
古奇被判出局, 他是从背后被发现犯规的。
- with obj. adjudicate that (a goal) has been legitimately scored裁定(进球)有效。
- with obj. state or put forward (information or argument)说出(或提出)(情况, 论点):
he did not give his name.
- pledge or assign as a guarantee保证; 担保:
with two objs I give you my word.我向你保证。
- with two objs, usu. with negative say to (someone) as an excuse or inappropriate answer(作为借口、托辞)而说; (答非所问地)说:
don't give me any of your backchat.
- deliver (a judgement) authoritatively作出(权威性判断):
I gave my verdict.
- informal predict that (an activity, undertaking, or relationship) will last no longer than (a specified time)〈非正式〉预言(某种情况)不会持续到超过(所指明的时间):
this is a place that will not improve with time - I give it three weeks.
- no obj. informal tell what one knows〈非正式〉说出所知道的事:
okay, give - what's that all about?
好, 说吧, 这一切究竟是怎么回事?
- no obj. alter in shape under pressure rather than resist or break(在压力下)变形:
that chair doesn't give.
- yield or give way to pressure让步, 屈服于压力:
the heavy door didn't give until the fifth push
figurative 〈喻〉when two people who don't get on are thrust together, something's got to give.
要是两个合不来的人被强拉在一起, 彼此总得做些让步。
- no obj. N. Amer. informal concede defeat; surrender〈北美, 非正式〉认输; 投降:
I give!
- capacity to bend or alter in shape under pressure; elasticity(在压力下)弯曲或变形的能力; 弹性:
plastic pots that have enough give to accommodate the vigorous roots.
- figurative ability to adapt or comply; flexibility〈喻〉适应(或顺应)能力; 灵活性:
there is no give at all in the British position.
give oneself airs
- act pretentiously or snobbishly装腔作势; 摆架子。
give and take
- mutual concessions and compromises相互让步, 妥协。
- as verb make concessions and compromises做出让步, 妥协。
give as good as one gets
- respond with equal force or vehemence when attacked针锋相对, 以牙还牙。
give the game(或 show)away
- inadvertently reveal something secret or concealed(无意中)泄露秘密(或暴露隐情)。
give it to someone
- informal scold or punish someone〈非正式〉斥责(或惩罚)某人。
give me -
- I prefer or admire -我宁愿要(或更喜欢); 我想要(或喜欢):
give me the mainland any day!
不论怎样, 我都宁愿选择大陆!
give me a break
- informal used to express exasperation, protest, or disbelief〈非正式〉别烦我(表示恼怒、抗议或不信)。
give someone one
- Brit. vulgar slang (of a man) have sexual intercourse with a woman〈英, 粗俚〉(男子)与女子性交。
give or take -
- informal to within - (used to express the degree or accuracy of a figure)〈非正式〉[用于表示某一数字的准确程度]相差不会超过, 出入至多为:
three hundred and fifty years ago, give or take a few.
350年前, 估计相差至多只有几年。
- apart from除…之外:
it's a process that runs fairly smoothly, give or take the occasional glitch.
除了偶尔的小故障, 这套工序运转相当平稳。
give rise to
- cause or induce to happen引起; 导致:
decisions which give rise to arguments.
give someone to understand(或 believe 或 know)
- inform someone in a formal and rather indirect way(正式而间接)通知(某人):
I was given to understand that I had been invited.
give up the ghost
give someone what for
- informal, chiefly Brit. punish or scold someone severely〈非正式, 主英〉(严厉)惩罚(或斥责)某人。
I give you -
- used to present a speaker or entertainer or when making a toast(用来请出讲话人或表演者, 或用于祝酒时)有请:
for your entertainment this evening I give you ... Mister Albert DeNero!
为给大家今晚助兴, 有请…艾伯特·德尼罗先生!
not give a damn (或 hoot等)
- informal not care at all〈非正式〉毫不在乎:
people who don't give a damn about the environment.
what gives?
- informal what's the news?; what's happening? (frequently used as a friendly greeting)〈非正式〉有什么消息吗?近来怎么样啊?(常用作招呼语)
noungive someone away
- reveal the true identity of someone暴露某人的真实身份:
his strangely shaped feet gave him away.
- reveal information which incriminates someone透露使某人涉嫌犯罪的情况。
- hand over a bride ceremonially to her bridegroom as part of a wedding ceremony将新娘正式托付给新郎(婚礼的一个部分)。
give something away
- reveal something secret or concealed泄密; 暴露隐情。
- (in sport) concede a goal or advantage to the opposition, especially through careless play(尤指体育比赛时不慎失误)使对方进球, 丧失优势。
- Austral./NZ stop doing something〈澳/新西兰〉停止做某事:
he'd given away some of the things he got up to.
give in
- cease fighting or arguing; yield; surrender停止争斗(或争辩); 屈服; 投降:
he reluctantly gave in to the pressure.
give something in
- Brit. hand in a completed document to an official or a piece of work to a supervisor〈英〉(向官员)呈交(完成的文件), (向主管)交回(完成的任务)。
give on to(或 into)
- Brit. (of a window, door, corridor, etc.) overlook or lead into〈英〉(窗户、门或走廊等)俯瞰; 面向, 通往:
a plate glass window gave on to the roof.
give out
- be completely used up完全用光:
her energy was on the verge of giving out.
- stop functioning; break down停止运转; 垮掉:
he curses and swears till his voice gives out.
- Irish speak in an angry or scolding way〈爱尔兰〉怒斥; 责骂:
the woman began giving out to poor Paddy.
give something out
- distribute or broadcast something分发; 宣布, 公布:
I've been giving out leaflets
(give out) I've told the girls to give out that we've gone fishing.
give over
- often in imperative Brit. informal stop doing something〈英, 非正式〉停止做某事。
- used to express vehement disagreement or denial表示强烈的不同意或否认:
I suggested her salary might be £100,000. 'Give over!'
give up
- cease making an effort; resign oneself to failure放弃努力; 认输。
give it up
- usu. in imperative US informal applaud a performer or entertainer〈美, 非正式〉(为表演者)鼓掌喝彩。
give oneself up(或 over)to
- allow oneself to be taken over by (an emotion or addiction)使(自己)陷入(某种感情); 使(自己)沉溺于…:
he gave himself up to pleasure.
give someone up
- deliver a wanted person to authority将被通缉者送交当局:
a voice told him to come out and give himself up.
- stop hoping that someone is still going to arrive不再指望某人会来:
oh, it's you - we'd almost given you up.
啊, 是你——我们差点儿以为你不会来了。
- pronounce a sick person incurable宣布病人不可治愈。
give something up
- part with something that one would prefer to keep忍痛牺牲, 割爱:
she would have given up everything for love.
- stop the habitual doing or consuming of something戒除, 戒掉:
I've decided to give up drinking.
give up on
- stop having faith or belief in不再相信, 不再信任:
they weren't about to give up on their heroes so easily.