释义 |
N43742265(gibbon)Spoken.26Fiction.73Magazine.74Newspaper.21Academic.71Gibbon1, Edward (1737-94), English historian. He is best known for his multi-volume work The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776-88), chapters of which aroused controversy for their critical account of the spread of Christianity. 吉本, 爱德华(1737-1794, 英国历史学家, 最著名的作品是多卷本《罗马帝国衰亡史》[1776-1788], 其中几章因对基督教的传播有所批评而引起争议)。
Gibbon2, Lewis Grassic(1901-35), Scottish writer; pseudonym of James Leslie Mitchell. From 1927 his short stories were regularly published in the Cornhill Magazine, and his novels include the trilogy A Scots Quair (1932-4). 吉本, 刘易斯·格拉西克(1901-1935, 苏格兰作家, 原名詹姆斯·莱斯利·米切尔, 1927年起他的短篇小说就定期发表在《康希尔杂志》上, 包括三部曲《苏格兰书》[1932-1934])。